Peter Brotchie
Affiliations: | Bawon Medical Imaging | The Geelong Hospital |
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Stainer MJ, Carpenter RH, Brotchie P, et al. (2016) Sequences show rapid motor transfer and spatial translation in the oculomotor system. Vision Research |
Anderson AJ, Stainer MJ, Brotchie P, et al. (2014) Target direction rather than position determines oculomotor expectation in repeating sequences. Experimental Brain Research. 232: 2187-95 |
Brotchie PR, Lee MB, Chen DY, et al. (2003) Head position modulates activity in the human parietal eye fields. Neuroimage. 18: 178-84 |
Snyder LH, Grieve KL, Brotchie P, et al. (1998) Separate body- and world-referenced representations of visual space in parietal cortex. Nature. 394: 887-91 |
Brotchie PR, Andersen RA, Snyder LH, et al. (1995) Head position signals used by parietal neurons to encode locations of visual stimuli. Nature. 375: 232-5 |
Andersen RA, Brotchie PR, Mazzoni P. (1992) Evidence for the lateral intraparietal area as the parietal eye field. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 2: 840-6 |
Brotchie P, Iansek R, Horne MK. (1991) Motor function of the monkey globus pallidus. 2. Cognitive aspects of movement and phasic neuronal activity. Brain : a Journal of Neurology. 114: 1685-702 |
Brotchie P, Iansek R, Horne MK. (1991) Motor function of the monkey globus pallidus. 1. Neuronal discharge and parameters of movement. Brain : a Journal of Neurology. 114: 1667-83 |
Brotchie P, Iansek R, Horne M. (1991) A neural network model of neural activity in the monkey globus pallidus. Neuroscience Letters. 131: 33-6 |