Lisa C. Dragoni, Ph.D.

2005 University of Maryland, College Park, College Park, MD 
Management Business Administration, Industrial Psychology
"Lisa Dragoni"
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Paul E. Tesluk grad student 2005 University of Maryland
 (Understanding state goal orientation: Leadership and work -group climate as key antecedents.)
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Li H(, Hausknecht JP, Dragoni L. (2020) Initial and Longer-Term Change in Unit-Level Turnover Following Leader Succession: Contingent Effects of Outgoing and Incoming Leader Characteristics Organization Science. 31: 458-476
Dragoni L, Oh IS, Tesluk PE, et al. (2014) Developing leaders' strategic thinking through global work experience: the moderating role of cultural distance. The Journal of Applied Psychology. 99: 867-82
Dragoni L, Park H, Soltis J, et al. (2014) Show and tell: how supervisors facilitate leader development among transitioning leaders. Journal of Applied Psychology. 99: 66-86
Dragoni L, Kuenzi M. (2012) Better understanding work unit goal orientation: Its emergence and impact under different types of work unit structure. The Journal of Applied Psychology. 97: 1032-48
Dragoni L, McAlpine K. (2012) Leading the Business: The Criticality of Global Leaders' Cognitive Complexity in Setting Strategic Directions Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 5: 237-240
Dragoni L, Oh IS, Vankatwyk P, et al. (2011) Developing Executive Leaders: The Relative Contribution Of Cognitive Ability, Personality, And The Accumulation Of Work Experience In Predicting Strategic Thinking Competency Personnel Psychology. 64: 829-864
Dragoni L, Tesluk PE, Russell JEA, et al. (2010) Understanding managerial development: integrating developmental assignments, learning orientation and access to developmental opportunities in predicting managerial competencies Development and Learning in Organizations. 24
Dragoni L, Tesluk PE, Russell JEA, et al. (2009) Understanding Managerial Development: Integrating Developmental Assignments, Learning Orientation, and Access to Developmental Opportunities in Predicting Managerial Competencies Academy of Management Journal. 52: 731-743
Dragoni L. (2005) Understanding the emergence of state goal orientation in organizational work groups: the role of leadership and multilevel climate perceptions. Journal of Applied Psychology. 90: 1084-1095
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