Chris P. Pullig, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2000 | Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, United States |
Marketing Business AdministrationGoogle:
"Chris Pullig"Mean distance: 17811
Sign in to add mentorAbhijit Biswas | grad student | 2000 | Louisiana State | |
(The effect of negative events and firm responses on brand associations, organizational associations, and brand evaluations.) |
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Demangeot C, Kipnis E, Pullig C, et al. (2019) Constructing a bridge to multicultural marketplace well-being: A consumer-centered framework for marketer action Journal of Business Research. 100: 339-353 |
Kipnis E, Demangeot C, Pullig C, et al. (2019) Consumer Multicultural Identity Affiliation: Reassessing identity segmentation in multicultural markets Journal of Business Research. 98: 126-141 |
Tu LL, Pullig C. (2018) Penny wise and pound foolish? How thinking style affects price cognition Marketing Letters. 29: 261-273 |
Mirabito AM, Otnes CC, Crosby E, et al. (2016) The Stigma Turbine: A Theoretical Framework for Conceptualizing and Contextualizing Marketplace Stigma Journal of Public Policy & Marketing. 35: 170-184 |
Cooper MJ, Pullig C, Dickens C. (2016) Effects of Narcissism and Religiosity on Church Ministers with Respect to Ethical Judgment, Confidence, and Forgiveness Journal of Psychology and Theology. 44: 42-54 |
Demangeot C, Broeckerhoff A, Kipnis E, et al. (2015) Consumer mobility and well-being among changing places and shifting ethnicities: Marketing Theory. 15: 271-278 |
Dutta S, Pullig C. (2015) A commentary on reporting effect size and confidence intervals: Response to Palmer and Strelan (2014)☆ Journal of Business Research. 68: 1082-1085 |
Visconti LM, Jafari A, Batat W, et al. (2014) Consumer ethnicity three decades after: A TCR agenda Journal of Marketing Management. 30: 1882-1922 |
Roberts JA, Manolis C, Pullig C. (2014) Contingent Self-Esteem, Self-Presentational Concerns, and Compulsive Buying Psychology and Marketing. 31: 147-160 |
Demangeot C, Adkins NR, Mueller RD, et al. (2013) Toward intercultural competency in multicultural marketplaces Journal of Public Policy and Marketing. 32: 156-164 |