University of British Columbia, Vancouver

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Trudy J. AdamNeuroscience Biology, Audiology2000 Paul G. Finlayson (grad student)
Paul J. AdamsVoltage-gated Calcium Channels20042010 Terrance P. Snutch (grad student)
Soyon Ahnmemory, motivation2001 Anthony Phillips (grad student)
Kee-Chan AhnNeuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders
Lynn AldenEducational Psychology Education
Emilyn Alejandro James D. Johnson (grad student)
Douglas W. AllanNeuronal termination differentiation
Susan E. Allen
Sascha R.A. AllesChronic pain, sensory neurons, electrophysiology, nociception, ion channels Michael Smith Laboratories20162017 Terry P. Snutch (post-doc)
Douglas L. Altshuleranimal flight, biomechanics, motor control, visual guidance, visual neuroscience
Lesley AndresHigher Education, Social Psychology
Matthew E. ArnegardSpeciation in electric fish
Maria M Arredondobilingualism, language acquisition Janet F. Werker (post-doc)
Marla ArvayGuidance and Counseling Education, Cognitive Psychology
Edmund Audevelopment, interneurons, psychiatric illness Zoology A Jane Roskams (grad student)
Vanessa J AuldGlial development
Erin L. AustenVision2003 James T. Enns (grad student)
Anthony J. BaileyAutism
Corey Baimel Stephanie L. Borgland (grad student)
Hitasha Bajaj2022 Kiran K. Soma (grad student)
Milena I. BaldaufNeurosciences20232023 Mark S. Cembrowski (grad student)
Shernaz Xerxes Bamjisynapse, adhesion molecules Louis F. Reichardt (post-doc)
Dawn H. BarbeyGuidance and Counseling Education, Industrial Psychology2001 William Borgen (grad student)
Kimberly A. BarchardCognitive Psychology, Personality Psychology2001 A Ralph Hakstian (grad student)
Kimberley BarchardExperimental Psychology A Ralph Hakstian (grad student)
Cindy K Barha Liisa Galea (grad student)
Jennifer Barker20042009 Liisa Galea (grad student)
Steven J. Barnesbiopsychology, epilepsy, kindling2005 John PJ Pinel (grad student)
Agnes Baross-FrancisGenetics2000 Frank Jirik (grad student)
Alasdair M. Barrmemory, motivation2001 Anthony Phillips (grad student)
Thomas E. Bartlett Yu Tian Wang (post-doc)
Jason J.S. BartonVision
Mark Beauchamp
Richard J. BeningerDopamine, reward, incentive learning Anthony Phillips (post-doc)
Leah R. BentNeuroscience Biology, Animal Physiology Biology2002 Bradford J. McFadyen (grad student)
Gillian V. BickertonSciences Education, Developmental Psychology2001 Marion Porath (grad student)
John T. BinfetEducational Psychology Education, Developmental Psychology, Behavioral Psychology2000 Kim Schonert-Reichl (grad student)
Brenda BinghamNeuroendocrinology20052012 Victor Viau (grad student)
Angela R. Birt2001 Peter Graf (grad student)
Charles D. Blaha19861989 Anthony Phillips (post-doc)
Timothy J. BlancheVisual cortex Nicholas V. Swindale (grad student)
Tamara S. BodnarFASD and the neuroimmune system Joanne Weinberg (grad student)
Tamara S Bonder
Jennifer BonnerAxon Guidance, Zebrafish Development2001 Timothy P. O'Connor (grad student)
Joyce A. BoonZoology Biology, Neuroscience Biology2005 W K. Milsom (grad student)
Rudy Boonstra Dennis Chitty (grad student), Charles J. Krebs (grad student)
William BorgenGuidance and Counseling Education, Industrial Psychology
Stephanie L. BorglandAddiction, Obesity, Synaptic plasticity2008 Nicole M. Vittoz (collaborator)
Jaimie F. Borisoffspinal cord injury2002 John Steeves (grad student)
Ido S. BornsteinNeuroscience
Alexandre Bouchard-Cotemachine learning
Emmanuel Bourinetcalcium channels19921996 Terrance P. Snutch (post-doc)
Jamie BoydTwo-photon microscopy
Karen Brebner20012005 Anthony Phillips (post-doc)
Cornelis v. BreemenPharmacology, Neuroscience Biology, Cell Biology
Allison A. Brennanvisual attention James T. Enns (grad student)
Aenne A. Brielmann Miriam Spering (grad student)
Brianna Nicole Bristow Cellular & Physiological Sciences2022 Mark S. Cembrowski (grad student)
Lori A. Brottoneuroendocrinology, sexual behaviour, serotonin2003 Boris B. Gorzalka (grad student)
John C. BrownPeptide Hormones
Craig E. Brownneural and vascular plasticity, stroke, diabetes20052009 Timothy H. Murphy (post-doc)
Susanne BrummelteDevelopment, Neuroendocrinology, stress20102010 Liisa Galea (post-doc), Gertraud Teuchert-Noodt (grad student), Ruth E. Grunau (post-doc), Tim F. Oberlander (post-doc)
Janaina Brusco Kurt Haas (post-doc)
Fred L. Bunnell
Carol A. BuoteSecondary Education, Educational Psychology Education, Developmental Psychology2000 Kimberly A. Schonert-Reichl (grad student)
Deborah L. ButlerEducational Psychology Education, Clinical Psychology, Mental Health, Special Education
Melanie ButtCognitive Psychology Psychology2021 Todd C. Handy (grad student)
Noam N. ButterfieldPharmacology, Gerontology, Medicine and Surgery2004 Bernard A. MacLeod (grad student)
Krista Byers-HeinleinLanguage acquisition, bilingualism20032010 Janet F. Werker (grad student)
Shaina Cahillghrelin, learning, memory2013 Jason S. Snyder (grad student), Matthew R. Holahan (grad student)
Donald Peter Cainneural plasticity; learning; memory19741976 Juhn Atsushi Wada (post-doc)
Stuart M. Cain
Kim J. CalderBilingual and Multicultural Education2003 Deborah L. Butler (grad student)
Regan Emily CampbellHippocampus, computational neuroscience Department of Cellular and Physiological Sciences20222027 Mark S. Cembrowski (grad student)
Anna Cantor Stan Floresco (grad student)
Patrick Carrierbehavioral ecology2003 Charles J. Krebs (grad student)
Jeffrey B. Carroll
Tracy Cassels Scott R. Carlson (grad student)
Mark S. Cembrowskilearning & memory, hippocampus
Allen W. Chan Timothy H. Murphy (post-doc), Yu Tian Wang (post-doc)
Alice S. Chang Faculty of Forestry2004 Roy Timothy (Tim) Patterson (grad student)
Thierry D. Charlier20052007 Kiran K. Soma (post-doc)
Balwantray C. ChauhanExperimental optic neuropathy, glia-neuron interaction, endothelin Stephen M. Drance (post-doc)
Yi Che20052007 Yuanye Ma (grad student)
Simon ChenNeuroscience, neuroligin, dendritic morphology Kurt Haas (grad student)
Jingyun ChenBrain Morphometry, Realtime fMRI Network Analysis Martin J. McKeown (grad student)
Frances S. Chen
Kimberley Cheng
Vincent Chi Kwan Cheungmotor control19992000 Robert M. Miura (research assistant), Ernest Puil (research assistant)
Eunice H. Chin20042006 Kiran K. Soma (grad student)
Sagar Chittori Program in Cryo-EM Guided Drug Design Mark L. Mayer (grad student)
Taesup ChoSynaptic plasticiy and adult neurogenesis2004 Yu Tian Wang (grad student), Maina Amin (grad student)
Hyun B ChoiNeuroscience, Brain metabolism Brian A. Macvicar (grad student)
Fiona ChoiAddictions
Hiu Mei ChowMultisensory perception
Eric Chu2016 Paul Pavlidis (grad student)
Leo J. ChungEpigenetics, Gut Microbiome, Neurological Disorders
John ChurchNeuroscience, Ion transport, Stroke
Annie Vogel Cierniamicroglia, epigenetics, neuroinflammation, gene expression regulation, neurodevelopment, Autism
Valter Ciocca
Daemon L ClineDiabetes, Obesity, Appetite, Neuroendocrinology
Sarah J. CockellClinical Psychology2000 Wolfgang Linden (grad student)
Chantelle M Cocquytemotional memory, episodic memory Psychology2019 Daniela J. Palombo (grad student)
Sara Colalillo Psychology Charlotte Johnston (grad student)
Patrick Coleman Kurt Haas (grad student)
Graham L. CollingridgeSynaptic plasticity; Glutamate receptor19811983 Hugh McLennan (post-doc)
Patricia J. ConrodClinical Psychology, Public Health, Behavioral Psychology
Christopher Conway Kurt Haas (post-doc)
Barry S. CooperExperimental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology2005 John Yuille (grad student)
Laurent F. CoqueBipolar disorder Catharine A. Winstanley (post-doc)
Jennifer E. CorbettPerceptual organization, perceptual stability, orientation perception, multisensory integration, EEG James T. Enns (grad student), Todd C. Handy (grad student)
Michael Corcoranneural plasticity, kindling, epilepsy, learning and memory Juhn Atsushi Wada (post-doc)
Stanley CorenPerception
Sherryse CorrowInfant Visual Perception Neuroscience20132017 Jason J.S. Barton (post-doc)
David Costalago"Marine ecology", "Trophic ecology", "climate change", "fisheries ecology", "marine mammals"
Charles G. Costello Stanley Jack Rachman (grad student)
Catherine M. CowanNeuroscience Biology2003 A Jane Roskams (grad student)
Ann Marie Craig
Michelle G. CraskeAnxiety1985 Stanley Jack Rachman (grad student)
Christine M. CrowleyPharmacology, Medicine and Surgery, Animal Physiology Biology2002 Cornelis v. Breemen (grad student)
Paul CummingDopamine, Imaging19861991 Steven R. Vincent (grad student)
Max Cynader
Roslyn Dakin
Kirsten A. Dalrympleface perception, neuropsychology, development, vision20042010 Alan F. Kingstone (grad student), Jason J.S. Barton (grad student)
Vivien Dang Annie Vogel Ciernia (grad student)
Michael A. Daniels
Bonita M. DavidsonTests and Measurements Education, Bilingual and Multicultural Education2004 Kadriye Ercikan (grad student)
Jodie Davies-ThompsonVision, fMRI, plasticity, crossmodal, adaptation20102014 Jason J.S. Barton (post-doc)
Mathias DelhayeEpilepsy, Expansion Microscopy, Lattice Lightsheet, proteomic2021 Mark S. Cembrowski (grad student)
Kathryn Dewar Psychology Fei Xu (grad student)
Vince Di Lollo Alex J. Marshall (grad student)
Adele Diamond
Carine DiasMotivation Anthony Phillips (post-doc)
Dara L. DicksteinNeuroscience Biology, Pathology2005 Wilfred A. Jefferies (grad student)
Andrew DimitrijevicEEG, auditory, event related potentials David Stapells (post-doc)
Matthew L. DixonfMRI, cognitive control, reward, decision making, attention, meditation, network neuroscience, prefrontal cortex Psychology Kalina Christoff (grad student)
David N. Dixon
Frederick A. Dobie20042012 Ann Marie Craig (grad student)
Brittany Docolas2023 Kiran K. Soma (grad student)
Antoinette Domingogait, balance, rehabilitation2009 Tania Lam (post-doc)
Zhifang DongLearning and memory20072012 Yu Tian Wang (post-doc)
Chang-Jiang (Charles) Dong2000 Max Cynader (grad student)
Paul Dooley
Katerina Dorovini Zis
Jill Dossoattention, robotics
Ronald A. DovellPublic Health, Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology2001 Lawrence W. Green (grad student)
Pierre Roger Dow
Stephen M. DranceGlaucoma
Blair Duncan Kurt Haas (grad student)
Gregory J. DuncanMyelin Biology, Spinal Cord Injury
Derek DunfieldDevelopment, Experience Driven LTP20042009 Kurt Haas (grad student)
Kate Dunne Mark S. Cembrowski (research assistant)
Richard H. Dyckcerebral cortex, experience-dependent plasticity, regeneration, zinc19891993 Max Cynader (grad student), John R. O'Kusky (grad student)
Peter R. E. CrockerEducational Psychology Education, Recreation, Behavioral Psychology
Brennan Eadie
Mana R. Ehlers Rebecca M. Todd (grad student)
Gotz R. Ehrhardt2001 John W. Schrader (grad student)
Annette Ehrhardt2003 John W. Schrader (grad student)
Alaa El-Din El-HusseiniSynapse development19931997 Steven R. Vincent (grad student)
Damian Octavio EliasCommunication, sound and vibration Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Wayne P. Maddison (post-doc)
Joanne EmermanOncology, Physiological Psychology
James T. EnnsVision19801984 William Prinzmetal (grad student), Joan S. Girgus (grad student)
Jonathan Richard Epplearning, memory, hippocampus, neurogenesis2005 Liisa Galea (grad student)
Kadriye ErcikanTests and Measurements Education, Psychometrics Psychology, Bilingual and Multicultural Education
Carl ErnstNeurogenesis
Sarah R Erwin Cellular and Physiological Sciences2021 Mark S. Cembrowski (grad student)
Erin Falconer Liisa Galea (grad student)
Nader FallahSpinal cord injury, Alzheimer’s disease, healthy aging
Jing FanNMDA receptors, Huntington's disease, excitotoxicity, cell death/survival signaling20042012 Lynn Raymond (grad student)
Xuelai Shelly FanTargeted protein degradation Yu Tian Wang (grad student)
Marjan Farahbod20122019 Paul Pavlidis (grad student)
Seonaid FarrellIndustrial Psychology2004 A Ralph Hakstian (grad student)
Matthew FarrerNeurodegenerative diseases
Jillian H. FecteauVision2002 James T. Enns (grad student)
Michal FedelesTests and Measurements Education, Administration Education2004 Kimberly A. Schonert-Reichl (grad student)
Tanya L Feng Catharine A. Winstanley (research assistant), Julie M. Robillard (research assistant), A Jon Stoessl (research assistant)
Christopher T. Fennellinfant speech perception, developmental psychology, language acquisition2004 Janet F. Werker (grad student)
Karl J. Fernandes2000 Wolfram Tetzlaff (grad student)
Paul G. FinlaysonNeuroscience Biology, Audiology
Brian David Fishervisual cognition
H Dean Fisher
Helen FleisigNeuroscience, Psychiatry2003 Steven R. Vincent (grad student)
Stan Floresco20062000 Anthony Phillips (grad student), Nicole M. Vittoz (collaborator)
H Bobby FokidisNeuroendocrinology, behavior, stress Psychology20112013 Nora H. Prior (collaborator), Kiran K. Soma (post-doc)
Jolande Fookenneuroscience, vision, movement Miriam Spering (grad student)
Afra Foroudmovement, development, infant behaviour20102012 Janet F. Werker (post-doc)
Brandon J. ForysBehavioural modelling, avoidance behaviours, neuroendocrine modelling Psychology Psychology Psychiatry Psychology Psychology20202026 Rebecca M. Todd (research assistant), Kiran K. Soma (research assistant), Timothy H. Murphy (research assistant), Rebecca M. Todd (grad student), Alan F. Kingstone (grad student)
Tom FoulshamEye movements, Visual attention, Scene perception, Social attention Alan F. Kingstone (post-doc)
Joanne A. FoxGenetics2003 Frank Jirik (grad student)
Kieran C.R. Foxmeditation, mind-wandering, dreaming, default network Psychology Kalina Christoff (grad student)
Luigi G. FranciosiPharmacology2003 Bernard A. MacLeod (grad student)
Steven L. Franconeri20042006 James T. Enns (post-doc)
Ian M. FranksExperimental Psychology, Neuroscience Biology, Physiological Psychology
Karl John Fristoncognitive neuroscience, neuroimaging methods, functional connectivity Peter Liddle (post-doc)
Klint Fung Psychology Lynn Alden (grad student)
Jason Fung Kurt Haas (grad student)
Benjamin Furman Zoology20122018 Ben J Evans (grad student)
Catie FutheyNeuroscience, Neuropathology, Alzheimer's Disease, Schizophrenia, Astrocytes, Neuroinflammation2023 Mark S. Cembrowski (grad student)
Kara I. Gabrielrisk-taking, developmental psychopharmacology19932000 Joanne Weinberg (grad student)
Andrea Gaede
Liisa GaleaPsychology Victor Viau (collaborator)
Carlos Enrique Galindo LealBiodiversity, Communication Zoology19801991 Charles J. Krebs (grad student)
Jayne Garland Physical Therapy Douglas G. Stuart (post-doc)
S. Jayne Garlandmotor unit behaviour, postural control
Michael I. GarryExperimental Psychology, Neuroscience Biology, Physiological Psychology2001 Ian M. Franks (grad student)
Robert E. Gerl2003 John W. Schrader (grad student)
Judit Gervainlanguage acquisition, developmental psychology, infant speech perception
Shahab GhorashiPerception, Psychophysics, Visual Attention, Schizophrenia20042009 Vince Di Lollo (grad student), James T. Enns (grad student)
Siba Ghrear Susan A. Birch (grad student)
Debbie GiaschiVisual perception
William C. Gibson Wilder Penfield (grad student), Pio del Rio-Hortega (post-doc), John Farquhar Fulton (research scientist)
Elizabeth A. Gillisbehavioral ecology2003 Charles J. Krebs (grad student)
Manesh Girnbrain networks, default-mode network, functional connectivity, internally-directed cognition Psychology20142018 Kalina Christoff (research assistant)
Maria Matilda Glavas2003 Joanne Weinberg (grad student)
Brianne Glazier Psychology Lynn Alden (grad student)
Andrea K. Globasynaptic plasticity, learning, memory, addiction
Corbin Glufka Kurt Haas (grad student)
Aarthi R. Gobinathsex differences, hippocampus, neurogenesis, depression, maternal brain Neuroscience2012 Liisa Galea (grad student)
Keith B. GodfreyVisual system, computational neuroscience, neural development, detailed modeling20042008 Nicholas V. Swindale (grad student)
Daniel Goldowitz
Narly A. Golestani Lawrence McCue Ward (research assistant), Peter Graf (research assistant)
Benny Goller
Bo GongSynaptic Plasticity, GABA receptor, AMPA receptor20072013 Yu Tian Wang (grad student)
Geoffrey Kyle Gooderham Psychology2016 Todd C. Handy (grad student)
Michael Gordon
Boris B. Gorzalkaneuroendocrinology, sexual behaviour, serotonin
Peter Graf
Rona K. Graham
Peter R. GrantEvolutionary Biology19601964 Ian McTaggart-Cowan (grad student)
Yvette GravelineCognitive Neuroscience Psychology2016 Kalina Christoff (grad student)
Sofia L. Gray20202022 Kiran K. Soma (grad student)
J. Megan Gray20122012 Victor Viau (grad student), Elena Choleris (research assistant), Quentin J. Pittman (post-doc)
Brian Greeleymotor learning, tdcs
Amanda GreenDevelopment, GABA, Sex Differences, Stress, Pain20052007 Liisa Galea (grad student)
Lawrence W. GreenPublic Health, Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology
Dale W GriffinJudgment and Decision Making
Brock GrillMolecular mechanisms of axon termination and synapse formation2003 John W. Schrader (grad student)
Ruth E. Grunau
Pankaj K. GuptaBCI, Signal processing, Neuroscience, Computer Vision, Machine Learning
Ishita Guptacerebellum, development, neurogenetics Medical Genetics20172020 Daniel Goldowitz (grad student)
Neeru Gupta Ophthalmology Max Cynader (grad student)
Heather GuthrieNeuroscience Biology, Animal Physiology Biology2002 Terry P. Snutch (grad student)
Thomas HaNeurobiology
Andrew K. HaackMotivated behavior, addiction20072008 Liisa Galea (research assistant)
Kurt HaasDendrite Growth
Suzana HadjurGenetics, Pathology2002 Frank Jirik (grad student)
A Ralph HakstianClinical Psychology
D. Geoffrey Hall
Steven Hallam
Jordan E. Hamden20152021 Kiran K. Soma (grad student), Annie Vogel Ciernia (post-doc)
J Kiley HamlinDevelopmental Psychology Karen Wynn (grad student)
Kevin S. Hammingcalcium channels2004 Terrance P. Snutch (grad student)
Todd C. HandyCognitive Neuroscience
Darren Hannessonmemory, rhinal cortex Anthony Phillips (post-doc)
Susan J. Hannon Zoology James (Jamie) M.N. Smith (grad student)
Robert D. Hare
Alton S. Harestad Forestry Fred L. Bunnell (grad student)
Timothy J. Harpur Psychology Robert Hare (grad student)
Thomas C. Harrisonmotor cortex, stroke20082013 Timothy H. Murphy (grad student)
Steven David Hartforensic psychology; psychopathy; clinical psychology Psychology1993 Robert D. Hare (grad student)
Colleen L. HawkeyHigher Education, Social Psychology2000 Lesley Andres (grad student)
Michael R. HaydenBiostatistics Biology
Sarah Ann HeimovicsBehavioral neuroendocrinology20082012 Kiran K. Soma (post-doc)
Rochelle L. HeiselExperimental Neurology Tissue Culture 2001 Seung U. Kim (grad student)
Diane S. HenshelEnvironmental Sciences, Neuroscience Biology, Toxicology Animal Science Zoology19891992 Kimberley Cheng (post-doc), John Steeves (post-doc)
Christa Hercher Psychiatry Naguib Mechawar (grad student)
Anthony T. HerdmanEEG, auditory2002 David Stapells (grad student)
Dustin HerrmannNeuroscience, Visual system, Optics, Holography, Imaging, All-optical, Feedback, Retina, BCI20152015 Kurt Haas (research assistant)
Hugues F. HervePersonality Psychology, Criminology and Penology, Clinical Psychology2003 Robert D. Hare (grad student)
D. Sesath Hewapathiraneepilepsy, developmental neurobiology20042009 Kurt Haas (grad student), Conny Hsin-Cheng Lin (collaborator)
Matthew N. HillNeuroscience, Endocrinology, Pharmacology20022008 Boris B. Gorzalka (grad student), Victor Viau (collaborator)
Brett Hiltonspinal cord injury, regeneration20102016 Wolfram Tetzlaff (grad student)
Dustin J. HinesGlia, AD, Stroke, Astrocyte, Microglia, Behavior, Calcium, TSPO20042008 Brian A. Macvicar (grad student), Philip Haydon (post-doc)
Rochelle M. HinesInhibitory Synapses, GABA Neuroscience20042009 Alaa El-Din El-Husseini (grad student)
Sharleen D. HoarEducational Psychology Education, Recreation, Behavioral Psychology2003 Peter R. E. Crocker (grad student)
Nicola J. HodgesExperimental Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Educational Psychology Education, Physical Education2001 Ian M. Franks (grad student)
Candace Erica Hofmann2003 Joanne Weinberg (grad student)
Brenda E. HoganPsychobiology Psychology, Physiological Psychology2002 Wolfgang Linden (grad student)
Peter Hogg Kurt Haas (grad student)
Parker J. HolmanNeurobiology of learning Cellular and Physiological Sciences Joanne Weinberg (grad student)
Melissa M. Holmes Liisa Galea (grad student)
William HonerNeuroscience Biology, Physiological Psychology
Bruce T. HopeAddiction, neuronal ensembles19901991 Steven R. Vincent (grad student), Terrance P. Snutch (collaborator)
Jeremy G. Hosking Psychology20082014 Catharine A. Winstanley (grad student)
Sharmin HossainDendritie growth Kurt Haas (grad student)
John Howlandneural plasticity, learning and memory Neuroscience20032008 Yu Tian Wang (post-doc), Anthony Phillips (grad student)
Will Huang Kurt Haas (grad student)
Ryan M Hulteenkinesiology, motor development School of Kinesiology20182020 Mark Beauchamp (post-doc)
G. Keith Humphrey Richard Tees (grad student)
Amna Hyder Neuroscience20182019 Christine Marie Tipper (grad student)
Tristan J HynesBehavioural Neuroscience
Judy Illesneuroethics, bioethics
Jessica Ip Computer Science20182021 Ronald Rensink (research assistant), Karon Elisabeth MacLean (research assistant), Hasti Seifi (collaborator)
Philippe Isopecerebellum20042006 Terrance P. Snutch (post-doc)
Shalini IyerNeurodevelopment, autism
Ryam J.
Ryam J.
John P. J. PinelPsychobiology Psychology, Neuroscience Biology
Claudia Jacova2003 Peter Graf (grad student)
Cecilia Jalabert20162022 Kiran K. Soma (grad student)
Ali JannatiCognitive & Neural Sciences, EEG/ERP, TMS Vince Di Lollo (grad student)
Max Jativa-Vega Rebecca M. Todd (grad student)
Farnaz Javadian Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences20182018 Arijit Chakraborty (research assistant)
Wilfred A. JefferiesNeuroscience Biology, Pathology
Frank JirikNeuroscience Biology
Marjorie Johnson Cellular and Physiological Sciences Wayne Vogl (grad student)
Season Johnson Scott R. Carlson (grad student)
Charlotte JohnstonClinical Psychology
Ellen JoplingDepression, stress Psychology2017 Joelle LeMoult (grad student)
Minseon M. Jung2021 Kiran K. Soma (grad student)
George V. KachkovskiReward circuit, neuroendocrine circuits, cognition Zoology Department of Psychology, UBC Department of Microbiology and Immunology Department of Psychology, UBC20172021 Kiran K. Soma (research assistant), Alan F. Kingstone (research assistant), Brett Finlay (research assistant), Stan Floresco (research assistant)
Daniel Kahnemandecision making, behavioral economics
Lisa E. Kalynchukkindling; stress; depression John PJ Pinel (grad student)
Alireza Kamyabineuron-glia interactions, astrocyte, glutamate signalling Neuroscience2018 Brian A. Macvicar (grad student)
Margarita Kapustinaneuroscience, transcriptomics, bioinformatics Cellular and physiological sciences2023 Mark S. Cembrowski (grad student)
Jun I. Kawaharaattention19981999 James T. Enns (post-doc), Vince Di Lollo (post-doc)
Patrice A. KeatsGuidance and Counseling Education, Cognitive Psychology2003 Marla Arvay (grad student)
Jonathan Patrick Kelleystatistics,behavior,bioacoustics20132014 Jill E. Jankowski (post-doc)
Lia Kendall Rebecca M. Todd (grad student)
Brianne A. KentHippocampus, memory, perirhinal cortex
Leslie Roxanne Kerr2000 Joanne Weinberg (grad student)
Minjung KimVision, colour perception, material perception, lighting20052009 Ronald Rensink (research assistant)
Dong Hwan Kim Kurt Haas (grad student)
Diana J. Kim Martin J. McKeown (grad student)
Seung U. KimExperimental Neurology Tissue Culture
Hyosub E Kimmotor control, motor learning
Jennifer Kim Annie Vogel Ciernia (grad student)
Alan F. KingstoneAttention, cognitive ethology, eye tracking
Adrienne Iris KinmanNeuroscience, Memory, Calcium Imaging, Behaviour Cellular and Physiological Sciences Psychology20192016 Mark S. Cembrowski (grad student), Andrew S. Baron (research assistant)
Aaron M. KirschnerFrontal Lobe Function, Attention, Cognitive Control, Consciousness Brain Research Center Lawrence McCue Ward (research assistant)
Keiichi Kitajocomputational neuroscience, TMS-EEG, nonlinear dynamics, oscillations, synchrony, noise-induced phenomenon Psychology Lawrence McCue Ward (post-doc)
E. David KlonskyBehavior Genetics
Kristi A. Kohlmeier19961998 Peter B. Reiner (post-doc)
Bethany Kondiles2020 Wolfram Tetzlaff (post-doc)
Rick Kornelsenanimal models
Maya F. KotturiImmunology2005 Wilfred A. Jefferies (grad student)
Michael G. Kozoriz
Philipp KreyenmeierVisual System, Multisensory Perception, Eye Movements, Interception
Olav E. KrigolsonCognitive Neuroscience, Learning, Decision Making, Neuroimaging, Computational Modelling
Morten Pilgaard KristensenStress, Sleep, Depression19962000 Peter Soja (post-doc)
James Kryklywy Rebecca M. Todd (post-doc)
Yoshiyuki Kubota19901991 Steven R. Vincent (grad student)
Dorota A. Kwasnicka-CrawfordMolecular Neuroscience, Developmental Neuroscience19992002 Steven R. Vincent (grad student)
Brian K. Kwon2005 Wolfram Tetzlaff (grad student)
Gwen Labouèbe Stephanie L. Borgland (post-doc)
Daniel Lai20142016 Paul Pavlidis (grad student)
Kaitlin E W LaidlawAttention, action, social cognition Psychology20082015 Alan F. Kingstone (grad student)
Giulio Laino ChiavegattiDecision making Psychology Psychology20202019 Catharine H. Rankin (research scientist), Stan Floresco (grad student)
Bernard Lakowski Lionel G. Harrison (grad student)
Kathryn M. Lalondeeye movements, perception, eye-hand coordination Miriam Spering (grad student)
Tania Lamlocomotion
Fred C. Lamneuroscience, neuroethics2002 Peter B. Reiner (grad student)
Amanda LaMarreAtypical Dementias Boris B. Gorzalka (grad student), Matthew N. Hill (collaborator)
Amanda LaMarre Scott R. Carlson (grad student)
Linda Jane LanyonVisual attention & eye movements Jason J.S. Barton (post-doc)
Christopher C. LapishPrefrontal Cortex, Dopamine, Working Memory, Motivation2006 Anthony Phillips (post-doc)
Judith M. LaposaClinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology2004 Lynn Alden (grad student)
Katherine SL LauClinical Psychology, Personality Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Psychopathology, Aggression, Psychopathy, Antisocial Behavior, Juvenile Justice Psychology Psychology20042008 Delroy Paulhus (research assistant), Boris B. Gorzalka (research assistant)
Kristin R. LaurensNeuroscience Biology2004 Peter Liddle (grad student)
Tracy A. Lavin2004 D. Geoffrey Hall (grad student)
Blair Leavitt
Tiffany T-Y Lee2009 Boris B. Gorzalka (grad student)
Cheuk-yu LeeBiochemistry and Molecular Biology Biochemistry1968 Sidney Howard Zbarsky (grad student)
Louis Lefebvre Michael Smith (grad student)
Amanda Li Brian Ross Christie (grad student)
Andrew C LiVisual perception, Information visualization Catharine A. Winstanley (grad student)
Bo Lifear conditioning, neural plasticity2003 Lynn Raymond (grad student)
Willmann LiangPharmacology2004 Cornelis v. Breemen (grad student)
Peter LiddleNeuroscience Biology, Physiological Psychology
Diana H. LimStroke recovery, in vivo imaging20092015 Timothy H. Murphy (grad student)
Kah Leong LimMolecular Mechanisms underlying Parkinson’s disease Division of Hematology and Oncology19941999 Catherine J. Pallen (grad student)
Nathaniel Lim2013 Paul Pavlidis (grad student)
Conny Hsin-Cheng LinFetal alcohol Catharine H. Rankin (grad student)
Wolfgang LindenClinical Psychology
Daphne Ling Neuroscience2018 Christine Marie Tipper (grad student)
Megan Q. Liu Neuroscience20212023 Kiran K. Soma (grad student)
Xuefeng Liu Kurt Haas (grad student)
Gregory A. LizeeImmunology, Molecular Biology2000 Wilfred A. Jefferies (grad student)
Valerie M. Lo20202022 Kiran K. Soma (grad student)
Christopher J. LoewenBiochemistry, Neuroscience Biology2001 Robert S. Molday (grad student)
Keith R Lohseneurorehabilitation, motor learning, neuroscience Kinesiology20122014 Nicola J. Hodges (post-doc)
Vincent D. LolloExperimental Psychology, Physiological Psychology
Antonio loureiro Department of Computer Science Department of Computer Science Samuel Chanson (grad student), Son T. Vuong (grad student)
Katelyn L. Low20152016 Kiran K. Soma (grad student)
Jessica Luk Psychology / Social Sciences20152016 Ryan A. Stevenson (research assistant)
Alexandre A. Lussierepigenetics, neurodevelopment, alcohol Medical Genetics20122017 Joanne Weinberg (grad student), Michael Kobor (grad student)
Max LynaderNeuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology
Michael Lyons Myer Bloom (grad student), Lionel G. Harrison (grad student)
Melanie R. Lysenko-Martinmemory, depression, concussion, aging, addiction, optogenetics Psychology2019 Catharine A. Winstanley (grad student)
Lili Ma Psychology Fei Xu (post-doc)
Liya MaPrefrontal cortex, anterior cingulate cortex, cognitive control, executive functions, eye movements, electrophysiology, calcium imaging, rodents, non-human primates20082014 Anthony Phillips (grad student), Carine Dias (collaborator), Jeremy K. Seamans (grad student)
Bernard A. MacLeodPharmacology, Neuroscience Biology
Brian A. Macvicar Rodolfo R. Llinás (post-doc), Terrance P. Snutch (collaborator)
Manu S Madhavspatial navigation, neural circuits, systems neuroscience, biomemetics
Alexander William MaioneAPOE and cognition, behavioral animal models, EphA7/EphA5 KO, ADHD/ASD Models, Psychiatry20122013 Bruce T. Hope (research assistant)
Hengye ManSynaptic plasticity Yu Tian Wang (grad student)
Maria GM Manaligod Rebecca M. Todd (grad student)
B. Ogan MancarciBrain cell types, gene expression Psychiatry20142018 Paul Pavlidis (grad student)
Kevin MannDrosophila, Taste, behavior, vision20142014 Michael Gordon (post-doc)
Stuart G. MarlinVision, Motion perception19871991 Max Cynader (grad student)
Henry G. Martin Yu Tian Wang (post-doc)
Kathy Martin Forestry Fred C. Zwickel (grad student)
Jeff MartzkeClinical Psychology, Public Health
Bruce Mathieson
Sakthikumar Mathivanan
Michio K. MatsubaDevelopmental Psychology, Personality Psychology2001 Lawrence J. Walker (grad student)
Joanne MatsubaraNeuroscience Biology
Christopher B. McBridespinal cord injury2000 John Steeves (grad student)
Tanya M. McCreithTests and Measurements Education, Psychometrics Psychology, Bilingual and Multicultural Education2004 Kadriye Ercikan (grad student)
Bradford J. McFadyenNeuroscience Biology, Animal Physiology Biology
Patrick L. McGeer
Edith G. McGeer
Alexander McGirr Psychiatry2019 Timothy H. Murphy (grad student)
John McGrawspinal cord injury2004 John Steeves (grad student)
Hugh McLennanExcitatory amino acids, synaptic plasticity
Dmitry Mebel Stephanie L. Borgland (grad student)
Arya E. Mehran20162018 Kiran K. Soma (post-doc)
Laura Meleady Annie Vogel Ciernia (grad student)
Tanna M. MellingsEducational Psychology Education2002 Lynn Alden (grad student)
Adrianna MendrekNeuroscience Biology, Physiological Psychology2001 Peter Liddle (grad student)
Kay L. MercerEducational Psychology Education, Clinical Psychology, Mental Health, Special Education2004 Deborah L. Butler (grad student)
Derek Merryweather20212025 Mark S. Cembrowski (grad student)
Cindy Meston Boris B. Gorzalka (grad student)
Erin MichalakBipolar Disorder Laurent F. Coque (collaborator)
Nicholas J MichelsonNeuroscience Neuroscience2018 Timothy H. Murphy (grad student)
Marla Mickleborough Todd C. Handy (grad student)
Amori Y. Mikamiclinical psychology
Steven P. Miller
Fergil MillsPlasticity, Synaptic Adhesion Molecules, Neural Circuits, Learning and Memory Cellular and Physiological Sciences20072015 Shernaz Xerxes Bamji (grad student)
W K. MilsomZoology Biology, Neuroscience Biology
Kyle J MissenBalance control, sensory integration
Meeta Mistry20062012 Paul Pavlidis (grad student)
Guy Mittlemanneuroscience Psychology Anthony Phillips (post-doc)
Adan MoallemiAxon regeneration, Neuroplasticity, Spinal Cord Injury
Majid H. MohajeraniNeurobiology Timothy H. Murphy (post-doc)
Robert S. MoldayBiochemistry, Neuroscience Biology
Jennifer L. MoodyGenetics2004 Frank Jirik (grad student)
Thomas W MoonMolecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology1971 Peter W. Hochachka (grad student)
Shuji Mori Psychology Lawrence McCue Ward (grad student)
Alexander Morin2017 Paul Pavlidis (grad student)
Wade MorishitaHippocampus,cerebellum, LTP, LTD, plasticity Bhagavatula R. Sastry (grad student)
Mircea A. MunteanuGuidance and Counseling Education, Personality Psychology2002 William Borgen (grad student)
Timothy H. MurphyStroke, Vascular System, Dendritic Plasticity, Oxidative Stress
Candice MurrayClinical Psychology, Individual and Family Studies2004 Charlotte Johnston (grad student)
Sumeet Mutti
Sumeet MuttiPsychology Cognitive Psychology2016 Todd C. Handy (grad student)
Anna Nagy Liisa Galea (grad student)
Yasmin Nasser
UBC Neuro
Amy E.M. Newmanneuroendocrinology, stress, comparative physiology, ornithology, ecophysiology20042009 Kiran K. Soma (grad student)
Lorna J. NewmanEducational Psychology Education, Teacher Training Education, Elementary Education2003 Marion Porath (grad student)
Keith K NiallVision, Form perception, Projective invariance, Visual shape Psychology19771978 John Yuille (research assistant)
Amanda S. Nitschke
Timothy P. O'Connor
John R. O'Kuskymethyl mercury toxicity Psychiatry19851987 Edith G. McGeer (post-doc)
Timothy O'Learylearning and memory, behaviour2013 Jason S. Snyder (post-doc)
Michael O'ShaughnessyNeuroscience Biology
Tim F. Oberlander
Lauren Ogilvie20112012 Afra Foroud (research assistant)
Jeneva L. OhanClinical Psychology2002 Charlotte Johnston (grad student)
John Okusky
Serhiy Opushnyev Kurt Haas (grad student)
Brandi Kirshane Ormerodadult neurogenesis, stem cell biology2003 Liisa Galea (grad student)
Ipek OrucVisual neuroscience
Yongdong OuyangStatistics20162021 Hubert H. Wong (grad student)
Catherine J. Pallen
raika pancaroglu2010 Jason J.S. Barton (grad student)
William Panenka Psychiatry Neuroimaging Laboratory, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School20122013 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (post-doc)
Joanne Park Psychology Charlotte Johnston (grad student)
Mijung Parkprivacy preserving machine learning
Fraser Glynn Lintel ParlaneLab automation and Material Science Chemistry20152021 Curtis P. Berlinguette (grad student)
Matthew Parnian Kurt Haas (grad student)
Carly Parsons Psychology Lynn Alden (grad student)
David M. Patakyspinal cord injury2000 John Steeves (grad student)
Christopher J. Patrickemotion William G. Iacono (grad student)
Michelle L. Pattersoninfant speech perception, developmental psychology, language acquisition2002 Janet F. Werker (grad student)
Donald W. PatyNeuroscience Biology, Pathology, Molecular Biology
Dennis PaulPain pharmacology, cancer Psychology Psychology19841987 Anthony Phillips (grad student), John PJ Pinel (grad student)
Paul PavlidisBioinformatics
Jodi L. Pawluskicognition, depression, behavioral neuroscience Liisa Galea (grad student)
Cory L. PedersenEducational Psychology Education, Developmental Psychology2005 Kimberly A. Schonert-Reichl (grad student)
S PelechNeuroscience Biology
Peter Pennefather David Quastel (grad student)
James G PfausSexual behavior, Reproduction, Neuroendocrinology, Conditioning, Human sexual function and dysfunction, Brain imaging, Immunocytochemistry, Autoradiography, Molecular biology Psychology Psychology19861990 Anthony Phillips (grad student), Boris B. Gorzalka (grad student)
Anthony Phillipsmemory, motivation2007 Terrance P. Snutch (collaborator)
John PJ Pinelbiopsychology, epilepsy, kindling
Kimberley Pittman Stephanie L. Borgland (grad student)
Jason R. PlemelMyelin biology, microglia biology20052012 Wolfram Tetzlaff (grad student)
Jerome P. Plumier2022 Kiran K. Soma (grad student)
Kaspar Podgorski Kurt Haas (grad student)
Courtney L Pollock Physical Therapy20092014 S. Jayne Garland (grad student)
Marion PorathSciences Education, Developmental Psychology
Kathryn Post Kurt Haas (grad student)
Mahmoud A. PouladiHuntington's disease, Fragile X Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis Medical Genetics20032010 Michael R. Hayden (grad student)
Devaleena S. Pradhanneuroendocrinology20062008 Kiran K. Soma (grad student)
Oliver PrangeStroke, Vascular System, Dendritic Plasticity, Oxidative Stress2001 Timothy H. Murphy (grad student)
Ingrid V. Priceneuroendocrinology, sexual behaviour, serotonin2002 Boris B. Gorzalka (grad student)
Jack Price Kurt Haas (grad student)
David J. Prime2005 Lawrence McCue Ward (grad student)
Nora H. Priorvocal communication20092014 Kiran K. Soma (grad student)
Laura Prughbehavioral ecology2005 Charles J. Krebs (grad student)
Glen Pruskyvision Max Cynader (grad student)
Ernest Puilneuropharmacology
Ernie PuilAnesthetics
Eli Putermanhealth psychology Anita DeLongis (grad student)
Xin QinStroke, PTSD, AD, NMDA, AMPA, Circuits, Fear
Xin QinStroke, PTSD, AD, NMDA, AMPA, Circuits, Fear
Xin QinStroke, PTSD, AD, NMDA, AMPA, Circuits, Fear
David QuastelSynaptic transmission
Stanley Jack RachmanOCD, Anxiety
Adam S. RadomskyOCD, Anxiety2001 Stanley Jack Rachman (grad student)
Maryam Rahimi-BalaeiCerebellar development, miRNAs Medical genetics Daniel Goldowitz (post-doc)
Charlis Raineki Cellular and Physiological Sciences Joanne Weinberg (research scientist)
Matt S. RamerMolecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology
Israeli RanSynaptic plasticity, hippocampus, interneurons David Quastel (grad student)
Catharine H. RankinC. elegans, Learning, memory & development
Balraj RathodScience Education
Lynn Raymond
Michal RegevGuidance and Counseling Education, Clinical Psychology, Women's Studies2001 William Borgen (grad student)
Peter B. Reinerneuroscience, neuroethics19841987 Edith G. McGeer (post-doc)
Stefan Reinkermathematical models of neuronal properties2004 Robert M. Miura (grad student)
Ronald Rensink19871990 James T. Enns (grad student), Robert J. Woodham (grad student), Anne Treisman (grad student)
Ellen RetelleAdministration Education2003 Lesley Andres (grad student)
Chris Richardson UBC , Associate Professor, School of Population and Public Health Michael Peters (research assistant)
Jelena RisticCognitive Neuroscience: Attention Psychology Alan F. Kingstone (grad student)
David C. S. RobertsNeurobiology of Drug Addiction19731978 Hans C. Fibiger (grad student)
Kevin H. Roberts Rebecca M. Todd (grad student)
George Sverre Robertsonneuropharmacology, multiple sclerosis Hans C. Fibiger (grad student)
Julie M. RobillardSynaptic Plasticity Brian A. Macvicar (grad student)
Alexa B. RoggeveenVisual attention, perception20032007 Lawrence McCue Ward (grad student), James T. Enns (grad student)
Nicolas Rohleder Psychology Gregory E. Miller (post-doc)
Jacqueline K. RoseNeuronal Plasticity20052008 Ann Marie Craig (post-doc), Catharine H. Rankin (grad student)
A Jane RoskamsNeuroscience Biology
Naama Rotem-Kohavi Neuroscience2019 Naznin Virji-Babul (grad student)
Megan Rowland Annie Vogel Ciernia (post-doc)
Raphaëlle N. RoyPhysiological Computing, Neuroergonomics, Brain-Computer Interfaces20092009 Todd C. Handy (research assistant), Janet F. Werker (research assistant)
Luca Ruggiero
Catherine M. SabistonClinical Psychology, mental health20012005 Peter R. E. Crocker (grad student)
Sarven H. SabunciyanNeuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology2001 Max Lynader (grad student)
Omran SafiCognitive Psychology
Kelly Sakaki Kurt Haas (post-doc)
Melody Salehzadeh2018 Kiran K. Soma (grad student)
Celia M. Santiion channels19992001 Terrance P. Snutch (post-doc)
Bhagavatula R. SastrySynaptic Plasticity, Stroke
Kim L. Schmidtneuroendocrinolgy, development20072009 Kiran K. Soma (grad student)
Kim Schonert-ReichlEducational Psychology Education, Developmental Psychology, Behavioral Psychology
Kimberly A. Schonert-ReichlSecondary Education, Educational Psychology Education, Developmental Psychology
John W. Schrader
Joost SchulteGlial development2003 Vanessa J Auld (grad student)
Jackson D. SchumacherDecision making, Dopamine, Cortex, Striatum, Behavioral Neuroscience, Pharmacology Psychology2018 Stan Floresco (grad student)
Stephan K. SchwarzAnesthetics2002 Ernie Puil (grad student)
Jeremy K. SeamansDopamine, Prefrontal Cortex, Working Memory
Paolo Segre
Desiree R SeibBehavioural neuroendocrinology20202023 Jason S. Snyder (post-doc), Kiran K. Soma (post-doc)
Alicia Semaka Medical Genetics20062012 Michael R. Hayden (grad student)
Katharine J. SeppGlial development2000 Vanessa J Auld (grad student)
Amit H. Shah20062008 Kiran K. Soma (grad student)
Hallee ShearerfMRI, naturalistic neuroimaging, TMS
Claire A. SheldonNeuroscience, Ion transport, Stroke John Church (grad student)
Paul A. S. Sheppard Psychology20182019 Liisa Galea (post-doc)
Andy Y. ShihVascular system20012006 Timothy H. Murphy (grad student)
Gabrielle A ShimkoADHD, attentional processes, fine motor skills, educational psychology Maria M Arredondo (research assistant)
David I. ShoreMultisensory Perception, Attention, eye tracking, eeg19931997 Vince Di Lollo (grad student)
Andreas SiebertComputer vision, photometric stereo2000 Robert J. Woodham (grad student)
Gergely SilasiStroke, plasticity, optogenetics
Wun Chey Sin Kurt Haas (research scientist)
Katia Sinopoli Liisa Galea (grad student)
Daniel Smilekvisual system, attention20022004 James T. Enns (post-doc)
Andra Smithcognitive impairment, neuroimaging Psychology1999 Robert D. Hare (grad student)
Rachelle Smith Scott R. Carlson (grad student)
James (Jamie) M.N. Smithornithology, ecology, conservation
Garth SmithNeuroscience Physiology John Church (grad student)
Terrance P. Snutchcalcium channels
Terry P. SnutchNeuroscience Biology, Animal Physiology Biology
Janice Snyderattention Anjan Chatterjee (post-doc)
Jason S. Snyderadult neurogenesis, plasticity, behavior, stress, memory
Peter Soja
Kiran K. Somaneuroscience, endocrinology
Tuck-Wah Soongcalcium channels19921995 Terrance P. Snutch (post-doc)
Lhyanne Soto Annie Vogel Ciernia (grad student)
Amber L. SouthwellHuntington disease, experimental therapeutics, transgenic mice, behavior, stem cells Medical Genetics20092016 Michael R. Hayden (post-doc)
Michael SouzaExecutive functions
Martin A. SpacekVisual cortex2003 Nicholas V. Swindale (grad student)
William Speechley
Miriam Speringvisual psychophysics, eye movements, attention
Igor SpigelmanNeuroscience19841988 Ernest Puil (grad student)
Jennifer R St. Ongedecision making, mesocorticolimbic dopamine circuitry Stan Floresco (grad student)
David StapellsEEG, auditory
Terry VB Starr19901994 Terrance P. Snutch (post-doc)
Anthony Stea19921996 Terrance P. Snutch (post-doc)
John Steevesspinal cord injury Larry M. Jordan (grad student)
A Jon StoesslNeuroscience Biology, Pharmacology, Pathology
Colin Stopper Stan Floresco (grad student)
Maik C. Stüttgenrat whisker system, psychophysics, neurophysiology, choice behavior19991999 John PJ Pinel (research assistant)
Peter SuedfeldCognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology
Kaitlin Elizabeth Sullivanmemory, transcriptomics, bioinformatics Neuroscience2019 Mark S. Cembrowski (grad student)
Olivia Sullivan Annie Vogel Ciernia (grad student)
HaoSheng SunPsychiatry, Addiction, Depression, Epigenetics20082009 Catharine A. Winstanley (research assistant)
Kathy G. Suttondrug discovery19951999 Terrance P. Snutch (post-doc)
Douglas J. SwansonDevelopmental Neuroscience, Cerebellum, Molecular Genetics
Dorothy R. Swanson-HolmEducational Psychology Education2005 Marion Porath (grad student)
Adi Swaro Neuroscience Mark S. Cembrowski (research assistant)
Nicholas V. SwindaleVisual system
Tania M. SzadoPharmacology, Neuroscience Biology, Cell Biology2002 Cornelis v. Breemen (grad student)
Niwat Taepavarapruk2004 Peter Soja (grad student)
Pornnarin Taepavaraprukmemory, motivation2003 Anthony Phillips (grad student)
Changiz Taghibiglou Yu Tian Wang (post-doc)
Tao TanStress; Autism; Alzheimer's Diseases; Electrophysiology; Ion channel; rTMS UBC Hospital Brain Research Centre20132016 Yu Tian Wang (post-doc)
Ali TarikLayer 6b, dopamine, circuitry Cellular and Physiological Sciences2022 Mark S. Cembrowski (research assistant)
Matthew S. TataCognitive Neuroscience, Attention, Perception19992003 Lawrence McCue Ward (grad student)
Matt D. Taves20082015 Sigal Balshine (grad student), Kiran K. Soma (grad student)
Richard Tees
Alexander Terpstra Rebecca M. Todd (grad student)
Robert J. Teszkaattention, awareness, magic20092010 Alan F. Kingstone (research assistant), Jonathan Wolf Schooler (research assistant)
Wolfram Tetzlaff
Nivretta Thatra Bioinformatics2016 Paul Pavlidis (grad student)
Roger J. ThompsonIschemia, hypoxia, hemichannels,20042008 Brian A. Macvicar (post-doc)
Jennifer Thompson Stephanie L. Borgland (grad student)
Dana S. ThordarsonClinical Psychology2000 A Ralph Hakstian (grad student)
Jacqueline W. TiongCell Biology2001 Wilfred A. Jefferies (grad student)
Christine Marie Tipperaction representation, social neuroscience, body language, EEG, attention, fMRI, placebo effect, mind body connection Psychology Psychiatry20132015 Todd C. Handy (grad student), Todd S. Woodward (research scientist)
Andrea K. TitternessSynaptic Plasticity, Fetal Alcohol
Daniel J. Tobianskymedial preoptic area, drugs of addiction, sexual behavior, neurosteroid, steroidogenesis20152018 Kiran K. Soma (post-doc), Stan Floresco (post-doc)
Rebecca M. ToddEmotion and Cognition, Affective salience, Attention, Memory, Learning, Emotion
Mary E Todd
Lilach Toker Psychiatry Paul Pavlidis (post-doc)
Ryan J. Tomm20162018 Stan Floresco (grad student), Kiran K. Soma (grad student), Rebecca M. Todd (grad student)
Brandon Tommattention, decision making
Jerry Tong Kurt Haas (grad student)
Ivan Torres Psychiatry19891994 Naftali Raz (grad student)
Tristan Toth Kurt Haas (grad student)
Morgan Towriss Annie Vogel Ciernia (grad student)
Dallas Treit John PJ Pinel (grad student)
Shreejoy J. TripathyNeuroinformatics
Giorgia TropiniParkinson's disease, EEG, functional connectivity20072010 Martin J. McKeown (grad student)
Jennifer Tsai Mark S. Cembrowski (research assistant)
Maric TseSynaptic Plasticity
Iris Ka-Ching Tung Afra Foroud (research assistant)
Kristina A. UbanAddiction, stress, FASD, sex differences2006 Liisa Galea (grad student), Joanne Weinberg (grad student)
Jose ValentíOceanography EOAS20212025 Susan E. Allen (grad student)
Paul van DonkelaarSensorimotor control Physical Education19871990 Ian M. Franks (grad student)
Jackalina M. Van KampenNeuroscience Biology, Pharmacology, Pathology2000 A Jon Stoessl (grad student)
Filip Van Petegemvoltage-gated sodium and calcium channels, Ryanodine Receptors
Jeremy M. Van Raamsdonkaging, neurodegeneration2005 Michael R. Hayden (grad student)
Marja Van Sickle
Brandy Vanderbyl20062006 Debbie Giaschi (research assistant)
Jacqueline L. Vanderluit2002 Wolfram Tetzlaff (grad student)
Matthieu P. Vannioptical brain imaging, neurophysiology Christian Casanova (grad student), Timothy H. Murphy (post-doc)
Daniil Vasilyev Department of Psychology, UBC20152020 Alan F. Kingstone (research assistant)
Eric Vatikiotis-Batesoncommunication, language, speech production, speech perception Gregory Norman Carlson (collaborator)
Dennis R. VenemaGlial development2003 Vanessa J Auld (grad student)
Victor ViauNeuroendocrinology
Steven R. VincentNeuroscience, Psychiatry19901997 John C. Brown (post-doc), Terrance P. Snutch (collaborator)
Bradley W. Vinescognitive neuroscience, music, stroke rehabilitation, non-invasive brain stimulation - transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS)2008 Allan H. Young (post-doc)
Naznin Virji-Babul
Troy A. Visser2001 Vince Di Lollo (grad student)
Nicole M. VittozDopamine, Prefrontal Cortex, Orexin, Hypocretin20062009 Jeremy K. Seamans (post-doc)
Julia VogelDecision making for visual search. Statistical scene, object, and context understanding. Psychophysics of human scene perception.
Wayne Vogl Zoology Cellular and Physiological Sciences H Dean Fisher (grad student), Mary E Todd (grad student)
Athena VouloumanosCognitive development, communication, speech, language2004 Janet F. Werker (grad student)
Son T. Vuong
Juhn Atsushi Wadaepilespy; Wada test; kindling; hemispheric asymmetry
Katie P. WaddenStroke, multiple sclerosis, obesity, infertility, neuroimaging, motor learning, exercise School of Rehabilitation Sciences20102016 Lara A. Boyd (grad student)
Theophilia R. Wagey-RadjawaneNeuroscience Biology2001 S Pelech (grad student)
Steven Wainwright Liisa Galea (grad student)
Brandie L. WalkerCell Biology, Molecular Biology2002 Wilfred A. Jefferies (grad student)
Lawrence J. WalkerDevelopmental Psychology, Personality Psychology
Xiang WanAnesthetics2004 Ernie Puil (grad student)
Yushan Wang Yu Tian Wang (post-doc)
Yu Tian WangSynaptic plasticity
Xue-Feng Wang2001 Max Cynader (grad student)
Lawrence McCue Wardpsychophysics, cognitive neuroscience, dynamical systems theory
Ruth P. WarickHigher Education, Special Education2003 Lesley Andres (grad student)
Neil V. Watsonbehavioral endocrinology, sexual differentiation, gonadal steroids,19891994 Boris B. Gorzalka (grad student)
Marcus R WatsonAttention, Rule Learning, Synaesthesia Psychology Ophthalmology20082013 James T. Enns (grad student), Deborah Giaschi (post-doc)
G. R. Wayne Moore Division of Neurology Donald W. Paty (post-doc)
Ella Weik Neuroscience20162021 Christine Marie Tipper (grad student)
Nicholas L WeilingerSynaptic physiology, Stroke, Cerebral Edema,20152018 Brian A. Macvicar (post-doc)
Joanne WeinbergPrenatal alcohol exposure, HPA axis Liisa Galea (collaborator)
Janet F. Werkerinfant speech perception, developmental psychology, language acquisition1983 Richard Tees (grad student)
Jan Christopher Wernervisual neurosciences
Walter WernerCurriculum and Instruction Education, Developmental Psychology, Guidance and Counseling Education
Jennifer Whitman
Jennifer Whitman
Jennifer Wide Liisa Galea (grad student)
Karen L WiebeBehavioral Ecology, Ornithology Forest Sciences19941995 Kathy Martin (post-doc)
Donald M. Wilkiecomparative cognition, brain and behavior, behavioral neuroscience, learning and memory
Martin WilliamsonNeuroendocrinology20032008 Victor Viau (grad student), Richard E. Brown (research assistant)
Wendy Lorel WilsonAlzheimer's Disease- Learning & Memory, Thirst and Sodium Appetite, Behavioral Neuroscience psychology20082010 Liisa Galea (post-doc)
Catharine A. Winstanley
Tak Pan WongSynaptic plasticity, glutamate receptors Yu Tian Wang (post-doc)
Donald C. K. Wong
Jovi CY Wong20082010 Stephanie L. Borgland (research assistant)
June Tan-Whea Wong2000 Timothy P. O'Connor (grad student)
Derek Wong Pathology and Laboratory Medicine20152020 Stephen Yip (grad student)
Brandon M. Woo Psychology20142017 J Kiley Hamlin (research assistant)
Newton H. WooSynaptic plasticity Bhagavatula R. Sastry (research assistant)
Robert J. WoodhamComputer vision, photometric stereo
Todd S. WoodwardSchizophrenia, Neuroimaging
Sheila Woody Dianne L. Chambless (grad student)
Joanna L. WorkmanBehavioral Neuroendocrinology20102014 Liisa Galea (post-doc)
Dongchuan WuGABAA channel, Glycine channel, synaptic plastivity20042010 Yu Tian Wang (grad student)
Xiuyun WuEye movements; Visual perception Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences2017 Miriam Spering (grad student)
Yicheng Xiestroke, cortical network20112015 Timothy H. Murphy (grad student)
Yi Yan20042006 Yu Tian Wang (grad student)
Mike YeomansJDM Jonathan Wolf Schooler (research assistant)
Shangwen YiJudgment and Decision Making David J. Hardisty (grad student), Dale W Griffin (grad student)
Jennifer M. YipClinical psychology, cognitive psychology Psychology Todd C. Handy (grad student)
V. Wee YongMultiple Sclerosis19861988 Seung U. Kim (post-doc)
Allan H. Youngthe causes and treatment of severe psychiatric disorders, particularly mood disorders
Julie Youngers Samuel A Mehr (research assistant)
Yeni Hasan Yucel Ophthalmology19891991 Max Cynader (post-doc)
John YuilleExperimental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology
Gerald W. Zamponicalcium channels19941997 Terrance P. Snutch (post-doc)
Fiona D. ZeebAnimal Models of gambling20072012 Ian Q. Whishaw (research assistant), Catharine A. Winstanley (grad student)
Ajmal Zemmar
Melinda M. Zeron2002 Lynn Raymond (grad student)
Shu ZhangPten, NMDARs, Stroke20052011 Yu Tian Wang (grad student)
Shengxiang Zhangmicroglia stroke
Angela Zhang Mark S. Cembrowski (research assistant)
Mudi ZhaoDecision-making, Amygdala, Prefrontal Cortex
Ning Zhouspreading depression20032008 Brian A. Macvicar (grad student)
Shanshan ZhuEpilepsy, inflammation, NMDA excitotoxicity20042011 Max Cynader (grad student)
Bing Zhu2003 Max Cynader (grad student)
Fred C. Zwickel James Bendell (grad student)