Kimberly A. Smith-Jentsch
Affiliations: | University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, United States |
Industrial Psychology, Management Business AdministrationGoogle:
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Smith-Jentsch KA. (2020) Making smart investments in training: The devil is in the details Organizational Dynamics. 49: 100726 |
Smith-Jentsch KA. (2017) How to conduct a high impact team self-evaluation session Organizational Dynamics |
Salas E, Tannenbaum SI, Kraiger K, et al. (2012) The Science of Training and Development in Organizations: What Matters in Practice. Psychological Science in the Public Interest : a Journal of the American Psychological Society. 13: 74-101 |
Scielzo S, Neeper M, Smith-Jentsch KA. (2012) Preparatory Training, States of Goal Orientation, and Mentoring Relationship Effectiveness Nacada Journal. 32: 44-55 |
Fiore SM, Rosen MA, Smith-Jentsch KA, et al. (2010) Toward an understanding of macrocognition in teams: predicting processes in complex collaborative contexts. Human Factors. 52: 203-24 |
Fiore SM, Smith-Jentsch KA, Salas E, et al. (2010) Towards an understanding of macrocognition in teams: Developing and defining complex collaborative processes and products Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science. 11: 250-271 |
Smith-Jentsch KA, Kraiger K, Cannon-Bowers JA, et al. (2009) Do familiar teammates request and accept more backup? Transactive memory in air traffic control. Human Factors. 51: 181-92 |
Smith-Jentsch KA, Cannon-Bowers JA, Tannenbaum SI, et al. (2008) Guided team self-correction: Impacts on team mental models, processes, and effectiveness Small Group Research. 39: 303-327 |
Smith-Jentsch KA. (2007) The Impact of Making Targeted Dimensions Transparent on Relations With Typical Performance Predictors Human Performance. 20: 187-203 |
Smith-Jentsch KA, Mathieu JE, Kraiger K. (2005) Investigating linear and interactive effects of shared mental models on safety and efficiency in a field setting. The Journal of Applied Psychology. 90: 523-35 |