Jonathan C. Pettibone, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2000 | University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC |
Social Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Cognitive PsychologyGoogle:
"Jonathan Pettibone"Mean distance: 30533.1
Sign in to add mentorDouglas H. Wedell | grad student | 2000 | University of South Carolina | |
(Multiple pathways for contextual recruitment in social judgment.) |
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Trueblood JS, Pettibone JC. (2015) The Phantom Decoy Effect in Perceptual Decision Making Journal of Behavioral Decision Making |
Smith JA, Pomerantz AM, Pettibone JC, et al. (2012) When Does a Professional Relationship with a Psychologist Begin? An Empirical Investigation Ethics & Behavior. 22: 208-217 |
Berghoff CR, Pomerantz AM, Pettibone JC, et al. (2012) The Relationship Between Experiential Avoidance and Impulsiveness in a Nonclinical Sample Behaviour Change. 29: 25-35 |
Wozenilek AC, Pomerantz AM, Pettibone JC, et al. (2011) When Clients No-Show: An Empirical Analogue Study of Psychologists’ Response Strategies Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy. 42: 87-92 |
Hambrick DZ, Meinz EJ, Pink JE, et al. (2010) Learning outside the laboratory: Ability and non-ability influences on acquiring political knowledge Learning and Individual Differences. 20: 40-45 |
Gregory C, Pomerantz AM, Pettibone JC, et al. (2008) The effect of psychologists’ disclosure of personal religious background on prospective clients Mental Health, Religion & Culture. 11: 369-373 |
Hambrick DZ, Pink JE, Meinz EJ, et al. (2008) The roles of ability, personality, and interests in acquiring current events knowledge: A longitudinal study Intelligence. 36: 261-278 |
Munge BA, Pomerantz AM, Pettibone JC, et al. (2007) The influence of length of marriage and fidelity status on perception of marital rape. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 22: 1332-9 |
Pettibone JC, Wedell DH. (2007) Of gnomes and leprechauns: the recruitment of recent and categorical contexts in social judgment. Acta Psychologica. 125: 361-89 |
Pettibone JC, Wedell DH. (2007) Testing alternative explanations of phantom decoy effects Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. 20: 323-341 |