Kyunghee Han

Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, MI, United States 
Industrial Psychology, Personality Psychology, Management Business Administration, Higher Education Administration Education, Educational Psychology Education
"Kyunghee Han"
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Wang J, Han K, Ketterer HL, et al. (2020) Evaluating the Measurement Invariance of MMPI-2-RF Restructured Clinical Scale 4 (Antisocial Behavior) between American and Korean Clinical Samples: Exploring Cultural and Translation Issues Affecting Item Responding. Journal of Personality Assessment. 1-11
Han K, Colarelli SM, Weed NC. (2019) Methodological and statistical advances in the consideration of cultural diversity in assessment: A critical review of group classification and measurement invariance testing. Psychological Assessment. 31: 1481-1496
White JV, Han K, Weed NC, et al. (2019) A comparative evaluation of Korean MMPI-A and MMPI-A-RF Substance Abuse Scales. Journal of Clinical Psychology
Han K, Park HI, Weed NC, et al. (2013) Gender differences on the MMPI across American and Korean adult and adolescent normative samples. Journal of Personality Assessment. 95: 197-206
Cho Y, Otani H, Han K, et al. (2010) Cultural differences in asymmetric beliefs of interpersonal knowledge in vertical and horizontal relationships. The Journal of General Psychology. 137: 343-61
Ketterer HL, Han K, Hur J, et al. (2010) Development and validation of culture-specific Variable Response Inconsistency and True Response Inconsistency scales for use with the Korean MMPI-2. Psychological Assessment. 22: 504-19
Ketterer H, Han K, Weed NC. (2010) Validation of a Korean MMPI-2 Hwa-Byung scale using a Korean normative sample. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology. 16: 379-85
Dai G, Han K, Hu H, et al. (2010) Cultural differences and measurement invariance of selection tools Journal of Chinese Human Resource Management. 1: 95-114
Han K, Burns GN, Weed NC, et al. (2009) Evaluation of an observer form of the Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations Educational and Psychological Measurement. 69: 675-695
Roberts ME, Han K, Weed NC. (2006) Development of a scale to assess Hwa-Byung, a Korean culture-bound syndrome, using the Korean MMPI-2. Transcultural Psychiatry. 43: 383-400
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