Robert C. Wilson

Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 
reinforcement learning, decision making, neural networks
"Robert Wilson"
Mean distance: 13.13 (cluster 29)


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Brian Litt grad student 2009 Penn
 (Dynamic Bayesian inference in the brain.)
Leif H. Finkel grad student 2002-2009 Penn
Jonathan D. Cohen post-doc Princeton
Joshua Gold post-doc Penn
Yael Niv post-doc University of Arizona at Tucson


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Jack Morgan Mizell research assistant
Yinqi Huang grad student University of Arizona
Siyu Wang grad student
Hanbo Xie grad student 2022- University of Arizona
Huadong Xiong grad student 2022- University of Arizona
BETA: Related publications


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Mizell JM, Wang S, Frisvold A, et al. (2024) Differential impacts of healthy cognitive aging on directed and random exploration. Psychology and Aging. 39: 88-101
Du YK, Liang M, McAvan AS, et al. (2023) Frontal-midline theta and posterior alpha oscillations index early processing of spatial representations during active navigation. Cortex; a Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior. 169: 65-80
Du YK, Liang M, McAvan AS, et al. (2023) Frontal-midline oscillations index the evolution of spatial memory during active navigation. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Wang S, Gerken B, Wieland JR, et al. (2023) The effects of time horizon and guided choices on explore-exploit decisions in rodents. Behavioral Neuroscience
Harootonian SK, Ekstrom AD, Wilson RC. (2022) Combination and competition between path integration and landmark navigation in the estimation of heading direction. Plos Computational Biology. 18: e1009222
Smith R, Taylor S, Wilson RC, et al. (2022) Lower Levels of Directed Exploration and Reflective Thinking Are Associated With Greater Anxiety and Depression. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 12: 782136
Prat-Carrabin A, Wilson RC, Cohen JD, et al. (2021) Human inference in changing environments with temporal structure. Psychological Review
Feng SF, Wang S, Zarnescu S, et al. (2021) The dynamics of explore-exploit decisions reveal a signal-to-noise mechanism for random exploration. Scientific Reports. 11: 3077
Sadeghiyeh H, Wang S, Kyllo HM, et al. (2021) On the Psychology of the Psychology Subject Pool: An Exploratory Test of the Good Student Effect. Journal of Individual Differences. 42: 30-40
Grilli MD, McVeigh KS, Hakim ZM, et al. (2020) Is this phishing? Older age is associated with greater difficulty discriminating between safe and malicious emails. The Journals of Gerontology. Series B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences
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