Valerie S. Folkes

University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States 
Marketing Business Administration, Social Psychology
"Valerie Folkes"
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Bernard Weiner grad student UCLA (PsychTree)


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Shashi M. Matta grad student 2006 USC
Kachat A. Wong grad student 2010 USC
Steven E. Koppitsch grad student 2013 USC
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Reimann M, MacInnis DJ, Folkes VS, et al. (2018) Insights into the Experience of Brand Betrayal: From What People Say and What the Brain Reveals Journal of the Association For Consumer Research. 3: 240-254
Johnson AR, Folkes VS, Wang J. (2018) When one bad apple spoils consumers’ judgment of the brand: exposure to an employee’s non-workplace transgression and potential remedies Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. 46: 725-743
MacInnis DJ, Folkes VS. (2017) Humanizing brands: When brands seem to be like me, part of me, and in a relationship with me Journal of Consumer Psychology. 27: 355-374
Koppitsch S, Folkes VS, MacInnis D, et al. (2013) The Way a Salesperson Manages Service Providers Influences Customers’ Anger About Problems Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management. 33: 67-77
Folkes VS, Matta S. (2013) When a product takes on characteristics of the person who created it: Sometimes it sounds sweeter Journal of Consumer Psychology. 23: 19-35
Porath C, MacInnis DJ, Folkes V. (2011) It’s Unfair: Why Customers Who Merely Observe an Uncivil Employee Abandon the Company Journal of Service Research. 14: 302-317
Porath C, MacInnis D, Folkes VS. (2011) It’s Unfair Journal of Service Research. 14: 302-317
Porath C, MacInnis D, Folkes V. (2010) Witnessing Incivility among Employees: Effects on Consumer Anger and Negative Inferences about Companies Journal of Consumer Research. 37: 292-303
MacInnis DJ, Folkes VS. (2010) The disciplinary status of consumer behavior: A sociology of science perspective on key controversies Journal of Consumer Research. 36: 899-914
Kamins MA, Folkes VS, Fedorikhin A. (2009) Promotional Bundles and Consumers' Price Judgments: When the Best Things in Life Are Not Free Journal of Consumer Research. 36: 660-670
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