Robert Dahlstrom

University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 
Marketing Business Administration, Social Psychology
"Robert Dahlstrom"
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Crosno J, Dahlstrom R, Friend SB. (2020) Assessments of equivocal salesperson behavior and their influences on the quality of buyer-seller relationships Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management. 40: 161-179
Grewal R, Saini A, Kumar A, et al. (2018) Marketing Channel Management by Multinational Corporations in Foreign Markets Journal of Marketing. 82: 49-69
Burki U, Ersoy P, Dahlstrom R. (2018) Achieving triple bottom line performance in manufacturer-customer supply chains: Evidence from an emerging economy Journal of Cleaner Production. 197: 1307-1316
Burki U, Dahlstrom R. (2017) Mediating effects of green innovations on interfirm cooperation Australasian Marketing Journal (Amj). 25: 149-156
Dahlstrom R, Nygaard A. (2016) The Psychology of Co‐Branding Alliances: The Business‐to‐Business Relationship Outcomes of Role Stress Psychology & Marketing. 33: 267-282
Crosno JL, Dahlstrom R, Manolis C. (2015) Comply or defy? An empirical investigation of change requests in buyer-supplier relationships Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing. 30: 688-699
Utgård J, Nygaard A, Dahlstrom R. (2015) Franchising, local market characteristics and alcohol sales to minors Journal of Business Research. 68: 2117-2124
Dahlstrom R, Nygaard A, Kimasheva M, et al. (2014) How to recover trust in the banking industry? A game theory approach to empirical analyses of bank and corporate customer relationships International Journal of Bank Marketing. 32: 268-278
Sivadas E, Kleiser SB, Kellaris J, et al. (2013) Moral Philosophy, Ethical Evaluations, and Sales Manager Hiring Intentions Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management. 23: 7-21
Flaherty TB, Dahlstrom R, Skinner SJ. (2013) Organizational Values and Role Stress as Determinants of Customer-Oriented Selling Performance Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management. 19: 1-18
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