Ralph Emilio Peterson

2011-2016 Behavioral Neuroscience Northeastern University, Boston, MA, United States 
 2013-2019 Neurobiology Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States 
 2019- Center for Neural Science New York University 
systems neuroscience, ethology, behavior, auditory neuroscience, computational neuroscience
"Ralph Peterson"
Mean distance: 106866
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Mitelut C, Diez Castro M, Peterson RE, et al. (2023) Distinct developmental trajectories of autonomous behaviors and agency in rodents. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Wiltschko AB, Tsukahara T, Zeine A, et al. (2020) Revealing the structure of pharmacobehavioral space through motion sequencing. Nature Neuroscience
Markowitz JE, Gillis WF, Beron CC, et al. (2018) The Striatum Organizes 3D Behavior via Moment-to-Moment Action Selection. Cell
Pisanello F, Mandelbaum G, Pisanello M, et al. (2017) Dynamic illumination of spatially restricted or large brain volumes via a single tapered optical fiber. Nature Neuroscience
Wiltschko AB, Johnson MJ, Iurilli G, et al. (2015) Mapping Sub-Second Structure in Mouse Behavior. Neuron. 88: 1121-35
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