A Ralph Hakstian
Affiliations: | University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Vancouver, BC, Canada |
Clinical PsychologyGoogle:
"A Hakstian"Mean distance: 26716.5
Sign in to add traineeKimberley Barchard | grad student | UBC | |
Dana S. Thordarson | grad student | 2000 | UBC |
Kimberly A. Barchard | grad student | 2001 | UBC |
Seonaid Farrell | grad student | 2004 | UBC |
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Hakstian AR, Ng E. (2005) Employment-Related Motivational Distortion: Its Nature, Measurement, and Reduction Educational and Psychological Measurement. 65: 405-441 |
Barchard KA, Hakstian AR. (2004) The nature and measurement of emotional intelligence abilities: Basic dimensions and their relationships with other cognitive ability and personality variables Educational and Psychological Measurement. 64: 437-462 |
Hakstian AR, Farrell S, Tweed RG. (2002) The assessment of counterproductive tendencies by means of the California psychological inventory International Journal of Selection and Assessment. 10: 58-86 |
Hakstian AR, Farrell S. (2001) An openness scale for the California Psychological Inventory. Journal of Personality Assessment. 76: 107-34 |
Scratchley LS, Hakstian AR. (2001) The Measurement and Prediction of Managerial Creativity Creativity Research Journal. 13: 367-384 |
Farrell S, Hakstian AR. (2001) Improving salesforce performance: A meta-analytic investigation of the effectiveness and utility of personnel selection procedures and training interventions Psychology and Marketing. 18: 281-316 |
Hakstian AR, Barchard KA. (2000) Toward More Robust Inferential Procedures for Coefficient Alpha Under Sampling of Both Subjects and Conditions. Multivariate Behavioral Research. 35: 427-56 |
Barchard KA, Hakstian AR. (1997) The Robustness of Confidence Intervals for Coefficient Alpha Under Violation of the Assumption of Essential Parallelism. Multivariate Behavioral Research. 32: 169-91 |
Barchard KA, Hakstian AR. (1997) The effects of sampling model on inference with coefficient alpha Educational and Psychological Measurement. 57: 893-905 |
Hakstian AR, Scratchley LS. (1997) In-Basket Assessment by Fully Objective Methods: Development and Evaluation of a Self-Report System Educational and Psychological Measurement. 57: 607-630 |