Luxi Shen, Ph.D.

2014 Business University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 
Marketing Business Administration, Behavioral Psychology
"Luxi Shen"
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Ayelet Fishbach grad student 2014 Chicago
 (Uncertainty increases motivation.)
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Shen L, Hsee CK, Talloen JH. (2019) The Fun and Function of Uncertainty: Uncertain Incentives Reinforce Repetition Decisions Journal of Consumer Research. 46: 69-81
Shen L, Hsee CK. (2017) Numerical Nudging: Using an Accelerating Score to Enhance Performance. Psychological Science. 956797617700497
Shen L, Fishbach A, Hsee CK. (2015) The Motivating-Uncertainty Effect: Uncertainty Increases Resource Investment in the Process of Reward Pursuit Journal of Consumer Research. 41: 1301-1315
Shen L, Urminsky O. (2013) Making sense of nonsense: the visual salience of units determines sensitivity to magnitude. Psychological Science. 24: 297-304
Hsee CK, Shen L, Zhang S, et al. (2012) Fate or Fight? Exploring the Hedonic Costs of Competition Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 119: 177-186
Shen L, Hsee CK, Wu Q, et al. (2012) Overpredicting and Underprofiting in Pricing Decisions Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. 25: 512-521
Shen L, Hsee CK, Zhang J, et al. (2011) The art and science of guessing. Emotion (Washington, D.C.). 11: 1462-8
Hsee CK, Yang Y, Li N, et al. (2009) Wealth, warmth, and well-being: Whether happiness is relative or absolute depends on whether it is about money, acquisition, or consumption. Journal of Marketing Research. 46: 396-409
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