
Todd J. Arnold, Ph.D.

2001 University of Missouri - Columbia, Columbia, MO, United States 
Marketing Business Administration
"Todd Arnold"
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Lisa K. Scheer grad student 2001 University of Missouri - Columbia
 (Antecedents and consequences of distributive fairness: An examination of salesperson judgments of fairness.)
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Yoo J, Arnold T. (2019) Frontline employee authenticity and its influence upon adaptive selling outcomes: Perspectives from customers European Journal of Marketing. 53: 2397-2418
Singh J, Arnold T, Brady M, et al. (2019) Synergies at the Intersection of Retailing and Organizational Frontlines Research Journal of Retailing. 95: 90-93
Arnold TJ, Grewal D, Motyka S, et al. (2019) Store Manager–Store Performance Relationship: A Research Note Journal of Retailing. 95: 144-155
Hammerschmidt M, Wetzel HA, Arnold TJ. (2018) The burden of rank: The impact of preferred supplier status on excessive buyer requests Industrial Marketing Management. 71: 19-26
Jung JH, Yoo JJ, Arnold TJ. (2017) Service Climate as a Moderator of the Effects of Customer-to-Customer Interactions on Customer Support and Service Quality: Journal of Service Research. 20: 426-440
Chen Y, Li P, Evans KR, et al. (2017) Interaction Orientation and Product Development Performance for Taiwanese Electronics Firms: The Mediating Role of Market-Relating Capabilities Journal of Product Innovation Management. 34: 13-34
Matherly T, Arens ZG, Arnold TJ. (2017) Big brands, big cities: How the population penalty affects common, identity relevant brands in densely populated areas International Journal of Research in Marketing. 35: 15-33
Brady MK, Arnold T. (2017) Organizational service strategy Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. 45: 785-788
Yoo J(, Arnold TJ. (2016) Frontline Employee Customer-Oriented Attitude in the Presence of Job Demands and Resources: The Influence Upon Deep and Surface Acting Journal of Service Research. 19: 102-117
Briggs E, Yang Z, Harmon-Kizer TR, et al. (2016) How do differing community engagement strategies affect consumer responses to a retailer? Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice. 24: 109-127
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