Cameron Montgomery, Ph.D.

2001 Universite Laval (Canada) 
Teacher Training Education, Educational Psychology Education
"Cameron Montgomery"
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Neree Bujold grad student 2001 Universite Laval (Canada)
 (Le stress des stagiaires en enseignement et la demarche de resolution de problemes sociaux.)
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MacFarlane L, Montgomery C. (2010) Influencing the Mind Through the Body: A Theoretical Model for Coping With Student Teacher Stress Through Physical Exercise Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology. 9: 183-197
Montgomery C, Rupp AA. (2005) A Meta‐analysis for Exploring the Diverse Causes and Effects of Stress in Teachers Canadian Journal of Education. 28: 458-486
Montgomery C, Melchor-Beaupré R. (2004) Stress and Social Problem Solving: Another Wonderful Symbiosis. Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology. 4: 87-111
Montgomery C. (2002) Student Teachers' Stress and Social Problem-Solving Skills Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology. 2: 313-313
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