Arnita F. Norwood, Ph.D.

2013 Nutrition University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 
"Arnita Norwood"
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Carmen D. Samuel-Hodge grad student 2013 UNC Chapel Hill
 (Process evaluation of a behavioral weight loss program for low-income, mid-life women in local health departments: The Weight-Wise II Program.)
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Samuel-Hodge CD, Garcia BA, Johnston LF, et al. (2013) Translation of a behavioral weight loss intervention for mid-life, low-income women in local health departments. Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.). 21: 1764-73
Samuel-Hodge CD, Garcia BA, Johnston LF, et al. (2012) Rationale, design, and sample characteristics of a practical randomized trial to assess a weight loss intervention for low-income women: the Weight-Wise II Program. Contemporary Clinical Trials. 33: 93-103
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