Terri A. Scandura
Affiliations: | University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL |
Management Business Administration, Industrial PsychologyGoogle:
"Terri Scandura"Mean distance: 26716.5
Sign in to add traineeBettina A. Hamilton | grad student | 2006 | University of Miami |
Ekin K. Pellegrini | grad student | 2006 | University of Miami |
Susan W. Amat | grad student | 2008 | University of Miami |
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Karakitapoğlu-Aygün Z, Gumusluoglu L, Scandura TA. (2020) How do different faces of paternalistic leaders facilitate or impair task and innovative performance? opening the black box Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies. 27: 1-15 |
Randolph-Seng B, Cogliser CC, Randolph AF, et al. (2016) Diversity in leadership: race in leader-member exchanges Leadership and Organization Development Journal. 37: 750-773 |
Williams EA, Scandura TA, Pissaris S, et al. (2016) Justice perceptions, leader-member exchange, and upward influence tactics Leadership and Organization Development Journal. 37: 1000-1015 |
Cooper CD, Scandura TA. (2015) Getting to “Fair” Justice Interactions as Identity Negotiation Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies. 22: 418-432 |
Lee K, Scandura TA, Sharif MM. (2014) Cultures have consequences: A configural approach to leadership across two cultures Leadership Quarterly. 25: 692-710 |
Sharif MM, Scandura TA. (2014) Do Perceptions of Ethical Conduct Matter During Organizational Change? Ethical Leadership and Employee Involvement Journal of Business Ethics. 124: 185-196 |
Hu C, Pellegrini EK, Scandura TA. (2011) Measurement invariance in mentoring research: A cross-cultural examination across Taiwan and the U.S. Journal of Vocational Behavior. 78: 274-282 |
Pellegrini EK, Scandura TA, Jayaraman V. (2010) Cross-Cultural Generalizability of Paternalistic Leadership: An Expansion of Leader-Member Exchange Theory Group and Organization Management. 35: 391-420 |
Schriesheim CA, Wu JB, Scandura TA. (2010) Erratum to “A meso measure? Examination of the levels of analysis of the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ)” [The Leadership Quarterly 20 (2009) 604–616] Leadership Quarterly. 21: 204 |
Makri M, Scandura TA. (2010) Exploring the effects of creative CEO leadership on innovation in high-technology firms Leadership Quarterly. 21: 75-88 |