Sijun Wang, Ph.D.

2004 The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL 
Marketing Business Administration
"Sijun Wang"
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Sharon E. Beatty grad student 2004 University of Alabama
 (Store image congruity and its impact on consumers' responses to multichannel retailers.)
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Mandrik C, Bao Y, Wang S. (2017) A cross-national study of intergenerational influence: US and PRC Journal of Consumer Marketing. 35: 0-0
Beatty SE, Ogilvie J, Northington WM, et al. (2015) Frontline Service Employee Compliance With Customer Special Requests Journal of Service Research. 19: 158-173
Landers VM, Beatty SE, Wang S, et al. (2015) The Effect of Online versus Offline Retailer-Brand Image Incongruity on the Flow Experience The Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice. 23: 370-387
Wang S, Beatty SE, Liu J. (2012) Employees' decision making in the Face of Customers' Fuzzy Return Requests. Journal of Marketing. 76: 69-86
Mothersbaugh DL, Foxx WK, Beatty SE, et al. (2012) Disclosure Antecedents in an Online Service Context: The Role of Sensitivity of Information Journal of Service Research. 15: 76-98
Hu J, Liu X, Wang S, et al. (2012) The role of brand image congruity in Chinese consumers' brand preference Journal of Product & Brand Management. 21: 26-34
Ma J, Wang S, Hao W. (2012) Does cultural similarity matter? Extending the animosity model from a new perspective Journal of Consumer Marketing. 29: 319-332
Savage GT, Bunn MD, Gray B, et al. (2011) Stakeholder Collaboration: Implications for Stakeholder Theory and Practice Journal of Business Ethics. 1-6
Holloway BB, Wang S, Beatty SE. (2009) Betrayal? Relationship quality implications in service recovery Journal of Services Marketing. 23: 385-396
Sawyerr OO, Srinivas S, Wang S. (2009) Call center employee personality factors and service performance Journal of Services Marketing. 23: 301-317
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