Jody L. Crosno, Ph.D.

2007 University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 
Marketing Business Administration
"Jody Crosno"
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Robert Dahlstrom grad student 2007 University of Kentucky
 (Managing active and passive opportunism: The role of perceived justice in marketing channels.)
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Crosno J, Dahlstrom R, Friend SB. (2020) Assessments of equivocal salesperson behavior and their influences on the quality of buyer-seller relationships Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management. 40: 161-179
Brown JR, Crosno JL, Liu Y, et al. (2020) Relationship satisfaction: An overlooked marketing channel safeguard Industrial Marketing Management. 87: 171-180
Brown JR, Crosno JL. (2019) Process and output control in marketing channels: toward understanding their heterogeneous effects Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing. 34: 735-753
Brown JR, Crosno JL, Tong PY. (2019) Is the theory of trust and commitment in marketing relationships incomplete Industrial Marketing Management. 77: 155-169
Crosno JL, Cui AP. (2018) Something old, something new: the role of partitioned pricing in consumers’ preference for new versus used products Journal of Consumer Marketing. 35: 353-365
Crosno JL, Tong PY. (2018) Just going through the motions? An empirical investigation of control, compliance, and performance in franchisor-franchisee relationships Journal of Business Research. 92: 360-373
Brown JR, Weaven SK, Dant RP, et al. (2016) Boosting the effectiveness of channel governance options: The moderationing role of relational norms European Journal of Marketing. 50: 29-57
Crosno JL, Dahlstrom RF. (2016) An Empirical Investigation of Bilateral Investments and Opportunism in Buyer-Supplier Relationships Journal of Marketing Channels. 23: 146-156
Tong PY, Crosno JL. (2016) Are information asymmetry and sharing good, bad, or context dependent? A meta-analytic review Industrial Marketing Management. 56: 167-180
Crosno JL, Dahlstrom R, Manolis C. (2015) Comply or defy? An empirical investigation of change requests in buyer-supplier relationships Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing. 30: 688-699
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