William M. Northington, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2014 | Marketing | The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL |
Marketing Business AdministrationGoogle:
"William Northington"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorSharon E. Beatty | grad student | 2014 | University of Alabama | |
(Why did that happen: Understanding the impact of witnessing employee customer-directed helping behavior.) |
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Gillison ST, Northington WM, Beatty SE, et al. (2019) Shopper Deal Seeking Across Channels: An Updated View The Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice. 27: 123-139 |
Lindridge A, Beatty SE, Northington WM. (2018) Do gambling game choices reflect a recreational gambler’s motivations? Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal. 21: 296-315 |
Hiler JL, Cook LA, Northington WM. (2018) Making inconsistent worlds: a conceptual framework for co-competition Journal of Consumer Marketing. 35: 254-263 |
Gillison ST, Northington WM, Beatty SE. (2016) Employees’ Emotional Reactions to Customer Deal Requests The Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice. 24: 147-165 |
Beatty SE, Ogilvie J, Northington WM, et al. (2015) Frontline Service Employee Compliance With Customer Special Requests Journal of Service Research. 19: 158-173 |
Walsh G, Northington WM, Hille P, et al. (2015) Service employees' willingness to report complaints scale: Cross-country application and replication Journal of Business Research. 68: 500-506 |
Gillison ST, Northington WM, Beatty SE. (2014) Understanding Customer Bargaining in Retail Stores: A Customer Perspective The Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice. 22: 151-168 |
Ellinger AE, Shin H, Northington WM, et al. (2012) The influence of supply chain management competency on customer satisfaction and shareholder value Supply Chain Management. 17: 249-262 |