Merlyn A. Griffiths, Ph.D.

2007 University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA 
Marketing Business Administration, Behavioral Psychology
"Merlyn Griffiths"
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Mary C. Gilly grad student 2007 UC Irvine
 (Consumer territorial behaviors in service environments.)
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Bhatnagar A, Maziak W, Eissenberg T, et al. (2019) Water Pipe (Hookah) Smoking and Cardiovascular Disease Risk: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association. Circulation. CIR0000000000000671
Lefebvre S, Cook LA, Griffiths MA. (2019) Consumer perceptions of genetically modified foods: a mixed-method approach Journal of Consumer Marketing. 36: 113-123
Hwang J, Griffiths MA. (2017) Share more, drive less: Millennials value perception and behavioral intent in using collaborative consumption services Journal of Consumer Marketing. 34: 132-146
Griffiths MA, Ford EW. (2014) Hookah smoking: behaviors and beliefs among young consumers in the United States. Social Work in Public Health. 29: 17-26
Griffiths MA. (2014) Consumer Acquiescence to Informed Consent: The Influence of Vulnerability, Motive, Trust and Suspicion Journal of Customer Behaviour. 13: 207-235
Griffiths MA, Gilly MC. (2012) Dibs! Customer Territorial Behaviors Journal of Service Research. 15: 131-149
Griffiths MA, Harmon TR, Gilly MC. (2011) Hubble Bubble Trouble: The Need for Education About and Regulation of Hookah Smoking Journal of Public Policy & Marketing. 30: 119-132
Griffiths MA, Harmon TR. (2011) Aging Consumer Vulnerabilities Influencing Factors of Acquiescence to Informed Consent Journal of Consumer Affairs. 45: 445-466
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