Marion Porath
Affiliations: | University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Vancouver, BC, Canada |
Sciences Education, Developmental PsychologyGoogle:
"Marion Porath"Mean distance: 26716.5
Sign in to add traineeGillian V. Bickerton | grad student | 2001 | UBC |
Lorna J. Newman | grad student | 2003 | UBC |
Dorothy R. Swanson-Holm | grad student | 2005 | UBC |
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Lo CO, Porath M. (2017) Paradigm Shifts in Gifted Education: An Examination Vis-à-Vis Its Historical Situatedness and Pedagogical Sensibilities. The Gifted Child Quarterly. 61: 343-360 |
Ziegler A, Stoeger H, Harder B, et al. (2014) Gender differences in mathematics and science: the role of the actiotope in determining individuals’ achievements and confidence in their own abilities High Ability Studies. 25: 35-51 |
Katz J, Porath M. (2011) Teaching to Diversity: Creating Compassionate Learning Communities for Diverse Elementary School Students. International Journal of Special Education. 26: 29-41 |
Grassinger R, Porath M, Ziegler A. (2010) Mentoring the gifted: a conceptual analysis High Ability Studies. 21: 27-46 |
Porath M. (2009) Fostering social expertise in early childhood Early Child Development and Care. 179: 93-106 |
Porath M. (2006) The conceptual underpinnings of giftedness: developmental and educational implications High Ability Studies. 17: 145-158 |
Riesen Y, Porath M. (2004) Perceived social support of maritally abused women and their children's global self-worth. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health = Revue Canadienne De Santé Mentale Communautaire. 23: 109-15 |
Riesen Y, Porath M. (2004) Self-worth and Social Support of Children Exposed to Marital Violence Canadian Journal of School Psychology. 19: 75-97 |
Ngara C, Porath M. (2004) Shona culture of Zimbabwe’s views of giftedness High Ability Studies. 15: 189-209 |
Porath M. (2003) Social understanding in the first years of school Early Childhood Research Quarterly. 18: 468-484 |