Thomas N. Fairchild

University of Idaho, Moscow, ID, United States 
Cognitive Psychology
"Thomas Fairchild"
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Fairchild TN, Seeley TJ. (1996) Evaluation of School Psychological Services: A Case Illustration. Psychology in the Schools. 33: 46-55
Fairchild TN. (1986) Self-evaluation Methods for School Psychologists: School Psychology International. 7: 173-184
Zins JE, Fairchild TN. (1986) An investigation of the accountability practices of school psychologists. Professional School Psychology. 1: 193-204
Fairchild TN, Zins JE. (1986) Accountability Practices of School Counselors: A National Survey. Journal of Counseling and Development. 65: 196-199
Fairchild TN. (1985) A Comprehensive Accountability System for School Psychologist Interns and Practitioners School Psychology International. 6: 107-113
Fairchild TN. (1985) Obtaining consumer feedback as a means of evaluating school psychology intern performance Psychology in the Schools. 22: 419-428
Fairchild TN. (1982) The school psychologist's role as an assessment consultant Psychology in the Schools. 19: 200-208
Fairchild TN. (1981) Development And Utilization Of A Faculty Time Analysis System ‐An Aid To Accountability In Higher Education Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education. 6: 218-229
Fairchild TN. (1976) Home-school token economies: Bridging the communication gap Psychology in the Schools. 13: 463-467
Fairchild TN. (1976) School psychological services: An empirical comparison of two models. Psychology in the Schools. 13: 156-162
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