McGill University

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Craig Aaen-StockdaleVision, Perception, Psychophysics, Ergonomics, Bibliometrics, Research evaluation20082010 Nikolaus Troje (collaborator)
Marije aan het RotPsychopharmacology, Clinical psychology, Social Neuroscience Psychiatry Psychology Psychiatry20012006 Simon N. Young (grad student), Marco Leyton (grad student), Debbie S. Moskowitz (grad student), Chawki Benkelfat (grad student)
Michelle M. AartsTRP channels, NMDA receptors, protein-protein interactions2002 Janet E.H. Henderson (grad student)
Shani H. Abada SCSD20062010 Karsten Steinhauer (grad student)
Zahra AbbasiNeuroscience Neuroscience2020 David D. Stellwagen (grad student)
Frances V. Abbott
Frances Vivien AbbottPain and analgesia Psychology19761981 Ronald Melzack (grad student)
Fauzia A. AbdallaSpeech Pathology2003 Martha Crago (grad student)
Frances E. AboudPsychobiology Psychology, Clinical Psychology
David M. AboussafyPsychobiology Psychology, Clinical Psychology2000 Frances E. Aboud (grad student)
Therese Abrahamsson2012 Per Jesper Sjöström (post-doc)
Joseph Abramovitz
Joey AbramovitzDevelopmental Disorders; striatum; epigenetics; circuits
Rafa Absarauditory cognition, categorization Information Studies2012 Catherine Guastavino (grad student)
Malak Abuzgaya
Michael V. AccardiGABA Receptors, Epilepsy2010 Derek Bowie (grad student)
Rebecca L. Achtmanvision, fMRI, cognition, attention, plasticity2003 Robert F. Hess (grad student)
Juan Acosta-UrquidiEnergy healing1974 Ronald Chase (grad student)
Antoine Adamantidis Denis Burdakov (collaborator)
Shelley AdamoHost-parasite interactions1990 Ronald Chase (grad student)
Brocke D. AddisonMetabolism, Cortical plasticity, Learning Alan Charles Evans (grad student)
Robert Joseph Adler
Parsa Afrooz IPN Mahsa Dadar (grad student)
Albert Aguayo
Miguel Angel AguiletaNeurodegenaration, Parkinson's
Arshad AhmadEducational Psychology Education, Technology of Education2001 Susanne P. Lajoie (grad student)
Emis M. AkbariBirth Complication, drug addiction, DA, GLUT
Suleyman Can Akermannucleocytoplasmic transport
Zaki Alasmar IPN Mahsa Dadar (grad student)
Gerianne AlexanderSocial Psychology, Physiological Psychology Psychology Melissa Hines (grad student)
Ryan PD Alexanderelectrophysiology, interneurons2014 Derek Bowie (grad student)
Jean E. AlleniGluRs
Angel Alonso
Eva Alonso-OrtizMRI Medical Physics Ives Levesque (grad student)
Sue Ambrosini Terence J. Coderre (grad student)
Shimon AmirCircadian Rhythms M Stern (grad student)
Zalman Amit Muriel Stern (grad student)
Christoph AnackerNeuroscience20132014 Michael J. Meaney (post-doc)
Jamila Andoh Robert Zatorre (post-doc)
Ariana Andrei Kathleen E. Cullen (grad student)
Elizabeth Andrews20082012 Derek Bowie (grad student)
Faustine Antoine Biology Chieh Chang (grad student)
Raluca Apostu Physiology2012 Michael C. Mackey (grad student)
Philippe Archambault
Jorge L. Armonyaffect, memory
Edward AronsonManagement Business Administration2003 Alfred M. Jaeger (grad student)
Marika Colombe ArsenaultiGluRs Pharmacology & Therapeutics2016 Derek Bowie (grad student)
Genevieve Arsenault-LapierreNeuroscience Biology, Cognitive Psychology Neuroscience2012 Sonia Lupien (grad student)
Godon AtkinsNeuroethology, Neurophysiology Gerald S. Pollack (grad student)
Jasvinder K. AtwalNeuroscience Biology2002 Freda Diane Miller (grad student)
Jennifer AubeClinical Psychology, Physiological Psychology1994 Richard Koestner (grad student)
Isabelle Aubert Remi Quirion (grad student)
Michel A. AudetteBiomedical Engineering, Medicine and Surgery, Neuroscience Biology2002 Kaleem Siddiqi (grad student)
Randy P. AuerbachClinical Psychology
Sarah Aufmkolk Chemistry20172019 Edward S. Ruthazer (post-doc)
Emilie Auger Psychology John E. Lydon (grad student)
Daniel Scott Auld2002 Remi Quirion (grad student)
Mark W. AullsEducational Psychology Education
Mark Aurousseau2008 Derek Bowie (grad student)
Roger AzevedoEducational Psychology Education, Reading Education, Secondary Education Susanne P. Lajoie (grad student)
Lara BaileyMedical Image Processing
Andy BakerAnimal Learning
Daniel H. BakerBinocular vision, spatial vision Robert F. Hess (grad student), Alex S. Baldwin (collaborator)
Lisa M. BakerScientific thinking, personality, invivo cognition19911996 Kevin N. Dunbar (grad student)
Curtis L. BakerVisual system Robert F. Hess (collaborator)
Evan Balaban Nicole Marthe Le Douarin (research scientist)
Alex S. Baldwinvision, spatial vision, human vision, psychophysics, modelling2013 Robert F. Hess (post-doc), Jesse S. Husk (collaborator)
Mark W Baldwin
Francis Rodriguez Bambico Gabriella Gobbi (grad student)
Shernaz Xerxes Bamjisynapse, adhesion molecules2000 Freda Diane Miller (grad student)
Vanessa Bao Armando Bertone (grad student)
Helen BarbasSystems Neuroscience, Neuroanatomy Bernardo Dubrovsky (grad student)
Hugues Barbeauneurorehabilitation
Léa Le Barillier Oliver Hardt (post-doc)
Philip A. BarkerNeuroscience Biology
Alexandra Barnabe2015 Karim Nader (grad student)
Carol Ann Barneshippocampus, memory, & aging Graham V. Goddard (grad student)
Sarah Barnett-Burns Gustavo Turecki (grad student)
Sean P. Barrettaddiction20022005 Marco Leyton (grad student), Robert O Pihl (grad student)
Jennifer A BartzSocial Psychology Psychology2004 John E. Lydon (grad student)
Pouya BashivanVisual systems
Shari R. BaumNeurolinguistics, speech science
Anne L Beatty-Martínezbilingualism, codeswitching, language control Psychology2020 Debra Titone (post-doc)
Julie BeauchampManagement Business Administration2004 R N. Kanungo (grad student)
Alain Beaudetneuroanatomy, neuropeptides, neuropeptide receptors
Martin BeaulieuNeuroscience Biology, Pathology2001 Jean-Pierre Julien (grad student)
John C. Beck
Fion Kay BedfordNeurotransmitter receptors and the proteasome
Fiona bedford2007 Derek Bowie (collaborator)
Uwe Beffertneurodevelopment1999 Judes Poirier (grad student)
Pascal Belin19972001 Robert Zatorre (post-doc)
Jason BellVisual Psychophysics20082010 Frederick A A Kingdom (grad student)
Cyrinne Ben Mamoumemory
Jessica Benady-ChorneyDopamine
Joyce F. BenensonDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology
Nicholas Benfey Neurology & Neurosurgery2016 Edward S. Ruthazer (grad student)
Richard J. BeningerDopamine, reward, incentive learning Peter Milner (grad student)
Gary Bennettpain
Mathieu Beraneckvestibular system, plasticity, intrinsic properties, VOR, OKR, behavior, awake mice, in vivo20042006 Kathleen E. Cullen (post-doc)
Jessica Berardsensorimotor control of posture and locomotion in Stroke and Aging Joyce Fung (grad student), Anouk Lamontagne (grad student)
Andre Bergeron2003 Daniel Guitton (grad student)
Marcelo Berlim Gustavo Turecki (post-doc)
Matteo Bernabo2014 Karim Nader (grad student), Oliver Hardt (grad student)
Nicolò Francesco BernardiMotor control, Music cognition, Somatosensory perception, MBSR20132015 David J. Ostry (post-doc)
Vincent G. BerthiaumeCognitive development, computational modeks Psychology2011 Thomas R. Shultz (grad student)
Mila Bertolo Samuel A Mehr (grad student)
Élie Besserer-Offroy Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics20182021 Terence E. Hebert (post-doc)
Pascale Betrand Microbiology and Immunology2008 Shan-Lu Liu (grad student)
Peter Bexvisual psychophysics, motion perception Curtis L. Baker (post-doc)
Arjun A. BhaskaranNeuroscience, Autism and Fragile X syndrome2020 Derek Bowie (post-doc)
Anjali K. BhataraAutism spectrum disorders, cognitive neuroscience, music cognition20042008 Daniel J. Levitin (grad student)
Ege Bicaker Sarah Racine (grad student)
Kasia M. BieszczadLearning & Memory, Sensory cortical plastcity induced by learning20022004 Daniel J. Levitin (research assistant)
Maxime BigotteMultiple sclerosis, ependymal cells, autoantibodies
Dalbir BindraMotivation
Yitzchak M. Biniksexuality, health psychology, pain
Yitzack BinikPsychobiology Psychology, Animal Physiology Biology
Irv BinikClinical Psychology, Artificial Intelligence
Richard Irwin BirksACh1957 Frank Campbell MacIntosh (grad student)
Camelia BirleanCurriculum and Instruction Education, Sciences Education Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology2012 Bruce M. Shore (grad student)
J BiuikClinical Psychology, Pathology, Physiological Psychology
Emily BlakeCounseling Psychology Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology2012 Martin Drapeau (grad student)
Isabelle BlanchetteCognition and Emotion2000 Kevin N. Dunbar (grad student)
Christian BlodauBiogeochemistry, Geochemistry2002 Tim Moore (grad student)
Ian David BlumBiological Rhythms, Sleep, Arousal2010 Kai-Florian Storch (grad student)
Michael BodnarMental Health, Clinical Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology Department of Neurology & Neurosurgery2011 Martin Lepage (grad student)
Mario Bogdanov Psychology Ross Otto (post-doc)
Veronique Bohbot
Isabelle Boileau Neuroscience20032009 Marco Leyton (grad student)
Fayden Bokhari, SCSD20142015 Karsten Steinhauer (grad student)
Patricia BoksaNeuroscience Biology
Cornelius Borck
Lucia S. BorgesNeuroscience Biology2003 Michael Ferns (grad student)
Jennifer M. Bossertreward, motivation, drug dependence, memory2003 Keith BJ Franklin (grad student)
Soufiane Boucetta Neurological Sciences20052012 Barbara E. Jones (grad student)
Joanna K. Bougie Psychology2012 Wayne S. Sossin (grad student)
Mathieu Boulanger Christopher C. Pack (grad student)
Denis BourbeauMolecular Biology2001 Eugenia Wang (grad student)
Farin B. Bourojenineural circuit development and function IRCM20142020 Artur Kania (grad student)
Charles W. BourqueHypothalamus, osmoregulation Leo P. Renaud (grad student)
Isabelle Boutet2002 Avi Chaudhuri (grad student)
Derek BowieAMPA & Kainate receptors, Neurodevelopment20072011 Fiona bedford (collaborator)
Jeffrey BoyczukNeurolinguistics, speech science2003 Shari R. Baum (grad student)
Julie A. BoyleOlfaction2005 Marilyn Jones-Gotman (grad student)
Pinar BoyrazVisual system2008 Erik P. Cook (post-doc)
Bernard BraisNeurogenetics, neurodegenerative disorders, neuromuscular disorders, hereditary ataxias Guy A. Rouleau (grad student)
Wayne G. Brakedevelopmental neurobiology Alain Gratton (grad student)
Timothy Bredyfear conditioning, extinction, behavioural epigenetics19992004 Michael J. Meaney (grad student)
Albert S. Bregmanauditory system, psychophysics Val Cervin (grad student), Robert C. Joyner (grad student)
Jelena Brezo Human Genetics Gustavo Turecki (grad student)
Frédéric Brischoux20042007 Barbara E. Jones (grad student)
Megan Brookbank
Jessica X. BrooksVestibular neurophysiology Physiology2011 Kathleen E. Cullen (grad student)
Marie Brossard-RacineOccupational Therapy, Educational Psychology Education School of Physical & Occupational Therapy2012 Annette Majnemer (grad student)
Rachel M. Brown Psychology Caroline Palmer (grad student)
Kirk W. BrownClinical Psychology, Immunology, Endocrinology Biology Department of Psychology Debbie S. Moskowitz (grad student)
Patricia BrownExcitatory and Inhibitory Ligand-Gated Ion Channels2008 Derek Bowie (grad student)
Colin H. Brown20002001 Charles W. Bourque (post-doc)
Maggie BruckDevelopmental Psychology
Jennifer BrunetClinical Psychology, Recreation Department of Kinesiology and Physical Education2012 Catherine M. Sabiston (grad student)
M Philip BrydenLaterality19581961 Donald Olding Hebb (grad student), Woodburn Heron (grad student)
Aliza Brzezinski-Rittner IPN Mahsa Dadar (grad student)
Henry (Gus) BuchtelEpilepsy, attention, language, Wada Test19781980 Robert B. Malmo (grad student), Brenda Milner (post-doc)
Athena Buckthoughtvisual perception; stereopsis
Sarah-Jane Bull Integrated Program in Neuroscience2012 Timothy E. Kennedy (grad student)
Kelly Reagan BullockVisual systems, prefrontal cortex, saccades Department of Physiology Julio Martinez-Trujillo (grad student)
Jacob A. BurackDevelopmental Psychophathology, First Nations Edward F. Zigler (grad student)
etienne burdetmotor learning, neuroengineering Theodore E. Milner (post-doc)
W. Mac BurnhamEpilepsy Peter Milner (grad student)
Ben Delisle BurnsNeurophysiology
Cathy Bushnellpain
Robert R. Buss2002 Pierre Drapeau (grad student)
Arif N. ButtManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology2004 Alfred M. Jaeger (grad student)
Rafael J. Cabezapharmacology, sleep Brian Collier (grad student)
Roberta CagnettaNeurobiology Biochemistry Department of Anesthesia and Faculty of Dentistry20202023 Nahum Sonenberg (post-doc), Arkady Khoutorsky (collaborator), Hovy Ho-Wai Wong (collaborator)
Catherine Cahillpain, opioid pharmacology Terence J. Coderre (post-doc)
Scott A CameronVisual System
Tavis S. CampbellPhysiological Psychology2003 Blaine Ditto (grad student)
Yinan Caodecision making, multisensory integration Stephen McAdams (grad student)
Ruifeng Caotranslational control, circadian rhythm, mTOR signaling, seizure, brain trauma20112016 Nahum Sonenberg (post-doc)
Edmund G. Cape2000 Barbara E. Jones (grad student)
Jerome CarriotVestibular system, perception, motor control, neurophysiology, spatial orientation, acceleration Physiology2017 Kathleen E. Cullen (post-doc), Maurice J. Chacron (research scientist)
Tina Caruana Kevin N. Dunbar (research assistant)
Kevin CaseyVulnerability to addiction
Kevin F. Casey20022013 Marco Leyton (grad student)
Neil R. CashmanNeuroscience Biology, Medicine and Surgery
Andree Castonguay Kinesiology and Physical Education Catherine M. Sabiston (grad student)
Elizabeth Cawley-Fiset Psychiatry20092015 Marco Leyton (grad student)
Elvis Cela Per Jesper Sjöström (grad student)
Fernando CerveroPain Terence J. Coderre (collaborator)
Eduardo Chachamovich Gustavo Turecki (post-doc)
Maurice J. Chacron
Eva Chadnovavision, human vision, psychophysics, MEG, masking, amblyopia Robert F. Hess (grad student), Sylvain Baillet (grad student)
Katherine Chadwick IPN Mahsa Dadar (grad student)
Sin-Chee ChaiLearning and Memory Norman White (grad student)
Sin C. Chaimemory2002 Norman White (grad student)
Yassar Chakfe19951997 Charles W. Bourque (grad student)
Mallar Chakravartyneuroimaging, schizophrenia, alzheimer's disease, image processing Neurology Neurosurgery20012015 Louis Collins (grad student), Mei Huang (collaborator)
John W ChamberlainImmunology19771983 Cliff Stanners (grad student)
Frances ChampagneBehavioral Neuroscience, Neuroendocrinology Michael J. Meaney (grad student)
Danielle L. Champagne2003 Michael J. Meaney (grad student), Judes Poirier (grad student)
Mona Lisa ChandaNeurochemistry; pain; music cognition20102009 Daniel J. Levitin (post-doc), Jeffrey S. Mogil (grad student)
Shih-Dar ChangContextual fear conditioning, Hippocampus, Amygdala2012 Karim Nader (post-doc)
Dorita Chang
Hao-Cheng Chang Wei-Hsiang Huang (grad student)
Ya-Ting Chang Wei-Hsiang Huang (post-doc)
HaoRan ChangCognitive Neuroscience, Learning & Memory, Spatial Navigation
Fernande CharronDevelopmental Pycholinguistics-Bilingualism Laura-Ann Petitto (grad student)
Ferdernande CharronDevelopmental Pycholinguistics-Bilingualism
Ronald ChaseSnail brains, snail sex, psychiatry
Avijit ChaudhuriExperimental Psychology, Physical Anthropology, Neuroscience Biology, Psychobiology Psychology
Avi Chaudhuri Thomas D. Albright (post-doc)
Joyce L. Chen Robert Zatorre (grad student)
Gang Chen Gustavo Turecki (post-doc)
Yabo ChenPrehabilitation
Xinyuan (Cecilia) Chen Derek Bowie (grad student)
Brian E. ChenNeuroscience
Yining Chen Integrated Program in Neuroscience20142016 Jon T. Sakata (grad student)
Xiaoye ChenMarketing Business Administration Desautels Faculty of Management2012 Laurette Dube (grad student)
Mariya V. CherkasovaSchizophrenia, Eye tracking, ADHD Psychology2012 Gillian O'Driscoll (grad student)
Howard ChertkowNeuroscience Biology, Cognitive Psychology
Nadege CheryPharmacology, Neuroscience Biology2000 Yves d. Koninck (grad student)
Yoobin Cho Wei-Hsiang Huang (grad student)
Gyeongcheol ChoQuantitative Psychology Psychology20172023 Heungsun Hwang (grad student)
Caroline Chocholaffect, memory
Katrina Yuri ChoeSupraoptic nucleus, astrocytes2006 Charles W. Bourque (grad student)
Won Yung Y. ChoiDA/GLU Cotransmission, VTA, SN19981998 Norman White (research assistant)
Mabel Chong20082012 Derek Bowie (post-doc), Pierre Drapeau (grad student)
Zahraa Chorghayneuron-glia, visual system Neurology & Neurosurgery20152021 Edward S. Ruthazer (grad student)
Philippe A. ChouinardVision, Cognitive Neuroscience Gabriel Leonard (grad student)
Greg Christattention Kevin N. Dunbar (grad student)
Yogita ChudasamaBehavioural Neuroscience
Esther del Cid-Pellitero Neurological Sciences20112014 Barbara E. Jones (grad student)
Esther Cid-PelliteroSleep
John Ciriello Canio Polosa (post-doc)
Miguel Cisneros-Franco
Sorana Ciura20042010 Charles W. Bourque (grad student)
James J. Clark
Sean CloustonNeuroepidemiology, Sociology, Demography, Sociology Sociology and Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and Occupational Health20052011 Steven Rytina (grad student), Amélie Quesnel Vallée (grad student)
Terence J. Coderrepain, neuroplasticity19811985 Ronald Melzack (grad student), Gary Bennett (collaborator)
Emily B.J. CoffeyAuditory cognitive neuroscience, plasticity, neuroimaging2010 Robert Zatorre (grad student)
William A. Coish
Brian CollierCholinergic neurotransmission
Louis Collins
James Bertram Collipneuroendocrinology
Emilio ColomboEndocrinología Hans Selye (post-doc)
Liane ComeauPsychology, Second Language2004 Fred Genesee (grad student)
Denise CookNeuromodulation and the prefrontal cortex20072012 Keith K. Murai (grad student)
Erik P. CookNeurophysiology, visual perception
Ellis Cooperneuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors
Roderick M. Cooper Psychology1960 Donald Olding Hebb (grad student)
Laura CopelandLanguage, Prosody, Stress, Cortisol, Self Esteem20072008 Vincent L. Gracco (grad student)
Michael C. Corballisinterhemispheric communication, language evolution, laterlaization of function Dalbir Bindra (grad student)
Dale CorbettStroke, Stroke Recovery, Stroke Rehabilitation, Neuroplasticity19781980 Peter Milner (post-doc)
Michael Corcoranneural plasticity, kindling, epilepsy, learning and memory Peter Milner (grad student)
Christopher A. CordovaLearning and Memory20062009 Barbara E. Jones (post-doc)
Jason A. Coreymusic technology, recording science20012002 Daniel J. Levitin (grad student)
Virginia Cornea Terence J. Coderre (post-doc)
Gregory P. Cosentinotranslational control2000 Nahum Sonenberg (grad student)
Eugenia Costa-GiomiMusic Education, Educational Psychology Education, Behavioral Psychology
Patrice D. Coteretina, sodium channels, synaptogenesis19942001 Salvatore T. Carbonetto (grad student)
Jonathan CoteAuditory system, MEG20132015 Etienne de Villers-Sidani (grad student)
Marceline Cote Microbiology and Immunology2009 Shan-Lu Liu (grad student)
Sebastien Couillard-DespresNeuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology2001 Jean-Pierre Julien (grad student)
Sylvia ML Cox Psychiatry20042009 Marco Leyton (post-doc)
Martha CragoDevelopmental Psychology, Speech Communication
Joelle CraneMemory2000 Brenda Milner (grad student)
David Crane2006 M. Natasha Rajah (grad student)
Roger P. Crollcomparative neurobiology19731978 Ronald Chase (grad student)
Jennifer CrotoginoPhysiological Psychology, Experimental Psychology2002 Blaine Ditto (grad student)
Cristiana Cruceanu Human Genetics Gustavo Turecki (grad student)
Poppy A. CrumAuditory system1999 Albert S. Bregman (grad student)
Peter CserjesiMolecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Cell Biology1990 Bruce P. Brandhorst (grad student)
Bennett CsorbaVisual System, Neural Timing Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery2015 Christopher C. Pack (grad student)
A Claudio CuelloAlzheimer's Disease, cognitive behavior, neurochemistry, immunocytochemistry, neuropharmacology and molecular biology.
Kathleen E. Cullen
Laura Cuttini Psychology20102016 Melanie A. Dirks (grad student)
Vedrana CvetkovskaFragile X Syndrome2009 Brian E. Chen (grad student)
Gary Cziko Wallace E. Lambert (grad student)
David U. D'Alessandromotivation2004 Richard Koestner (grad student)
Valérie D'Amour-Horvat Psychology2012 Marco Leyton (grad student)
Benjamin D'AnjouPhysics, Quantum Information, Condensed Matter Physics Physics20112017 William A. Coish (grad student)
Martina D'Antoni
Mahsa DadarNeuroimaging, Alzheimer's disease, Cerebrovascular disease, Neurodegenerative disorders Biological and Biomedical Engineering Psychiatry Psychiatry Louis Collins (grad student), Yashar Zeighami (collaborator), Mallar Chakravarty (collaborator)
Alain DagherAddiction, Parkinson's Disease
David L Dai20142018 Nahum Sonenberg (grad student)
Ioana M. Dalcapsychology20072010 Daniel J. Levitin (research assistant), Gustavo Turecki (grad student), Marcelo M. Wanderley (research scientist)
Turgay Dalkara Kresimir Krnjevic (post-doc)
Mike DamaDistributed reasoning Kevin N. Dunbar (grad student)
Claudia DamianoCognitive science, neuroscience, psychology Psychology Jelena Ristic (grad student)
Stephane Dandeneau Mark W Baldwin (grad student)
Frédéric Dandurand
Jean-François Daneault Abbas F. Sadikot (grad student)
Bryan A. Danielsionotropic glutamate receptors, synaptic physiology, retina Derek Bowie (post-doc)
Emmanuel Darcq
Samuel DavidNeuroimmunology, Macrophages19791982 Albert Aguayo (post-doc)
Brent DaweKainate Receptors, Synaptic Protein Complexes2010 Derek Bowie (grad student), Fiona bedford (grad student)
Catalina Lopez de Human Genetics Psychiatry20052007 Gustavo Turecki (grad student), Martin Alda (research assistant)
Omar de Faria Jr.Myelin
Yves De Koninckpain, neuroplasticity James L. Henry (grad student)
Guy DebonnelPharmacology, Neuroscience Biology
Matthew DectorDevelopmental Pycholinguistics
Louis J. DeFeliceserotonin (5HT), dopamine (DA), and norepinephrine (NE) transporters David R. Firth (post-doc)
Amirozhan DehghaniVisual system Physiology2020 Pouya Bashivan (research scientist)
Olga Dembinska-KnypinskiNeuroscience Biology, Pathology2001 Pierre Lachapelle (grad student)
Alexander P Demos Psychology20132015 Caroline Palmer (post-doc)
Lana DepatieSchizophrenia, Eye tracking, ADHD Psychology2011 Gillian O'Driscoll (grad student)
Jeffrey DerevenskyEducational Psychology Education
Isabelle DeschampsLanguage2007 Vincent L. Gracco (grad student)
Bryan D DevanBehavioral Neuroscience, Psychopharmacology, Integrative Brain Science, Interactive Memory Systems, Striatum, Hippocamus, Experimental Gerontology, PDE inhibition, Nutritional Neuroscience, Emergent Engram19941998 Norman White (grad student)
Gabriel Allan Devenyineuroimaging, mri, big data, image registration
Mikhiel Dijkstra Biology20062007 Ehab Abouheif (post-doc)
Shilei Ding Microbiology and Immunology2014 Shan-Lu Liu (grad student)
Blaine DittoClinical Psychology, Physiological Psychology
Jelena DjordjevicOlfaction19972003 Marilyn Jones-Gotman (post-doc), Michael Petrides (grad student)
Sonia Do Carmoinflammation, epigenetics, ngf Pharmacology and Therapeutics2010 A Claudio Cuello (research scientist)
Donald Doehringneuropsychology
Dorothée Domenger Biology Chieh Chang (post-doc)
Merlin W. DonaldCognitive neuroscience19651968 Dalbir Bindra (grad student)
Don DonderiExperimental Psychology, Gerontology
Jie DongComputational Neuroscience Neurology and Neurosurgery Neurology and Neurosurgery20152019 Christopher C. Pack (grad student), Sylvain Baillet (grad student)
Sophie Donnadieu Stephen McAdams (grad student)
Victoria Doobay Armando Bertone (grad student)
John Dossetor John C. Beck (grad student)
Josee Dostietranslational control2000 Nahum Sonenberg (grad student)
Virginia DouglasADHD
Julien Doyon1988 Brenda Milner (grad student)
Adrian Dragoiescu Wei-Hsiang Huang (grad student)
Martin DrapeauCounseling Psychology
John E. DruryPsycholinguistics, Cognitive Neuroscience SCSD20062010 Karsten Steinhauer (post-doc)
Marie-Pierre DubeNeurogenetics2000 Guy A. Rouleau (grad student)
Laurette DubeMarketing Business Administration, Cognitive Psychology
Etienne DubreuilSusceptibility/Etiology of Drug Abuse2003 Robert O Pihl (grad student)
Sascha Dubrovsky Kathleen E. Cullen (grad student)
Bernardo Dubrovskyneuroscience
Annie Duchesne Neuroscience Jens Pruessner (grad student)
Lyman Duff
Frank DumontGuidance and Counseling Education, Industrial Psychology
Julie R. Dumontanterior thalamic nuclei, spatial memory, navigation Viviane Sziklas (research assistant)
Serge O. DumoulinPerception, Cognition, Neuroscience, Vision, Neuroimaging19982005 Curtis L. Baker (grad student), Robert F. Hess (grad student)
Robert James Dunn
Adrian J. DuszkiewiczMemory consolidation, hippocampus, head-direction cells, neural dynamics Montreal Neurological Institute2016 Adrien Peyrache (post-doc)
Christian DuvalNeuroscience Biology, Pathology2003 Abbas F. Sadikot (grad student)
Laurel M. Eakinmotivation2001 Richard Koestner (grad student)
Aleksander Reginald Ebbeling Derek Bowie (research scientist)
Shahryar EbrahimiSensorimotor Neuroscience Psychology20202024 David J. Ostry (grad student)
Valentina Echeverria MoranNeuroscience20012003 A Claudio Cuello (post-doc)
Einar Ö. EinarssonLearning and memory, systems neuroscience Psychology20042012 Karim Nader (grad student)
Bassem F. El-KhodorNeuroscience Biology2000 Patricia Boksa (grad student)
Dawlat El-SaidNeuroscience, psychiatry, neuroimaging, emotion, cognitive development
Allan ElliottGABA, neurochemistry
Joshua T EmmersonDementia, Alzheimers disease, tauopathies, neurodegeneration Pharmacology & Therapeutics20172023 A Claudio Cuello (grad student)
Marla. J. EngelbergClinical Psychology2004 Howard Steiger (grad student)
Veronika EngertMental health, Social stress20032006 Michael J. Meaney (grad student)
Crystal Ann EricksonAddiction, Parkinson's Disease, Basal Ganglia Alain Dagher (grad student)
Jeffrey C. Erlichdecision-making, quantitative models19961998 Matthew Shapiro (research assistant)
Carl ErnstNeurogenesis Gustavo Turecki (grad student)
Aaron Ettenberg1980 Peter Milner (grad student)
Guillaume Etterlearning and memory, deep learning, retrosplenial cortex, patch clamp, in vivo calcium imaging, optogenetics Psychiatry Neurosciences Sylvain Williams (post-doc), Massimo Avoli (collaborator)
Raina Fan Biology2018 Jon T. Sakata (grad student)
Annabel Wing-Yan FanVisual System, Visual Information Processing, Ageing, Driving Simulator Ophthalmology20212024 Alex S. Baldwin (grad student)
Xueping FanNeurogenetics2002 Guy A. Rouleau (grad student)
Nazlie Faridi Psychiatry20042007 Marco Leyton (grad student)
Reza FarivarVisual System20062009 Avi Chaudhuri (grad student), Robert F. Hess (post-doc), Craig Aaen-Stockdale (collaborator)
Melissa A. FarmerFemale sexuality Yitzchak M. Binik (grad student), Jeffrey S. Mogil (grad student)
W Todd Farmeraxon guidance2008 Keith K. Murai (post-doc)
Nasr Farooqi20102016 Edward S. Ruthazer (grad student)
Zen Faulkesinvertebrate neuroethology19961999 Gerald S. Pollack (post-doc)
Marie-Julie Fave Biology20072012 Ehab Abouheif (grad student)
Anne-Marie Louise Fay20032009 Derek Bowie (grad student)
Mark FeatherstoneMolecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Pathology, Animal Physiology Biology
Lisa A. FeldmanNeuroscience Biology, Genetics Neuroscience2012 Josephine Nalbantoglu (grad student)
Samuel M. FeldmanSensorimotor integration Donald Olding Hebb (grad student)
Lesley K. Fellowsfrontal lobe functions, decision-making19901992 Marianne Fillenz (grad student)
Can Fenerci Psychology Signy Sheldon (grad student)
Stephen S. FergusonG protein-coupled receptors19891994 Brian Collier (grad student)
Alastair V. Ferguson Leo P. Renaud (post-doc)
Michael FernsNeuroscience Biology
Victor S. FerreiraLanguage production, discourse Kevin N. Dunbar (research assistant)
Maria T. Ferretti Pharmacology & Therapeutics2012 A Claudio Cuello (grad student)
Charles S FerrisMemory, fMRI Pscyhology2023 Signy Sheldon (post-doc)
Eviatar FieldsNeuroscience, Cerebellum, Purkinje cells, Aging Biology Alanna J. Watt (grad student)
Morrison H. Finlayson
Cindy A. FinnEducational Psychology Education, Behavioral Psychology, Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education2000 Ingrid Sladeczek (grad student)
Peter R FinnNeurobiology of Alcohol Abuse Robert O Pihl (grad student)
Peter S.B. FinnieMemory, hippocampus, visual plasticity Psychology20072015 Karim Nader (grad student)
Laura Fiori Gustavo Turecki (grad student)
Eric W. FishBehavioral pharmacology Michael J. Meaney (post-doc)
Kim Fisher Terence J. Coderre (grad student)
Teddy Fisher Gerhard Multhaup (grad student)
Marilyn FitzpatrickClinical Psychology, Counseling Psychology, Industrial Psychology
Herman F. Flaniginepilepsy Wilder Penfield (post-doc)
Cecilia Floresneural plasticity
Lisi Flores AguilarAlzheimer's disease, Down syndrome, neuroinflammation, Cell Biology, Noradrenergic System, neurodegeneration, Mild Cognitive Impairment A Claudio Cuello (grad student)
Edward FonParkinson's
Morgan ForetAlzheimer's disease Pharmacology and Therapeutics2015 A Claudio Cuello (grad student)
Norbert J. FortinEpisodic memory, hippocampus, electrophysiology, behavior19961998 Matthew Shapiro (research assistant)
Haleh Fotowat Biology20102013 Rüdiger Krahe (post-doc)
Aryandokht Fotros Neuroscience20092012 Marco Leyton (grad student)
Alyson FournierNeuroscience
Christopher R. FranceClinical Psychology Psychology Blaine Ditto (grad student)
Darlene D. FrancisStress & Development2000 Michael J. Meaney (grad student)
Gina M. FrancoEducational Psychology Education, Sciences Education Educational and Counselling Psychology2012 Krista Muis (grad student)
Keith BJ Franklinreward, motivation, drug dependence, memory19761977 Peter Milner (post-doc)
Sarah Fraser School of Social Work School of Social Work20142015 Walter Wittich (post-doc), Kenneth Southhall (post-doc)
Johannes FrasnelliOlfaction2006 Marilyn Jones-Gotman (post-doc)
Sandra FreedmanGuidance and Counseling Education, Industrial Psychology2001 Frank Dumont (grad student)
Erika Freemantle Gustavo Turecki (grad student)
Lee Friedman19791983 Barbara E. Jones (grad student)
Perry N. FuchsPain, Behavior Ronald Melzack (grad student)
Marian Fundytus Terence J. Coderre (grad student)
Joyce Fung
Lucia Gagliese Psychology19911998 Ronald Melzack (grad student)
Faby GagneSocial Psychology2002 John E. Lydon (grad student)
Alba Galan20052007 Derek Bowie (post-doc)
Henrietta L. GalianaSaccades
Andy Y GaoNeurodevelopmental disorders Pharmacology & Therapeutics2014 Anne McKinney. (grad student)
Eliot L. GardnerNeuroscience Biology, Behavioral Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology Psychology Psychology19621966 Muriel Stern (grad student), Robert B. Malmo (grad student)
Robert C. Gardner Wallace E. Lambert (grad student)
Serge Gauthier
Mathieu GauvinRetinal function, Signal Processing, Refractive Surgery Integrated Program in Neuroscience Pierre Lachapelle (grad student)
Nicola GazzolaGuidance and Counseling Education, Clinical Psychology2001 Anastassios Stalikas (grad student)
Alexia GeneIon Channels Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics2019 Derek Bowie (grad student)
Fred GeneseePsychology, Second Language Wallace E. Lambert (collaborator)
Stephen J. Gentles19951997 Charles W. Bourque (grad student)
Polyxeni GeorgiadouGuidance and Counseling Education2003 Anastassios Stalikas (grad student)
Andonis Gerardos Psychiatry Guillaume Etter (grad student)
Anat GevaCognitive Neuroscience-Semantics Laura-Ann Petitto (grad student)
Masoud Ghamari19962001 Charles W. Bourque (grad student)
Nader Ghasemlouchronic & inflammatory pain, spinal cord Injury, neuroimmunology, circadian rhythms20022008 Samuel David (grad student)
Mina Gheiratmand20082014 Kathy T. Mullen (grad student)
Elena Gheorghiuvision20052009 Frederick A A Kingdom (post-doc)
Danial GhiaseddinAuditory, System Neuroscience Physiology2022 Stephen G. Lomber (grad student)
Arna Ghoshneuroimaging, EEG, deep learning Computer Science2019 Blake Aaron Richards (grad student)
Benoit I. GiassonNeurodegeneration ,Parkinson’s disease, Neuronal Damage, Protein Aggregation,Kinases, Alpha-synuclein, Tau19911997 Walter E. Mushynski (grad student)
Annie-Kim Gilbertreward, motivation, drug dependence, memory2001 Keith BJ Franklin (grad student)
Tripat GillMarketing Business Administration, Cognitive Psychology2002 Laurette Dube (grad student)
Ian Gilronpain, anesthesia Terence J. Coderre (grad student)
Anne-Claude Gingrastranslational control2001 Nahum Sonenberg (grad student)
Bruno GirosMolecular Neurobiology, Psychiatry, Neuropsychopharmacology
Claire Gizowski2013 Charles W. Bourque (grad student)
Christos G. GkogkasNeuroscience, Translational Control20092013 Nahum Sonenberg (post-doc)
Stephen D. GlasgowElectrophysiology2014 Antoine Adamantidis (post-doc), Timothy E. Kennedy (post-doc), Edward S. Ruthazer (post-doc)
Anastasia Glushko IPN20142020 Karsten Steinhauer (grad student)
Gabriella GobbiMental Illness and Addiction, Neurosciences19982000 Pierre Blier (post-doc)
Delphine GobertL-LTP, 5'TOP-mRNA, local protein synthesis20102015 Edward S. Ruthazer (post-doc)
Erin GoddardColour Vision, fMRI Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences20172020 Kathy T. Mullen (post-doc)
Graham V. Goddard Peter Milner (grad student)
Narly A. Golestani2002 Robert Zatorre (grad student)
Walter Adame Gonzalez IPN Mahsa Dadar (grad student)
Jennifer L. GordonPsychoneuroendocrinology, Women's Health, Psychology Psychology Blaine Ditto (grad student)
Jean K. GordonNeurolinguistics, speech science2001 Shari R. Baum (grad student)
M Jones GotmanPsychobiology Psychology
Marilyn J. GotmanExperimental Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology
Yukiori Goto
Ellie M GoudEcology, plant biology, comparative biology, physiological ecology, functional ecology Geography20122014 Tim Moore (grad student)
Julie GouletComputational Neurosciences20022002 Michael C. Mackey (research assistant)
Vincent L. GraccoSpeech Motor Control, Speech perception
Alessandra Graditranslational control2000 Nahum Sonenberg (grad student)
M. Dean Grahamfemale sexual behavior20092017 James G Pfaus (grad student)
Alanna Grantdopamine plasticity and development2005 Cecilia Flores (grad student)
Alain Grattondopamine
Andrea M. Greensensorimotor control, vestibular system, spatial orientation, motor learning, reaching, computational modeling Henrietta L. Galiana (grad student)
Amy JP Gregory Jennifer A Bartz (grad student)
Paul L. Gribblemotor control, computational neuroscience19931999 David J. Ostry (grad student)
Christopher M. GrindrodNeurolinguistics, speech science2004 Shari R. Baum (grad student)
Ivana Gritti Neurological Sciences19982005 Barbara E. Jones (grad student)
Yosef GrodzinskyNeurolinguistics Edgar Zurif (grad student)
Jeffrey Gross Gustavo Turecki (grad student)
Isabelle Groves Psychology2017 Oliver Hardt (grad student)
Kim M GruverCerebellum; motor control; neural circuitry Integrated Program in Neuroscience2016 Alanna J. Watt (grad student)
Fay Allison GuarraciMotivation, Sexual Behavior, drugs of Abuse, aging Psychology Psychology Norman White (research assistant), Andy Baker (research assistant)
Catherine Guastavinoauditory cognition, categorization20022005 Daniel J. Levitin (post-doc)
Helga R. GudmundsdottirMusic Education2003 Eugenia Costa-Giomi (grad student)
Patrick Anthony GuerraAggression, Cooperation, Dispersal, Migration Gerald S. Pollack (grad student)
Claudia P. GuerreraEducational Psychology Education, Special Education, Sciences Education2002 Susanne P. Lajoie (grad student)
Marie-Christine Guiot
Daniel Guitton George Mandl (grad student)
Roberto A GulliLearning, Memory, Decision-making Neuroscience20122018 Julio Martinez-Trujillo (grad student)
Jason W. Gulliferpsycholinguistics, bilingualism Psychology Neurology and Neurosurgery20152018 Debra Titone (post-doc), Denise Klein (post-doc)
Kunal GuptaMarketing Business Administration2004 Laurette Dube (grad student)
Tugce Gurbuz20212025 Eilif B. Muller (grad student)
Lauri Gurguryan Psychology Signy Sheldon (grad student)
Jacalyn Guy Armando Bertone (grad student)
Caroline Habluetzel Art History and Communications Studies2011 Cornelius Borck (grad student)
Aaron J. HackettNeurotrophins, Alzheimer's Disease
Maria Haddad20192020 Per Jesper Sjöström (research assistant)
Ali P. Haghighineuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors2000 Ellis Cooper (grad student)
Grant E. Hainesfunctional morphology, contemporary evolution Biology20172022 Andrew P. Hendry (grad student)
Bassam Hamam2002 Angel Alonso (grad student)
Fadi F. HamdanParasite Neurobiology2000 Paula A. Ribeiro (grad student)
Josiane Hamers Wallace E. Lambert (grad student)
Julie Hanck Armando Bertone (grad student)
Bruce C. Hansen Robert F. Hess (post-doc)
Minza Haque Wei-Hsiang Huang (grad student)
Karen K. HardoonGuidance and Counseling Education, Behavioral Psychology2002 Jeffrey Derevensky (grad student)
Oliver HardtForgetting, Memory Maintenance Karim Nader (post-doc)
Eric L. HargreavesLearning and Memory, Parkinson's Disease, Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)19931997 Matthew Shapiro (post-doc)
Stevan Harnad Psychology1969 Donald Olding Hebb (grad student)
Stephanie N. Harris2010 Timothy E. Kennedy (grad student)
Erik Harvey-GirardNMDAR, electrosensory system, communication, memory19952003 Robert James Dunn (grad student)
Erin Rutherford HascupAlzheimer's disease, neurotransmission, neurodegeneration, cellular senescence20092011 Alain Gratton (post-doc)
Kevin Nicholas HascupGlutamate Neurotransmission, Neurobiology, Behavioral Pharmacology20092011 Alain Gratton (post-doc)
Josué Haubrich Psychology Psychology20202022 Oliver Hardt (post-doc), Karim Nader (post-doc)
Dana A. Haywardattention, social cogntion Psychology20102015 Jelena Ristic (grad student)
Nancy L. HeathDevelopmental Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Social Psychology
Donald Olding Hebblearning & memory, systems19371975 Wilder Penfield (post-doc), Wallace E. Lambert (collaborator)
Lily HechtmanClinical Psychology
Siegfried Hekimi
Kim HellemansBehavioural neuroscience Psychiatry19961998 Frances V. Abbott (research assistant)
Ian C. Hellstrom Neurology & Neurosurgery2011 Michael J. Meaney (grad student)
Janet E.H. HendersonChondrocytes, bone development
Michael Hendricks
Melissa HenryCancer, oncology, palliative care, quality of life, health disparities, psychological distress
Alexandre Herbay SCSD2016 Karsten Steinhauer (grad student)
Woodburn Heron Donald Olding Hebb (grad student)
Robert F. Hess David R. Badcock (collaborator)
Valerie HigenellXenopus, Visual System, Development20072014 Edward S. Ruthazer (grad student)
Julia Higgins Phil Barker (grad student)
Noboru Hiroinicotine dependence, autism, mental retardation, schizophrenia Norman White (grad student)
John Hiscottregulation of gene expression in cancer cells, development of immune response modifiers and analysis of the immune response to virus infection
Matthew R. Holahanlearning, memory, concussion, Parkinson's disease, development Norman White (grad student)
Anne Holding Psychology Richard Koestner (grad student)
Crystal D. HollyClinical Psychology, Physiological Psychology Psychology2012 Blaine Ditto (grad student)
Colin Holmes Neurological Sciences19871993 Barbara E. Jones (grad student)
Siobhan Holowka Laura-Ann Petitto (grad student)
Michael J. HonsbergerBehavioral neuroscience Psychology2011 Karim Nader (grad student)
Daniel Hoopsdopamine plasticity and development2006 Cecilia Flores (research assistant)
Gabriel HornNeural plasticity, learning, development Donald Olding Hebb (post-doc)
Sarah Horvath
Wendy P. Hough-EyamieDevelopmental Psychology, Speech Communication2000 Martha Crago (grad student)
Heidi C. HowardNeurogenetics2004 Guy A. Rouleau (grad student)
Pierce Hua20062008 Charles W. Bourque (grad student)
Vincent S. Huangmotor learning and robot-assisted rehabilitation Robert E. Kearney (research assistant), Gerald S. Pollack (research assistant)
Pi-Chun Huang20042007 Robert F. Hess (grad student), Jesse S. Husk (collaborator)
Chengjie G HuangNeuroscience Physiology Maurice J. Chacron (grad student)
Mei Huang
Wei-Hsiang HuangNeurodevelopmental Disorders
Lucinda K. Hughey2004 Joyce Fung (grad student)
Carey You Lim HuhHippocampus, Medial septum, Glutamate neurons
Stefani HurleySocial Psychology2004 John E. Lydon (grad student)
Jesse S. Huskspatial vision, amblyopia Robert F. Hess (post-doc)
Sean Hutchins Psychology Caroline Palmer (grad student)
Heungsun HwangPsychometrics Psychology2001 Yoshio Takane (grad student)
Hyekyung Hwang SCSD20082012 Karsten Steinhauer (post-doc)
Grace I. IarocciAutism, Attention, 2001 Jacob A. Burack (grad student)
Ana Sofia Ibarraran Biology20082014 Ehab Abouheif (grad student)
Staci D. IllsleyClinical Psychology2002 Ingrid Sladeczek (grad student)
Maisha Iqbalneuroendocrinology, mental health
Julie A. IrvingClinical Psychology, Counseling Psychology, Industrial Psychology Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology2011 Jeeseon Park (grad student)
Ehud Y. IsacoffChannel Physiology1988 Richard Irwin Birks (grad student)
Gaurav Isola Biology20162018 Jon T. Sakata (grad student)
Iliya Ivanov20092011 Kathy T. Mullen (post-doc)
Shigeru IwakabeClinical Psychology2001 Anastassus Stalikas (grad student)
Keith B. J. FranklinPhysiological Psychology Psychiatry Frances V. Abbott (collaborator)
Alexander C. JacksonNeuroscience, neurophysiology Alain Beaudet (research assistant)
Alfred M. JaegerManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology
Kian Jalaleddini Biomedical Engineering20092015 Robert E. Kearney (grad student)
Mohsen Jamali2006 Kathleen E. Cullen (grad student)
Logan James Biology2013 Jon T. Sakata (grad student)
Sehrish Javed Wei-Hsiang Huang (grad student)
Natalia Jaworska Psyciatry2014 Marco Leyton (post-doc)
Sriram JayabalCerebellum2011 Alanna J. Watt (grad student)
Xiaoming JiangLanguage Cognition, Psycholinguistics, Neurolinguistics, Neuropragmatics Marc D. Pell (post-doc)
Ellie Shuo Jinstress, cortisol, testosterone, hpa, depression, anxiety, sex differences Psychology Psychology20122013 Jens Pruessner (research assistant), Yitzchak M. Binik (research assistant)
Tushare J. JinadasaPhysiology Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology Physiology2012 John Orlowski (grad student)
Alvin JogasuriaPain Physiology20112012 Reza Sharif-Naeini (grad student)
Ingrid S. JohnsrudeAuditory system, speech perception, fMRI19891997 Brenda Milner (grad student)
Barbara E. Jones
Melvill Jones
Marilyn Jones-Gotman Brenda Milner (grad student)
Maryann F. JosephClinical Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Occupational Health and Safety Psychology2012 Blaine Ditto (grad student)
Mireille Joussemetmotivation2004 Richard Koestner (grad student)
Jean-Pierre JulienNeuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology
Jean Pierre Julienneurodegeneration Walter E. Mushynski (grad student)
Sungmi Jung
Sonia S. JungNeuroscience Biology, Medicine and Surgery2000 Neil R. Cashman (grad student)
Benjamin Jung Biology20162017 Jon T. Sakata (research assistant)
Katarzyna Jurewiczvisual system, attention
Avak Kahvejiantranslational control2004 Nahum Sonenberg (grad student)
Hadis Kalantar
Aarat P Kalraprotein polymers, biomedical engineering, bioengineering, biophotonics, bioelectronics Biology20152017 Gary J Brouhard (grad student)
Farooq Kamal Mahsa Dadar (post-doc)
R N. KanungoGeneral Business Administration, Social Psychology
Andrew Kaplan Alyson Fournier (grad student)
Kristina Kasparian SCSD20092015 Karsten Steinhauer (grad student)
Joel KatzPain mechanisms and management Psychology Ronald Melzack (grad student)
Felicia D. KaufmanClinical Psychology2003 Jeffrey Derevensky (grad student)
Ibrahim KaysDown Syndrome2012 Brian E. Chen (grad student)
Robert E. Kearneyhuman motor control, biomedical system identification
Timothy E. KennedyAxon Guidance
Malcolm Kennedy Biology2018 Jon T. Sakata (grad student)
Stephan Kennepohl Marilyn Jones-Gotman (post-doc)
Emily A. KernerGuidance and Counseling Education Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology2012 Marilyn Fitzpatrick (grad student)
Bradley Kerrpain, spinal cord injury Terence J. Coderre (research assistant), Samuel David (post-doc)
Philip Kesner Neurology & Neurosurgery2014 Edward S. Ruthazer (grad student)
Kianoush Khaleghpourtranslational control2001 Nahum Sonenberg (grad student)
Asad Khan2001 Wayne S. Sossin (grad student)
Paul Khayat Julio Martinez-Trujillo (post-doc), Pieter R. Roelfsema (grad student)
Abderrahman Khila
Arkady Khoutorsky Dept. of Biochemistry Nahum Sonenberg (post-doc)
Thomas Khullar2016 Melanie A. Dirks (grad student)
Yeon Jin KimVision20112017 Kathy T. Mullen (post-doc)
Caroline Kim Human Genetics Gustavo Turecki (grad student)
Hosung Kimneuroimaging, morphometrics Biomedical Engineering2012 Alan Charles Evans (grad student)
Jung-Kyong Kim20032010 Robert Zatorre (grad student), Albert S. Bregman (grad student)
Doreen Kimurasex difference, cognition Donald Olding Hebb (grad student)
Alexandra N. Kindrat20012003 Charles W. Bourque (grad student)
Frederick A A Kingdom
Adrienne Iris KinmanNeuroscience, Memory, Calcium Imaging, Behaviour Nephrology20142017 Michael Zappitelli (research assistant)
Karen Kirkpatrick19911997 Charles W. Bourque (grad student)
Miriam Kirmayer Psychology2012 Melanie A. Dirks (grad student)
Igor KlatzoBlood Brain Barrier, Prion19541952 Lyman Duff (post-doc)
Boris Kleber Robert Zatorre (post-doc)
Michael Eric KleinCognitive neuroscience
Denise Klein
Mary Beth Klinger Fernando Cervero (post-doc)
Adam R Klyczekplasticity, TNF alpha, stress, mouse model, PTSD, TBI Brain Repair and Integrative Neuroscience Brain Repair and Integrative Neuroscience2021 David D. Stellwagen (grad student), Dionysia Moschou (collaborator)
Erin Heather KnockNeurodevelopment, neural stem cells, neural differentiation, Alzheimer's Disease, Glial biology Medicine20032009 Rima Rozen (grad student)
Laura D. KnoglerNeuroscience
Joris KoeneSnail sex2000 Ronald Chase (grad student)
Richard Koestner
Richard Koestnermotivation
Judith KohnNeuroscience Biology2002 Freda Diane Miller (grad student)
Yves d. KoninckPharmacology, Neuroscience Biology
Susanna KonsztowiczDementia, cognition
Jakub Kopal
Mylene KosseimPublic Health, Health Care Management2004 Nancy E. Mayo (grad student)
Dimitar KostadinovNeuroscience Ellis Cooper (research assistant)
Theodoro KoulisStatistics20062007 Daniel J. Levitin (post-doc), James O. Ramsay (post-doc)
Ilija KovacGenetics2001 Roberta Palmour (grad student)
Max Kowalczyk Wei-Hsiang Huang (grad student)
Rüdiger Kraheelectric fish
Erica Kranemotivation2003 Richard Koestner (grad student)
Matthew R. KrauseVision Christopher C. Pack (post-doc)
Andrea KrawczykBehavioral Psychology, Public Health, Oncology Psychology2012 Zeev Rosberger (grad student)
Arjun Krishnaswamyretinal circuit development Ellis Cooper (grad student)
Kresimir Krnjevicneurophysiology David Whitteridge (grad student)
Sonia A. Krol Psychology20142019 Jennifer A Bartz (grad student)
Suzanne KuchelClinical Psychology2001 Frank Dumont (grad student)
Sunil L. Kukrejahuman motor control, biomedical system identification2001 Robert E. Kearney (grad student)
Neeraj KumarMotor Control, Sensory system Psychology2017 David J. Ostry (post-doc)
Elena Kutsarova2012 Edward S. Ruthazer (grad student)
Diana M. Kwon Neural Basis of Memory and Aging
Hakju Kwon2000 John Hiscott (grad student)
Cassandre Labelle-Dumaisdopamine development2006 Cecilia Flores (post-doc)
Benoit Labonté Integrated Program in Neuroscience Gustavo Turecki (grad student)
Chantale LacelleCell Biology, Gerontology2003 Eugenia Wang (grad student)
Pierre LachapelleNeuroscience Biology, Pathology
Michel Ladouceur Hugues Barbeau (grad student)
Susanne P. LajoieEducational Psychology Education, Technology of Education
Isabelle Lajoie Mahsa Dadar (post-doc)
Bernard Lakowski Siegfried Hekimi (grad student)
Txomin Lalanne Per Jesper Sjöström (grad student)
Azara Lalla Psychology Signy Sheldon (grad student)
Jasmin LalondeNeuronal transcription, calcium signaling, plasticity, synapse, neural stem cells, biological psychiatry19992007 Avi Chaudhuri (grad student)
Aleksandra Lalovic Gustavo Turecki (grad student)
Wallace E. LambertBilingualism
Anouk Lamontagne
Conor P LaneAuditory System, Neuroplasticity
Dale J. LangfordSocial Modulation of Pain
Laura Lapadat Sarah Racine (grad student)
Stephane A LaporteGPCR
William R. Larivierepain2000 Ronald Melzack (grad student)
Roxanne LariviereNeuroscience Biology2004 Jean-Pierre Julien (grad student)
Pier LarochelleOptogenetic, dopamine, stress2014 Alain Gratton (research assistant)
Erik A. LarsonSynaptic physiology2014 Derek Bowie (grad student)
Nazlie Sadeghi LatefiN-Cadherin, synaptogenesis, zebrafish20052008 Edward S. Ruthazer (grad student), David R. Colman (grad student)
Kerri Latham Michael Peters (research assistant)
Robert LaversClinical Psychology, Women's Studies
Jordan L. Le BelMarketing Business Administration2001 Laurette Dube (grad student)
Andrea Le BlancAlzheimer disease
Matthew L. LeavittCognitive neuroscience, Neurophysiology, Prefrontal cortex2011 Julio Martinez-Trujillo (grad student)
Andrea LeBlancNeuroscience Biology
Charles Philippe LeblondHistology, autoradiography
Tim LedgewayVision, Motion Robert F. Hess (post-doc)
Yu-Ju Lee Neurology and Neurosurgery Wei-Hsiang Huang (post-doc)
J. Quinn LeeNeurobiology of Learning & Memory, Spatial Navigation, Hippocampus, Temporal Lobe Psychiatry2019 Mark P. Brandon (post-doc)
Celeste Lefebvre Terence J. Coderre (grad student)
Louis LefebvreAnimal Behaviour
Philippe LefèvreSaccades Henrietta L. Galiana (grad student)
Alexandre LehmannAuditory Cognitive Neuroscience, Multisensory Integration, Cortical and subcortical EEG, Consciousness, Rhythm
Therese Lennert2007 Julio Martinez-Trujillo (grad student)
Gabriel Leonard Brenda Milner (grad student)
Martin LepageMental Health, Clinical Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology
Alain Lerouxneurorehabilitation2001 Hugues Barbeau (grad student)
Maryna P Lesoway Biology20092015 Ehab Abouheif (grad student)
Simon Leveille Microbiology & Immunology2012 John Hiscott (grad student)
Daniel Levenstein Montreal Neurological Institute Mila2021 Adrien Peyrache (post-doc), Blake Aaron Richards (post-doc)
Ives LevesqueMagnetic resonance imaging (MRI) physics, acquisition, and image reconstruction. Magnetization transfer and relaxation mapping. Applications in oncology, neuroimaging, and musculoskeletal imaging. MR imaging methods for radiation oncology treatment planni MEdical Physics2009 G. Bruce Pike (grad student)
Mindy F. LevinMotor Learning, Motor Control, Stroke Rehabilitation, Upper limb, Virtual reality, Spasticity
Martin Levine
Daniel J. Levitinauditory perception and cognition20012009 James O. Ramsay (collaborator)
Bianca Levy Armando Bertone (grad student)
Lindsay B. Lewis20092010 Janine D. Mendola (post-doc)
Marco Leytonneurobiology of mood & motivational states (addiction, depression, personality)
Vanessa Li Integrated Program in Neuroscience2016 Edward S. Ruthazer (grad student)
Gary LibbenSecond language acquisition, psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics Michel Paradis (grad student)
Pascale Lidji Psychology2013 Caroline Palmer (post-doc)
Michael LifshitzCognitive Neuroscience2010 Anna K. Tirovolas (research assistant)
John Liggins Psychiatry20092011 Marco Leyton (grad student)
Angelica Lillico-Ouachour Biology20142016 Ehab Abouheif (grad student)
Frank R. LillyEducational Psychology Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education2002 Gillian Rejskind (grad student)
Tony Lim Neurology & Neurosurgery2016 Edward S. Ruthazer (post-doc)
Catherine LimperopoulosMedicine and Surgery, Neuroscience Biology2002 Annette Majnemer (grad student)
Rixing Lin Gustavo Turecki (grad student)
Yu-Cheng Lin Wei-Hsiang Huang (grad student)
Zhengya Liu Integrated Program in Neuroscience20172020 Yong Rao (grad student)
Chiu-An LoDown Syndrome Brian E. Chen (grad student)
Janeen D. Loehr Psychology Caroline Palmer (grad student)
Gordon D. LoganAttention, executive control, automaticity19721975 Albert S. Bregman (grad student)
Marco L. LoggiaPain psychophysics and neuroimaging2004 Cathy Bushnell (grad student)
Juan Pablo Lopez Human Genetics20102016 Gustavo Turecki (grad student)
Ruben Lopez-ValesSpinal Cord Injury, Axon Regeneration, Neuroimmunology2006 Samuel David (post-doc)
Angeles Losada
Germaine LoweHippocampus, Theta rhythm, Schizophrenia
Kelvin Luk Abbas F. Sadikot (grad student)
Jason David LukeVisual System, Development, Plasticity, AD
Johan N. LundstromOlfaction, Multisensory Perception20052007 Marilyn Jones-Gotman (post-doc), Robert Zatorre (post-doc)
Sonia LupienNeuroscience Biology, Cognitive Psychology
Derek Alexander LupinskyStress, prefrontal cortex, glutamate, dopamine Alain Gratton (grad student)
Pierre-Eric LutzDepression, addiction Gustavo Turecki (post-doc)
John E. LydonClinical Psychology
Yilong Maneuroimaging, morphometrics2001 Alan Charles Evans (grad student)
Adam J MacDonaldParkinson's disease, ependymal cells Jo Anne Stratton (grad student)
Mariana Marquez Machorro Department of Physiology20132016 Limei Zhang (research scientist)
Frank Campbell MacIntosh1937 Boris Petrovich Babkin (grad student)
Michael C. Mackey
David Malcolm MacLeanBiophysics of iGluRs and ASICs, pharmacology20052011 Derek Bowie (grad student)
Peter F. MacNeilageSpeech, Language, Motor Systems Psychology19581962 Robert B. Malmo (grad student)
Ian J. MacPheeNeuroscience Biology2000 Phil Barker (grad student)
Bertha MadrasPsychobiology1967 Theodore Lionel Sourkes (grad student)
Dan MadularuFunctional Imaging Alain Gratton (post-doc)
Goro MaeharaVision Robert F. Hess (post-doc)
Etienne JP Maes
Jacopo MagistrettiElectrophysiology, ion channels, parahippocampal region Angel Alonso (research scientist)
Kenneth Mah2000 Yitzchak M. Binik (grad student)
Ladan Mahabadi Computer Science20112014 Daniel J. Levitin (grad student)
Annette MajnemerMedicine and Surgery, Neuroscience Biology
Sioui Maldonado Jeffrey S. Mogil (post-doc)
Serguei MaliartchoukPharmacology, Neuroscience Biology, Cell Biology2001 H Uri Saragovi (grad student)
S MalikAppetitive behavior
Ashok K. MallaMental Health, Clinical Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology
Robert B. MalmoMotivation, Arousal
Karen Maloney Neurological Sciences19972001 Barbara E. Jones (grad student)
Yael Mamane2002 John Hiscott (grad student)
Firoza Mamdani Gustavo Turecki (grad student)
Adamo Samuele MancinoVoltage-gated sodium channel electrophysiology Pharmacology and Therapeutics2016 Derek Bowie (grad student)
Lynn ManconiEducational Psychology Education2004 Bruce M. Shore (grad student)
George Mandl Ben Delisle Burns (grad student)
Ian D. Manns2002 Barbara E. Jones (grad student)
Andrea L. Maratendocytosis Neuroscience2012 Peter S. McPherson (grad student)
Paula MarentetteDevelopmental Pycholinguistics Laura-Ann Petitto (grad student)
Nadia MariniCounseling Psychology, Clinical Psychology Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology2012 Marilyn Fitzpatrick (grad student)
Pratap Singh Markamcircadian biology, dopamine system, biological rhythms psychiatry2017 Kai-Florian Storch (grad student)
Ted MarounClinical Psychology, Women's Studies
Theodore MarounClinical Psychology
Gary Marsatsensory coding20012006 Gerald S. Pollack (grad student)
Fabio Martidopamine, addiction, stress, depression neuroscience20122014 Salah El Mestikawy (post-doc)
Lisa Martignetti SCSD20172018 Karsten Steinhauer (grad student)
Loren J. MartinPain, EGFR, empathy, cognition, stress20102014 Jeffrey S. Mogil (post-doc)
Diana MartinezSensory, Motor, Neuromodulation
Julio Martinez-Trujillo
Rose MartiniPhysical Education, Educational Psychology Education, Cognitive Psychology, Physiological Psychology2002 Bruce M. Shore (grad student)
Catherine A. MasdenGuidance and Counseling Education, Social Psychology2004 Bruce M. Shore (grad student)
Patrick A. MasonAir Force Science & Technology Strategy19801985 Peter Milner (grad student)
Nicolas Y. MasseOlfactory system, neural coding Erik P. Cook (grad student)
Corentin MassotVestibular system, Computer vision20062009 Kathleen E. Cullen (post-doc)
Laura Matheson Biology20122014 Jon T. Sakata (grad student)
Brian Mathias Psychology2016 Caroline Palmer (grad student)
Viviana MauasClinical Psychology, Women's Studies Psychology2012 David C. Zuroff (grad student)
Gilles Maussion Gustavo Turecki (post-doc)
Keith A. May20052006 Robert F. Hess (post-doc)
Nancy E. MayoPsychometrics Psychology, Public Health
Andrew G. McAdam Biology1995 Donald Lawrence Kramer (research assistant)
Stephen McAdams
M. Joy McClure John E. Lydon (grad student)
Shelley L. McColl2003 Avi Chaudhuri (grad student)
Cheryl M. McCormickBehavioral neuroendocrinology Michael J. Meaney (post-doc)
Robert James McDonaldMemory systems interaction Norman White (grad student)
James G. McElligottCerebellum, auditory system, monoamines1966 Ronald Melzack (grad student)
Steve McGaraughtyPain19931995 James L. Henry (post-doc)
Alexander McGirr Gustavo Turecki (grad student)
Patrick Owen McGowanEpigenetics, Biological Psychiatry, Behavioral Neuroscience2005 Michael J. Meaney (post-doc)
Hugo McGuire Pharmacology 2015 Derek Bowie (post-doc)
William McIlhagga McGill Vision Research19921994 Kathy T. Mullen (post-doc)
Jillian McKee Kathleen E. Cullen (grad student)
Rebecca Anne McKinneyNeuroscience
Anne McKinney.
Ryan J McLaughlinstress, endocannabinoid, prefrontal cortex, amygdala, Boris B. Gorzalka (grad student), Gabriella Gobbi (post-doc), Dominique-Claire Walker (post-doc), Cecilia Hillard (collaborator)
Hugh McLennanExcitatory amino acids, synaptic plasticity1951 Allan Elliott (grad student)
Lily D. McNairClinical Psychology19801987 R. Lorraine Collins (grad student)
Ryan McPhedrain Neurology & Neurosurgery2016 Edward S. Ruthazer (grad student)
Peter S. McPhersonendocytosis
Chad M. McWhinniemotivation Psychology2012 Richard Koestner (grad student)
Michael J. Meaney
Jose Ruiz Medina20062008 Kathy T. Mullen (post-doc)
Adrienne Mehak Sarah Racine (grad student)
Jose M. MejiaGenetics, Neuroscience Biology, Pharmacology2002 Roberta Palmour (grad student)
Laura E. MelnykDevelopmental Psychology2002 Maggie Bruck (grad student)
Ronald Melzackpain Donald Olding Hebb (grad student)
Janine D. MendolafMRI of visual system
Diego Mendoza-HallidayCognitive Neuroscience, Visual Systems, Neurophysiology2007 Julio Martinez-Trujillo (grad student), Robert Desimone (post-doc)
Salima A. MeraniNeuroscience Biology2001 Roberta Palmour (grad student)
Laurence Mercier Biomedical Engineering2012 Louis Collins (grad student)
Pierre MercierClinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology Andy Baker (grad student)
Andrew Meso2009 Robert F. Hess (post-doc)
Amelie Metz IPN Mahsa Dadar (grad student)
Michael Georg Metzenneuroethology, neural modeling, bionics, electrosensory system, computational biology20132013 Maurice J. Chacron (post-doc), Maurice J. Chacron (research scientist)
Magda Michna20042007 Kathy T. Mullen (post-doc)
Rodrigo A. Migueles-Ramirez Chemistry and Physics Departments2019 Paul Wiseman (grad student)
Michele Stanislaw MilellaAnimal models of OCD Psychiatry20102015 Marco Leyton (post-doc)
Freda Diane Millercell and molecular developmental neurobiology
Alexia Miller Sarah Racine (grad student)
Brenda MilnerMemory19501952 Donald Olding Hebb (grad student), Wilder Penfield (post-doc)
Peter Milnerreward Donald Olding Hebb (grad student)
Austen Milnerwood
John Milton1974 William C. Galley (grad student)
Christine Milton-FeasbyManagement Business Administration2004 Alfred M. Jaeger (grad student)
Andrea Mimeedopamine plasticity and development2008 Cecilia Flores (research assistant)
Seung Hyun MinBinocular Vision
Seung Hyun MinBinocular Vision Ophthalmology2017 Robert F. Hess (grad student)
Patrick Mineaultcomputation & theory2014 Christopher C. Pack (grad student)
Loïs MiraucourtPain, GABA, glia20082015 Derek Bowie (post-doc), Edward S. Ruthazer (post-doc)
Kim Miredin
Mortimer MishkinSystems Donald Olding Hebb (grad student)
Diana Elizabeth MitchellVEstibular neurophysiology Kathleen E. Cullen (grad student)
Gary Mo Neurology and Neurosurgery2012 Philippe Seguela (grad student)
Mandana Modirrousta Neurological Sciences20012006 Barbara E. Jones (grad student)
Gordon Mogensonmotivation Donald Olding Hebb (grad student)
Jeffrey S. MogilPain, Genetics
Monika Molnar SCSD20072010 Karsten Steinhauer (grad student), Linda Polka (grad student), Shari R. Baum (grad student)
Bruno José MoraesBiochemistry, Learning, Memory, Behaviour20122013 Karim Nader (grad student)
Daniel MoralesGenetics; Development; Neurobiology; Behavior20122017 Artur Kania (grad student)
Julio Cesar Morales Medina Neurology and Neurosurgery2012 Remi Quirion (grad student)
Tamara MorgansteinEducational Psychology Education2001 Ingrid Sladeczek (grad student)
Anne MorinvilleCholinergic neurotransmission2004 Brian Collier (grad student)
Michele Morningstar Psychology20112017 Melanie A. Dirks (grad student)
J P. MortolaAnimal Physiology Biology, Neuroscience Biology
Dionysia Moschou Neuroscience2021 David D. Stellwagen (grad student), Malak Abuzgaya (collaborator)
Debbie S. Moskowitz
Krista MuisEducational Psychology Education, Sciences Education
Kathy T. Mullenvisual psychophysics, colour perception Robert F. Hess (collaborator)
Gerhard Multhaup
Patrice MungerfMRI methodology, brain physiology, magnetization transfer imaging, diffusion imaging2001 G. Bruce Pike (grad student)
Martin Munzxenopus, Visual System, Development20092015 Edward S. Ruthazer (grad student)
Keith K. MuraiNeuroscience
Robin A. MurphyAnimal learning19901996 Andy Baker (grad student)
Monzur Murshed Gerard Karsenty (post-doc)
Sam MusallamBrain-machine interfaces,
Walter E. MushynskiBiochemistry, Neurofilaments
Lynn NadelHippocampus, memory19611979 Dalbir Bindra (grad student), Donald Olding Hebb (grad student)
Karim NaderBehavioral neuroscience
Fakhraddin NaghibalhossainiMolecular and Cellular Biology of Human Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA) 2000 Cliff Stanners (grad student)
Anmol NagpalNeurodevelopment, Behavioral Neuroscience, Translational Control Biochemistry Biochemistry Psychology Pharmacology & Therapeutics20222021 Nahum Sonenberg (grad student), Nahum Sonenberg (research assistant), Michael Petrides (research assistant), Derek Bowie (research assistant)
Corina Nagy Integrated Program in Neuroscience Gustavo Turecki (grad student)
Shinshu NakajimaMemory consolidation Peter Milner (grad student)
Josephine NalbantogluNeuroscience Biology, Genetics
Faisal Naqib20112014 Christopher C. Pack (grad student), Wayne S. Sossin (grad student), Edward S. Ruthazer (grad student)
Hibba Nasir Terence J. Coderre (grad student)
Md Taufiq NasseefNeuroscience, Mathematics Psychiatry Psychiatry Psychiatry Brigitte L. Kieffer (research scientist), Emmanuel Darcq (grad student), Mallar Chakravarty (collaborator), Michael J. Meaney (grad student)
Joseph P. NemargutRetina, Glaucoma20122013 Derek Bowie (post-doc)
Selin Neseliler20102012 Derek Bowie (grad student), Donald B. Katz (research assistant), Susan Birren (research assistant)
Sujaya NeupaneVisual system Neuroscience2012 Christopher C. Pack (grad student), Daniel Guitton (grad student)
Keith K NiallVision, Form perception, Projective invariance, Visual shape Psychology Psychology19821986 John Macnamara (grad student), Don Donderi (grad student)
Robert NiebergallVisual System Julio Martinez-Trujillo (grad student)
Andrea Nistri
Jonas P Nitschke Psychology Jennifer A Bartz (grad student)
Christof D. NolteMolecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Pathology, Animal Physiology Biology2002 Mark Featherstone (grad student)
MaryAnn P. NoonanLearning and decision making Lesley K. Fellows (post-doc)
Regina L. NuzzoStatistics20012003 Daniel J. Levitin (post-doc), James O. Ramsay (post-doc)
Kieran J. O'Donnell Michael J. Meaney (post-doc)
Gillian O'DriscollSchizophrenia, Eye tracking, ADHD
John O'Keefehippocampus, place coding1967 Ronald Melzack (grad student)
Eric P. OchsClinical Psychology, Artificial Intelligence2000 Irv Binik (grad student)
Emily Olafson
James OldsBrain self-stimulation19521954 Donald Olding Hebb (post-doc)
Stéphane H. OlietNeuroglial Interactions1994 Charles W. Bourque (grad student)
Cella OlmsteadBehavioural neuroscience, drug addiction Keith BJ Franklin (grad student)
Cosme F. Ordonez GarciaMolecular and Cellular Biology of Human Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA) 2001 Cliff Stanners (grad student)
John OrlowskiAnimal Physiology Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Pharmacology
Abigail Ortiz Department of Psychiatry20062008 Martin Alda (grad student)
Michael Osborne Terence J. Coderre (grad student)
Ingrid K. Osswald20032011 Derek Bowie (grad student)
David J. Ostrymotor control Laura-Ann Petitto (collaborator)
Ross Otto
Shalina S. OusmanNeuroimmunology, Macrophages2001 Samuel David (grad student)
John Outerbridge Melvill Jones (grad student)
Olga OverburyLow vision rehabilitation
Trevor OwensImmunology, Neuroscience Biology, Pathology
Julia V. OyrerNeuroscience, cortical circuits, glutamate receptors, synaptic physiology Per Jesper Sjöström (grad student)
Christopher C. PackVisual system Craig Aaen-Stockdale (collaborator)
Mark G. PackardNeurobiology of Learning and Memory Norman White (grad student)
Ante PadjenEpilepsy, Diabetic neuropathy, Neurodegenerative neuropathies
Alexis Dale PaezVestibular neurophysiology20092017 Kathleen E. Cullen (grad student)
Boris PalametaAnimal Behaviour Louis Lefebvre (research assistant)
Caroline Palmer
Roberta PalmourNeuroscience Biology
Lidia Panier Anna Weinberg (grad student)
Michel PanissetNeuroscience Biology, Pathology
Michel ParadisBilingualism, neurolinguistics
Olivier Parent IPN Mahsa Dadar (grad student)
Jeeseon ParkClinical Psychology, Counseling Psychology, Industrial Psychology
Kristen Parker Phil Barker (grad student)
Raihaan Patel
Bharatkumar N. PatelNeuroimmunology, Macrophages2001 Samuel David (grad student)
Efrat Pauker SCSD20052014 Karsten Steinhauer (grad student)
Tomas Pauspopulation neuroscience
Alice L. PawleyHuman Factors, Engineering Education, Qualitative Research, Gender Theory, Race Theory, Climate Change
Sophie Anne Pawlowskineuropathic pain, neuroanatomy, spinal cord, microscopy, pain behaviour
Peter PawsonSynaptic transmission1982 Ronald Chase (grad student)
Elizabeth Peal Wallace E. Lambert (grad student)
Jennifer Peleshokpain, anatomy Pharmacology & Therapeutics2012 Alfredo Ribeiro-da-Silva (grad student)
Denis Pelisson Daniel Guitton (post-doc)
Marc D. PellCognitive neuroscience19911997 Shari R. Baum (grad student)
Wilder Penfieldneurosurgery, stimulation
Andre Pepinneurorehabilitation2000 Hugues Barbeau (grad student)
Anthony M. Pepio2001 Wayne S. Sossin (grad student)
Effie J. Pereiraattention, social attention
Chiara Perico Armando Bertone (grad student)
Jewel F. PerlinCounseling Psychology, Clinical Psychology Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology2012 Marilyn Fitzpatrick (grad student)
Amanda Marie PerozzoiGluRs2017 Derek Bowie (grad student)
Sarah Peters Psychology Signy Sheldon (grad student)
Terry Petersmedical image processing, endoscopes, surgery, biomedical MRI, biomedical optical imaging, image enhancement, image reconstruction, image segmentation, image sequences, medical robotics, optimisation,
Caroline Petit-Turcotte2004 Judes Poirier (grad student)
Michael PetridesBehavioral Neuroscience Reza Farivar (collaborator), Brenda Milner (post-doc)
Emmanuel PetroulakisNeuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology2002 Eugenia Wang (grad student)
Adrien PeyracheNeurophysiology, memory, sleep
Frederick Philippemotivation Psychology2011 Richard Koestner (grad student)
Pericles Philippopoulos
Desiree Y. Phua Michael J. Meaney (grad student)
Florian PieperVisual system Julio Martinez-Trujillo (post-doc)
Karin Pietruskaaffect
Robert O PihlSusceptibility/Etiology of Drug Abuse
G. Bruce PikefMRI methodology, brain physiology, magnetization transfer imaging, diffusion imaging Medical Physics1990 Terry Peters (grad student), Ervin B. Podgorsak (grad student)
John PJ Pinelbiopsychology, epilepsy, kindling Peter Milner (grad student)
Steven PinkerLanguage Albert S. Bregman (research assistant)
Mark H. Pitcherpain, spinal cord sensory mechanisms20062012 Fernando Cervero (grad student), Terence J. Coderre (grad student)
Graham M. PitcherPain2000 Terence J. Coderre (grad student), James L. Henry (grad student)
Quentin J. Pittmanneuroscience, neuroendocrinology, neuropharmacology19761978 Leo P. Renaud (post-doc)
Irina PivnevaBilingualism; Executive control
Judes Poirier
Lise PoissantPsychometrics Psychology, Public Health2002 Nancy E. Mayo (grad student)
Gerald S. PollackNeuroethology
Jeff W. Pollardtumor progression and metastasis19751980 Cliff Stanners (post-doc)
Canio Polosasympathetic nervous system
Amanda Pomarenski Alain Gratton (grad student)
Prem Ponkiron
Naomi PopeskiNeuroendocrinology Barbara Christine Woodside (grad student), Michael J. Meaney (post-doc)
Mina E. PopligerEducational Psychology Education, Social Psychology Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology2011 Victoria Talwar (grad student)
Luca Posaopioid, melatonin, pain, tolerance Psychiatry2015 Gabriella Gobbi (grad student), Brigitte L. Kieffer (grad student)
Barry I. Posner
Francis Poulintranslational control2003 Nahum Sonenberg (grad student)
Sandra Pouliot Marilyn Jones-Gotman (grad student)
Michael Owen PoulterEpilepsy, Depression, Stress, Anxiety Pharmacology and Toxicology Ante Padjen (research scientist)
Christine D. Pozniak2002 Freda Diane Miller (grad student)
Vania Prado Brian Collier (post-doc)
Masha Prager-Khoutorskymechanosensation, cytoskeleton
Judy A. Prasadthalamus, cortex Psychology20082014 Yogita Chudasama (grad student)
Sandeep Prasada Developmental Pycholinguistics Laura-Ann Petitto (research assistant)
Steven A. PrescottComputational Neuroscience, Pain McGill University Biology19992005 Yves De Koninck (grad student), Ronald Chase (grad student)
Theodore J. PricePain / Pharmacology20042007 Fernando Cervero (post-doc)
Mario Prsa20042006 Henrietta L. Galiana (grad student)
Ernest Puilneuropharmacology Kresimir Krnjevic (post-doc)
Benjamin PyensonBehavioral Ecology, Acoustic ethology20092012 Gerald S. Pollack (grad student)
Rene Quesnelauditory perception and cognition2002 Daniel J. Levitin (grad student)
Remi Quirion
Sara Quirke Armando Bertone (grad student)
Ronald J. RacineMemory Peter Milner (grad student)
Shima Raeesi IPN Mahsa Dadar (grad student)
Ab Matteen RafiqiEvolution, development, evo devo Biology20112016 Ehab Abouheif (post-doc)
David S. RagsdaleSodium Channels, Calcium Channels, Epilepsy William A. Catterall (grad student)
Quentin RainerMood disorders20112012 Gabriella Gobbi (post-doc)
Stéphane Jean Michel RainvilleVision2000 Frederick A A Kingdom (grad student)
M. Natasha RajahAging, PFC, Memory, Functional Connectivity
Rajendhran RajakumarEvo-Devo, Developmental Genetics, Epigenetics, Integrative Physiology Biology20062014 Ehab Abouheif (grad student)
Rishi Rajalinghamvision, motor-planning, brain-machine interfaces Electrical Engineering20102012 Sam Musallam (grad student)
Mahmoudreza RaminBehavior, Circuit
Antoine R. Ramjaunendocytosis2001 Peter S. McPherson (grad student)
Beth RandolphDevelopmental Psychophathology, First Nations2002 Jacob A. Burack (grad student)
Yong RaoAxon guidance, Visual system
Lance M Rappaportclinical psychology, developmental psychopathology, psychiatric genetics, anxiety disorders Department of Psychology20102015 Debbie S. Moskowitz (grad student)
Tanja L. RapusCausal reasoning2003 Kevin N. Dunbar (grad student)
Asim J. Rashid2002 Robert James Dunn (grad student)
Laurene M. RatcliffeBirdsong1981 Peter R. Grant (grad student)
Stéphanie Rattépain1999 Ronald Chase (grad student)
Amanda Ravary Psychology Mark W Baldwin (grad student)
Preethi RavikumarIon channels, AMPA receptors20202025 Derek Bowie (grad student)
Sean James ReedNucleus Accumbens, Glutamate, Calcium Fiber Photometry, Optogenetics, Decision making, Circuit dynamics Integrated Program in Neuroscience Anesthesia Jonathan P. Britt (grad student), Gilles Plourde (grad student)
Alison Farrell Reeves Psychology2016 Melanie A. Dirks (grad student)
Gillian RejskindEducational Psychology Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education
Leo P. Renaudhypothalamic neurophysiology Kresimir Krnjevic (grad student)
Alexandre Reynaud2011 Robert F. Hess (post-doc)
Lauren M. Reynolds2012 Cecilia Flores (grad student)
Paula A. RibeiroParasite Neurobiology
Alfredo Ribeiro-da-Silvapain, anatomy Terence J. Coderre (collaborator), A Claudio Cuello (post-doc)
Alby RichardVisuo-motor electrophysiology2006 Christopher C. Pack (grad student), Craig Aaen-Stockdale (collaborator)
Dominique Richard19911997 Charles W. Bourque (grad student)
Stéphane Richard-Devantoy Gustavo Turecki (post-doc)
Nicole R. Richardsondopamine2000 Alain Gratton (grad student)
Alessandro Ricottone
Christina RinaldiSocial Psychology Educational & Counselling Psychology Nancy L. Heath (grad student)
Jelena RisticCognitive Neuroscience: Attention
Steven M. Robbinsneuroimaging, morphometrics2004 Alan Charles Evans (grad student)
Scott W. RobertsonBinary cell fate specification during C. elegans embryogenesis 19781983 Cliff Stanners (grad student)
Mike JF RobinsonReward and Motivation, Learning and Memory, Addiction20022009 Keith BJ Franklin (grad student)
Shelagh W. RobinsonClinical Psychology, Women's Studies2002 Ted Maroun (grad student)
Joseph RochfordNeuroscience Biology, Pathology
Joe RochfordBehaviorla Pharmacilogy
Kieron M. RoganGuidance and Counseling Education, Clinical Psychology2001 Anastassios Stalikas (grad student)
Susan E. Rogersmusic cognition, recording science2004 Daniel J. Levitin (grad student)
Gilberto Rojas Vite Montreal Neurological Institute Adrien Peyrache (grad student)
Zeev RosbergerBehavioral Psychology, Public Health, Oncology
Jay P RossAmyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Serge RossignolMotor control Melvill Jones (grad student)
Haldor Enger Rosvold Donald Olding Hebb (grad student)
Amira Rouabhi
Philippe P. Roux19972002 Phil Barker (grad student)
Jefferson E. Roysystem neuroscience2003 Kathleen E. Cullen (grad student)
Guylaine Roytranslational control2004 Nahum Sonenberg (grad student)
Rosanne RoyDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology2000 Joyce F. Benenson (grad student)
Mathieu Roypsychology
Nicholas G. Roymachine learning Computer Science19951997 Gregory L. Dudek (grad student)
Wenjing RuanAxon guidance, Visual system2004 Yong Rao (grad student)
Louis-Bruno RuestMolecular Biology2002 Eugenia Wang (grad student)
Tatiana RuizNeuroscience, Visual System, Traumatic Brain Injury Integrated Program Neuroscience20162022 Reza Farivar (grad student)
Mario Ruiz-Ruiz Julio Martinez-Trujillo (post-doc)
Isabella Ruoccopain, anatomy2001 Alfredo Ribeiro-da-Silva (grad student)
Natalie Russosensory systems; ERP' multisensory integration; developmental disability; autism Education and Counselling Psychology Jacob A. Burack (grad student)
Edward S. Ruthazervisual system, imaging, activity-dependent, morphology
Sadie Jane RyanMedical Geography, Ecology, Conservation Biology, Disease Ecology, Wildlife Biology, Spatial Ecology, Primatology20072009 Colin A. Chapman (post-doc)
Charlene A. RyanMusic Education, Educational Psychology Education, Behavioral Psychology2000 Eugenia Costa-Giomi (grad student)
Jae-Jin Ryuvisual system Avi Chaudhuri (grad student)
Catherine M. SabistonClinical Psychology, mental health
Adam Sachs Julio Martinez-Trujillo (post-doc)
Soroush G. SadeghiVestibular system, compensation, labyrinthectomy2002 Kathleen E. Cullen (grad student)
Abbas F. SadikotNeuroscience Biology, Pathology
Murray Saffranpsychoendocrinology1949 Orville Frederick Denstedt (grad student)
Sara Sagheby20092012 Bruno Giros (research assistant)
Jon T. Sakata
Masato Sakurai20032006 Kathy T. Mullen (post-doc)
Milagros Salas-Prato Experimental Medicine19701971 Barry I. Posner (grad student)
Maya SalehBiochemistry, Molecular Biology, Animal Physiology Biology2001 Mark Featherstone (grad student)
Michael W. Salterpain, neuroplasticity James L. Henry (grad student)
Mandana SamieiNeuro-AI
Vittorio Sanguinetimotor control, neuromotor rehabilitation19961997 David J. Ostry (post-doc)
Marcel Sankeralli Ophthalmology & Visual Scienes19921998 Kathy T. Mullen (grad student)
Raul SanojaVisceral Pain, Pain Modulation2004 Fernando Cervero (post-doc)
Darcy SantorClinical Psychology, Physiological Psychology Psychology1996 David Zuloff (grad student)
Ricardo Luis SanzCortical development, Circuitry formation, Synaptogenesis, Outgrowth, Regeneration Alyson Fournier (grad student)
Jennifer L. SaracinoEducational Psychology Education Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology2011 Ingrid Sladeczek (grad student)
H Uri SaragoviPharmacology, Neuroscience Biology, Cell Biology
H. Uri Saragovi
faezeh sarayloo Genetics20142019 Guy A. Rouleau (grad student)
Stephanie Scala Neuroscience2014 Marco Leyton (grad student)
Vanessa ScarapicchiaNeuroscience, Clinical Psychology, Neuropsychology, Abnormal Psychology, Neuroendocrinology
Andrew V. SchallyEndocrinology1957 Murray Saffran (grad student)
Tina Schardochio
Kaspar Schattkeflow experience; motivation; intrinsic motivation; implicit motives; motive congruence; greenwashing; mindfulness; Psychology Psychology20142010 Genevieve Taylor (collaborator), Richard Koestner (research scientist)
Sarah Schell Sarah Racine (grad student)
Laura A. SchleiferClinical Psychology, Women's Studies2002 Barbara B. Sherwin (grad student)
Gunnar SchmidtmannVisual Psychophysics, Shape - Contour Perception, Object recognition, Face recognition Department of Ophthalmology Department of Ophthalmology20162017 Frederick A A Kingdom (post-doc), Reza Farivar (post-doc)
Alan J. SchoenSystems Neuroscience, Neural Computation, Visual System20052010 Erik P. Cook (grad student)
Ara Schorscher-PetcuCGRP, pain
Katrin SchulzNeuroimmunology, Macrophages Integrated Program in Neuroscience2012 Samuel David (grad student)
Christian D. Schunn Kevin N. Dunbar (research assistant)
Neil Schwartzvisual system, development, dendrite20052010 Edward S. Ruthazer (grad student), Terence J. Coderre (research assistant)
Rachel Schwartz Marc D. Pell (grad student)
Susan Schwartz-GiblinGABA Kresimir Krnjevic (post-doc)
Petra SchweinhardtPain, functional imaging2006 Cathy Bushnell (post-doc)
Phoebe ScotlandPain, inflammation20042006 Terence J. Coderre (grad student)
Nick Scott-SamuelVision Robert F. Hess (post-doc)
Bianca Segatto Kinesiology and Physical Education Catherine M. Sabiston (grad student)
Philippe Seguela
Erin L. SeifertAnimal Physiology Biology, Neuroscience Biology2002 J P. Mortola (grad student)
Tharushan Selliah
Hans SelyeStress physiology19311934 James Bertram Collip (post-doc)
Adolfo SequeiraGenetics, Major Depressive Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia, Neuromodulation, Psychiatry, Telomeres Gustavo Turecki (grad student)
Justine SergentHemispheric Specialization, visual cognition, face recognition19791982 Dalbir Bindra (grad student)
Lauren E. Sergiomotor system, visuomotor integration David J. Ostry (grad student)
Elaine Setiawan Neurology & Neurosurgery20052012 Marco Leyton (grad student)
Mark H. ShalinskyBrain rhythms19962003 Angel Alonso (grad student)
Reza Sharif-NaeiniPain research Terence J. Coderre (research assistant), Charles W. Bourque (grad student)
Seth K. SharplessStimulation of brain reward centers, habituation in the mammalian brain, effects of drugs of abuse on the nervous system, denervation supersensitivity, sedative hypnotics Psychology Psychology Psychology Psychology Psychology19501956 Donald Olding Hebb (grad student), Peter Milner (collaborator), Helen S. Mahut (collaborator), Ronald Melzack (collaborator), James Olds (collaborator)
Seba J Shbailat Biology20052010 Ehab Abouheif (grad student)
Signy Sheldon
Ningyan ShenPublic Health, Oncology2002 Nancy E. Mayo (grad student)
Barbara B. SherwinPsychobiology Psychology, Pharmacology
Jacob Sheyninneuroplasticity, perceptual learning, vision Integrated Program in Neuroscience2016 Robert F. Hess (grad student)
Yang Shi Neurosciences Guillaume Etter (grad student)
Douglas M. Shillermotor control2003 David J. Ostry (grad student)
Peter ShizgalBehavioral Neuroscience Douglas Hospital Research Centre Pharmacology Psychiatry Psychiatry Pharmacology20142015 Peter Milner (research assistant), Zalman Amit (research assistant), Antoine Adamantidis (collaborator), Paul B. S. Clarke (collaborator), Cecilia Flores (collaborator), Lauren M. Reynolds (collaborator), Tina Schardochio (collaborator)
Christopher Shooner Vision Research, Department of Ophthalmology20182022 Kathy T. Mullen (post-doc)
Bruce M. ShoreCurriculum and Instruction Education, Sciences Education
Thomas R. ShultzCognitive development, computational modeks Kevin N. Dunbar (collaborator)
Ananda E. Sidartasensorimotor neuroscience, neural plasticity, rehabilitation technology Psychology20122018 David J. Ostry (grad student)
Kaleem SiddiqiBiomedical Engineering, Medicine and Surgery, Neuroscience Biology
Ralph Mitchell Siegel1984 Richard Irwin Birks (grad student)
Mari SildXenopus, Visual System, Development, glia20092015 Edward S. Ruthazer (grad student)
Kevin da Silva Psychology Ross Otto (grad student)
Heika Silveiraneuropharmacology, stem cells, anxiety, autism, neurodevelopmental disorders
Louis (Lou) Siminovitch researcher into the genetic basis of muscular dystrophy and cystic fibrosis, and helped establish Ontario programs exploring genetic roots of cancer Chemistry1944 Robert Lloyd McIntosh (grad student)
Alexandra SimonenkoLinguistics Linguistics20092014 Bernhard Schwarz (grad student)
Per Jesper SjöströmNeuroscience, synaptic plasticity, cortical circuits
Ingrid SladeczekEducational Psychology Education
John G. SledfMRI methodology, brain physiology, magnetization transfer imaging, diffusion imaging2001 G. Bruce Pike (grad student)
Dana M. SmallTaste2001 Marilyn Jones-Gotman (grad student)
Allan M. Smithhand, cerebellum, somatosensory cortex, motor cortex, monkey Psychology19661971 Muriel Stern (grad student)
Jackson E.T. Smith Erik P. Cook (grad student)
Shad B. SmithPain genetics20012006 Jeffrey S. Mogil (grad student)
Mary Lou Smith Brenda Milner (grad student)
Charles James Smith Donald Olding Hebb (grad student)
Sarah Smits-BandstraLanguage, Stuttering2008 Vincent L. Gracco (post-doc)
Alexandra Soliman Terence J. Coderre (grad student)
Nahum Sonenbergtranslational control20072012 Israeli Ran (collaborator)
Robert E. SorgeAddiction, Pain, Immune System2009 Jeffrey S. Mogil (post-doc)
Fernanda Sosa Psychiatry Guillaume Etter (grad student)
Wayne S. SossinSynaptic plasticity
Kenneth Southhall
John Leslie Southingenetics
Zoe Speeddopamine plasticity and development2006 Cecilia Flores (research assistant)
Daniel P. SpiegelNeural plasticity, sensory systems, vision Robert F. Hess (post-doc), Reza Farivar (post-doc)
Emma SpreekmeesterNeuroscience Biology, Physiological Psychology, Mental Health2004 Joseph Rochford (grad student)
Michel St HilairePsychiatry20092010 Bruno Giros (post-doc)
Louis St. Amantmotor pattern generators2001 Pierre Drapeau (grad student)
Jacques-Andre St. Pierre2000 Remi Quirion (grad student)
Tevye J. Stachniak20042010 Charles W. Bourque (grad student)
Anastassus StalikasClinical Psychology
Anastassios StalikasGuidance and Counseling Education, Clinical Psychology
Cliff StannersMolecular and Cellular Biology of Human Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA)
Gerry A. Stefanatosauditory processing, language, aphasia, stroke, EEG, fMRI19761978 Michael C. Corballis (research assistant)
Howard SteigerClinical Psychology
Karsten SteinhauerCognitive Neuroscience, Language, ERPs
David D. Stellwagen2010 Houhui Hugh Xia (collaborator)
Muriel Stern Psychology19531957 Dalbir Bindra (grad student)
M Stern Dalbir Bindra (grad student)
Carl W. Stevensonstress, fear learning and memory, neural networks2004 Alain Gratton (grad student)
Jane StewartNeurobiology of motivation Dalbir Bindra (collaborator), Dalbir Bindra (post-doc), Donald Olding Hebb (grad student)
Sherry H. Stewart Robert O Pihl (grad student)
Laura Stone
Laura Stone
Kai-Florian StorchCircadian, Chronobiology, Genetics
Joseph G. StratfordPain, neurosurgery Neurosurgery Psychology Wilder Penfield (grad student), Ronald Melzack (collaborator)
Sandeep K. SubramanianMotor Learning, Motor Control, Stroke Rehabilitation, Upper limb, Virtual reality2005 Mindy F. Levin (grad student)
Jessica R. SudburyTRPV channels2007 Charles W. Bourque (grad student), Massimo Avoli (grad student)
Kaitlin SullivanSodium Channels
Kaitlin Elizabeth Sullivanmemory, transcriptomics, bioinformatics Pharmacology20152016 Derek Bowie (research assistant)
Cecile S. Sunahara Psychology Psychiatry Jennifer A Bartz (grad student), Phyllis Zelkowitz (grad student)
George SungParkinson's disease, parkin, selective vulnerability
Aparna SuvrathanLearning, memory, cerebellum, autism
Pierre A. Sylvestre2004 Kathleen E. Cullen (grad student)
Steven T. Szabo2002 Pierre Blier (grad student)
Elod Z. SzaboAnimal Physiology Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Pharmacology2002 John Orlowski (grad student)
Kasia Szyszkowicz Gustavo Turecki (grad student)
Diana TabatabaiCognitive Psychology, Computer Science, Information Science2002 Bruce M. Shore (grad student)
Babak Tahvildari20032007 Charles W. Bourque (grad student), Angel Alonso (grad student)
Maral TajerianNeurophysiology, cognition, chronic pain, brain plasticity, epigenetics Biology Pharmacology20092013 Laura Stone (grad student), Ronald Chase (grad student), Moshe Szyf (collaborator), Magali Millecamps (collaborator)
Yoshio TakanePsychometrics Psychology
Victoria TalwarEducational Psychology Education, Social Psychology
Anurag TandonParkinson's disease Pharmacology and Therapeutics1994 Brian Collier (grad student)
Gloria Tannenbaumneuroendocrinology, growth hormone
Beth M. TannenbaumFunction MRI2000 Michael J. Meaney (grad student)
Chrstine Tardif Neurology Neurosurgery Mallar Chakravarty (grad student)
R Andrew Taskerneurodegeneration, excitatory amino acids, neurotoxicology, behaviour, epilepsy, stroke Ronald Melzack (post-doc)
Genevieve Taylormotivation Psychology2012 Richard Koestner (grad student)
Jonathan E. TaylorStatistics, Neuroimaging2001 Keith Worsley (grad student), Robert Joseph Adler (grad student)
Kristina Tchalova Psychology Jennifer A Bartz (grad student)
Karen L. TeffHuman Diabetes and Obesity19831988 Simon N. Young (grad student)
Herman TeitelbaumHippocampus, opiates Donald Olding Hebb (post-doc)
Benjamin R. tenOever2004 John Hiscott (grad student)
Sabrina Thai Psychology John E. Lydon (post-doc)
Laila M. ThaissBehavioral Neuroscience2002 Michael Petrides (grad student)
Anne TheriaultClinical Psychology2003 Theodore Maroun (grad student)
Rhalena Thomas Physiology2017 Phil Barker (grad student), Maurice J. Chacron (post-doc)
Maryse E. Thomas
Ralph R. ThompsonPersonality Psychology, Social Psychology, Individual and Family Studies2000 David C. Zuroff (grad student)
Benjamin Simon Thompson20062012 Robert F. Hess (post-doc), Craig Aaen-Stockdale (collaborator)
Peter Tianmyself
Julie A. TimmermansEducational Psychology Education Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology2012 Cynthia Weston (grad student)
Maria Tippler Neuroscience2014 Marco Leyton (grad student)
Michelle ToVision20002001 Avi Chaudhuri (research assistant)
Danielle Toccalino Integrated Program in Neuroscience20142016 Jon T. Sakata (grad student)
Wenyong TongPharmacology Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics2012 H Uri Saragovi (grad student)
Hanieh Toossi Neurological Sciences20132017 Barbara E. Jones (grad student)
Santiago TorresNeurophysiology, Working memory, Medial Temporal, Medial Superior Temporal, Pre-Frontal Cortex Physiology Julio Martinez-Trujillo (grad student)
Angelica Torres-BerrioNeuroscience Psychiatry20122017 Cecilia Flores (grad student)
Susana Gabriela Torres-Platas Naguib Mechawar (grad student)
Gabriela Torres-Platas
Elise H. TranImmunology, Neuroscience Biology, Pathology2000 Trevor Owens (grad student)
Sebastien Tremblayoptogenetics20152018 Michael Petrides (post-doc)
Cécilia Tremblay Mahsa Dadar (post-doc)
Pascale TremblaySpeech production, Speech perception, cognition, speech motor control, neuroimaging, embodied semantics20082008 Vincent L. Gracco (grad student), Steven L. Small (post-doc)
Vittoria Trolio Sarah Racine (grad student)
Eric Trudel20032009 Charles W. Bourque (grad student)
Jennifer TsuiVisual system, development, plasticity, LTD20062009 Edward S. Ruthazer (post-doc)
G. Richard TuckerBilingualism, education Wallace E. Lambert (grad student)
Adele R. TuffordRetina; Neural development
D. Nicole TunstallInvertebrate auditory system20022004 Gerald S. Pollack (grad student)
Gustavo Tureckisuicide
Martine Turgeonauditory system, psychophysics2000 Albert S. Bregman (grad student)
Anthony L. VaccarinoPain, opiates, depression Ronald Melzack (grad student)
David D. Vachonpsychopathy, personality, empathy
Jyotsna VaidBilingualism - cognitive and neuropsychological aspects, Writing systems, Word recognition, Creativity, Cerebral laterality 1982 Wallace E. Lambert (grad student)
Amélie Quesnel Vallée
Michel Vallieres Schulich School of Music2012 Stephen McAdams (grad student)
Suzanne van der Veldt Sylvain Williams (grad student)
Marion Van Hornneuron-glia interactions, control of eye movement, conjugate and disconjugate saccades2010 Edward S. Ruthazer (post-doc), Kathleen E. Cullen (grad student)
Don van Meyel
Jeremy M. Van Raamsdonkaging, neurodegeneration Siegfried Hekimi (post-doc)
Floris Tijmen van Vugtmotor learning, sensorimotor integration, auditory feedback, rehabilitation, computational linguistics, mathematics Psychology Psychology2014 Nicolò Francesco Bernardi (collaborator), David J. Ostry (post-doc)
Sharyn Vanden NovenSpinal cord physiology, motor consequences of aging
Brandy Vanderbyl
Cornelius H. VanderwolfControl of movement/EEG Donald Olding Hebb (grad student)
Brandon Javier Vareladisease ecology, molecular ecology, microbiota, genomics Redpath Museum20152017 David Martin Green (grad student)
Vivek Vermapain, genetics, clinical research, clinical data science, immunology
Franz Veru
Michael Verwey20112016 Cecilia Flores (post-doc)
Vincent Vialou20012005 Bruno Giros (grad student)
Victor ViauNeuroendocrinology Michael J. Meaney (grad student)
Eva Vico-Varela Psychiatry Guillaume Etter (grad student)
Guillaume ViejoNavigation, Decision-making2017 Adrien Peyrache (post-doc)
Tutis VilisVisual Motor John Outerbridge (grad student), Martin Levine (grad student)
Martin Y. VilleneuveVisual System Christian Casanova (grad student)
Pierre Villeneuveneuroanatomy, neuropeptides, neuropeptide receptors2002 Alain Beaudet (grad student)
Jacqueline Vinatier20022006 Bruno Giros (grad student)
Kathleen Frances VincentAnesthesia
Bradley W. Vinescognitive neuroscience, music, stroke rehabilitation, non-invasive brain stimulation - transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS)20012005 Albert S. Bregman (grad student), Daniel J. Levitin (grad student), Ioana M. Dalca (collaborator)
Nicole Vogelzangs Psychiatry20022003 Marco Leyton (grad student)
Daniel Vosberg Neuroscience2013 Marco Leyton (grad student)
Dylan D. Wagnersocial neuroscience, social psychology20022005 Marilyn Jones-Gotman (research assistant)
Jean-Sebastien Walczak20072011 Fernando Cervero (post-doc)
Dominique-Claire Walker
Timothy Walker Psychology Caroline Palmer (grad student)
Michelle Wall Alain Gratton (grad student)
Marcelo M. WanderleyHuman-computer Interaction, Gestural control of sound synthesis
Eugenia WangNeuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology
Xin-tong WangAMPA receptor, Kainate receptor2019 Derek Bowie (grad student)
Zilong WangCognitive Science, Computational Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuroscience Psychology20212022 Thomas R. Shultz (research assistant)
Qi WangNeuroscience, Neuroengineering, Sensory Processing, Neuromodulation
Catherine M. WarrierMusic, Auditory Perception19942000 Robert Zatorre (grad student)
Michael L. WaterstonVisual System, Motion, TMS
Alanna J. WattCerebellum, development
Leigh A. WaylandBehavioral Psychology, Clinical Psychology2001 Ingrid Sladeczek (grad student)
Harry Webster19841987 Barbara E. Jones (grad student)
Séamas Weech2019 Anouk Lamontagne (post-doc)
Taylor Weeks Psychology20172019 Oliver Hardt (grad student)
David Weigl Library and Information Sciences20102015 Catherine Guastavino (grad student)
Lindsay A. Welikovitch Pharmacology & Therapeutics20142020 A Claudio Cuello (grad student)
Gregory Wellenius Kathleen E. Cullen (grad student)
Chris Westbury19951996 Robert Zatorre (post-doc)
Cynthia WestonEducational Psychology Education
Damian G. WheelerSignaling-Genomics-Plasticity-Drug Discovery19942002 Ellis Cooper (grad student)
Erin Jacqueline White Psychology20052012 Karsten Steinhauer (grad student), Fred Genesee (grad student)
Norman Whitememory
Carole L. WhitePublic Health2003 Nancy E. Mayo (grad student)
Veronica WhitfordDevelopmental Cognitive Neuroscience; Psycholinguistics Psychology Debra Titone (grad student)
Heather Tian Whittaker Robert Zatorre (grad student)
Blossom WigdorGerontology; applied clinical psychology; counseling psychology; projective tests; personality assessment. Donald Olding Hebb (research scientist)
Sylvain WilliamsHippocampus, Medial septum, Theta rhythm
Edward Nesbitt WilsonAlzheimer's disease, Psychology20102016 Yogita Chudasama (collaborator)
Samantha Wilson Sarah Racine (post-doc)
Roy Wisedrug addiction Dalbir Bindra (grad student)
Walter Wittichlow vision, rehabilitation, deafblindness, dual sensory loss, Hard-of-Hearing, blindness, deafness
Max Wolpert2017 Karsten Steinhauer (grad student)
Hovy Ho-Wai WongNeuroscience, Neural Wiring, Local Translation, Synaptic Plasticity, Synaptogenesis, Axon Maintenance2018 Per Jesper Sjöström (post-doc)
Adrian YC Wong20032007 Derek Bowie (post-doc)
Tak Pan WongSynaptic plasticity, glutamate receptors19962001 Yves De Koninck (grad student), A Claudio Cuello (grad student)
Sarah C. Woolleysong system, learning
Keith WorsleyStatistics, Neuroimaging
Joshua C. Wyrosdic2018 Charles W. Bourque (grad student)
Dimitris Xanthos Terence J. Coderre (grad student)
Yuhao YanVoltage-gated sodium channel Pharmacology Derek Bowie (grad student)
Leora Yetnikoffdopamine plasticity in the adult brain2005 Cecilia Flores (grad student)
Ali Yoonessi20032008 Frederick A A Kingdom (grad student)
Ahmad YoonessiVisual System, Vestibular System Curtis L. Baker (grad student), Curtis L. Baker (post-doc)
Tatsuya Yoshizawa Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences19972001 Kathy T. Mullen (post-doc)
Simon N. Youngtryptophan, serotonin, behavior
Mostafa ZamanianNeglected Diseases, Parasite Genomics, Drug Discovery, Drug Resistance, Parasite Neurobiology20112014 Paula A. Ribeiro (post-doc), Michael J. Kimber (post-doc)
Anna Zamm Psychology2018 Caroline Palmer (grad student)
Shahin Zangenehpour2004 Robert Zatorre (post-doc), Avi Chaudhuri (grad student)
Michael Zappitelli
Iman Zarrinkoub Psychiatry Guillaume Etter (grad student)
Robert ZatorreAuditory Cognitive Neuroscience Brenda Milner (post-doc)
Elizabeth Zavitzvisual system20072013 Curtis L. Baker (grad student)
Yashar ZeighamiNeuroimaging, Transcriptomics, Aging, Parkinson's disease, Machine learning Alan Charles Evans (post-doc)
Phyllis Zelkowitz
Cong Yao Zha Oliver Hardt (grad student)
Jane Zhang Psychology Karim Nader (grad student), Oliver Hardt (grad student)
Yanyu Zhangcolor vision Ophthalmology Ophthalmology2016 Robert F. Hess (post-doc), Kathy T. Mullen (post-doc)
Sarah Y. ZhangStroke recovery, cortical reorganization, perinatal stroke
Zizhen ZhangNeuroscience, pain and memory2005 Charles W. Bourque (grad student)
Zhe ZhaoSynaptic plasticity, Voltage-gated potassium channel Integrated Program in Neuroscience2021 Derek Bowie (grad student)
Jiawei ZhouVisual system, plasticity, binocular vision, perceptual learning, Amblyopia2011 Robert F. Hess (post-doc)
Veronika E. ZlatkinaNeuroanatomy
John Zubek
Irving (Irv) ZuckerBehavioral endocrinology, circadian rhythms Dalbir Bindra (grad student)
David Zuloff
Alicia Solange Zumbuschreward, dopamine, addiction, self-administration, traits, adversity Psychology20192019 Rosemary C. Bagot (grad student), Jeffrey S. Mogil (grad student)
David C. ZuroffClinical Psychology, Women's Studies
Daniel Zysman