Ningyan Shen, Ph.D.

2002 McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada 
Public Health, Oncology
"Ningyan Shen"
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Nancy E. Mayo grad student 2002 McGill
 (Determinants of waiting time from initial diagnostic procedure to surgery among women with localized breast cancer in Quebec, 1992--1997.)
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Shen N, Mayo NE, Scott SC, et al. (2003) Factors associated with pattern of care before surgery for breast cancer in Quebec between 1992 and 1997. Medical Care. 41: 1353-66
Mayo NE, Scott SC, Shen N, et al. (2001) Waiting time for breast cancer surgery in Quebec. Cmaj : Canadian Medical Association Journal = Journal De L'Association Medicale Canadienne. 164: 1133-8
Vasama-Neuvonen K, Pukkala E, Paakkulainen H, et al. (1999) Ovarian cancer and occupational exposures in Finland. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 36: 83-89
Shen N, Weiderpass E, Anttila A, et al. (1998) Epidemiology of occupational and environmental risk factors related to ovarian cancer Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health. 24: 175-182
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