Habib Tabatabai

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI 
Civil Engineering, Materials Science Engineering
"Habib Tabatabai"
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Lin J, Briseghella B, Xue J, et al. (2020) Temperature Monitoring and Response of Deck-Extension Side-by-Side Box Girder Bridges Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities. 34: 04019122
Lu P, Zhuang Y, Nabizadeh A, et al. (2020) Analytical and Experimental Evaluation of Repairs to Continuous PC Girder Bridge Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities. 34: 04019086
Nabizadeh A, Tabatabai H. (2020) Development of nonlinear probabilistic S-N curves using survival analysis techniques with application to steel bridges International Journal of Fatigue. 141: 105892
Xue J, Briseghella B, Huang F, et al. (2020) Review of ultra-high performance concrete and its application in bridge engineering Construction and Building Materials. 260: 119844
Ellis DS, Tabatabai H, Nabizadeh A. (2018) Residual Tensile Strength and Bond Properties of GFRP Bars after Exposure to Elevated Temperatures. Materials (Basel, Switzerland). 11
Nabizadeh A, Tabatabai H, Tabatabai M. (2018) Survival Analysis of Bridge Superstructures in Wisconsin Applied Sciences. 8: 2079
Tabatabai H, Titi HH, Lee C. (2018) Assessment of Tests to Determine Long-Term Durability of Wisconsin Aggregates Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 30: 04018262
Xu Z, Chen B, Zhuang Y, et al. (2018) Rehabilitation and Retrofitting of a Multispan Simply-Supported Adjacent Box Girder Bridge into a Jointless and Continuous Structure Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities. 32: 04017112
Titi HH, Tabatabai H, Faheem A, et al. (2018) Spatial variability of compacted aggregate bases Transportation Geotechnics. 17: 56-65
Titi HH, Dakwar M, Sooman M, et al. (2018) Long term performance of gravel base course layers in asphalt pavements Case Studies in Construction Materials. 9: e00208
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