Marc A. Adams, Ph.D.

2009 PubHlth (Health Behav)JtDocSDSU University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 
Public Health, Behavioral Psychology, Recreation
"Marc Adams"
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Kevin Patrick grad student 2009 UCSD
 (A pedometer-based intervention to increase physical activity: Applying frequent, adaptive goals and a percentile schedule of reinforcement.)
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McEntee ML, Hurley JC, Phillips CB, et al. (2023) The moderating impact of neighborhood walkability on mHealth interventions to increase moderate to vigorous physical activity for insufficiently active adults in a randomized trial. The International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. 20: 97
Sallis JF, Cerin E, Kerr J, et al. (2020) Built Environment, Physical Activity, and Obesity: Findings from the International Physical Activity and Environment Network (IPEN) Adult Study. Annual Review of Public Health. 41: 119-139
Joseph RP, Keller C, Vega-López S, et al. (2020) A Culturally Relevant Smartphone-Delivered Physical Activity Intervention for African American Women: Development and Initial Usability Tests of Smart Walk. Jmir Mhealth and Uhealth. 8: e15346
Rovniak LS, Adams MA, Sciamanna CN, et al. (2020) Effects of Bluetooth-Enabled Desk Ellipticals on Office Work Performance: Rationale, Design, and Protocol for a Randomized Trial With Overweight and Obese Adults. Jmir Research Protocols. 9: e16275
Martin CA, Rivera DE, Hekler EB, et al. (2020) Development of a Control-Oriented Model of Social Cognitive Theory for Optimized mHealth Behavioral Interventions Ieee Transactions On Control Systems Technology. 28: 331-346
Mitáš J, Cerin E, Reis RS, et al. (2019) Do associations of sex, age and education with transport and leisure-time physical activity differ across 17 cities in 12 countries? The International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. 16: 121
Cochrane T, Yu Y, Davey R, et al. (2019) Associations of built environment and proximity of food outlets with weight status: Analysis from 14 cities in 10 countries. Preventive Medicine. 105874
Gidlow C, Cerin E, Sugiyama T, et al. (2019) Objectively measured access to recreational destinations and leisure-time physical activity: Associations and demographic moderators in a six-country study. Health & Place. 59: 102196
Patch CM, Roman CG, Conway TL, et al. (2019) Crime and Physical Activity: Development of a Conceptual Framework and Measures. Journal of Physical Activity & Health. 1-12
Lorts C, Adams MA, Tasevska N, et al. (2019) Community food environment moderates association between health care provider advice to lose weight and eating behaviors. Preventive Medicine Reports. 15: 100926
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