Kim P. Corfman

New York University, Graduate School of Business Administration 
Marketing Business Administration, Behavioral Psychology
"Kim Corfman"
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Lee-Wingate SN, Corfman KP. (2011) The effect of consumer emotional disclosure on fairness perceptions Psychology & Marketing. 28: 897-908
Raghunathan R, Corfman K. (2006) Is happiness shared doubled and sadness shared halved? Social influence on enjoyment of hedonic experiences Journal of Marketing Research. 43: 386-394
Raghunathan R, Pham MT, Corfman KP. (2006) Informational properties of anxiety and sadness, and displaced coping Journal of Consumer Research. 32: 596-601
Raghunathan R, Corfman KP. (2004) Sadness as pleasure-seeking prime and anxiety as attentiveness prime: The "Different Affect-Different Effect" (DADE) model Motivation and Emotion. 28: 23-41
Raghubir P, Corfman K. (1999) When do price promotions affect pretrial brand evaluations? Journal of Marketing Research. 36: 211-222
Huber J, Lynch J, Corfman K, et al. (1997) Thinking About Values in Prospect and Retrospect: Maximizing Experienced Utility Marketing Letters. 8: 323-334
Corfman KP, Kahn BE. (1995) The influence of member heterogeneity on dyad judgment: Are two heads better than one? Marketing Letters. 6: 23-32
Corfman KP, Lehmann DR. (1994) The prisoner’s dilemma and the role of information in setting advertising budgets Journal of Advertising. 23: 35-48
Boulding W, Moore MC, Staelin R, et al. (1994) Understanding managers' strategic decision-making process Marketing Letters. 5: 413-426
Corfman KP, Lehmann DR. (1993) The Importance of Others' Welfare in Evaluating Bargaining Outcomes Journal of Consumer Research. 20: 124-137
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