Jasmin Camacho

Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States 
development, evolution
"Jasmin Camacho"
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Deng F, Morales-Sosa P, Bernal-Rivera A, et al. (2024) Establishing Primary and Stable Cell Lines from Frozen Wing Biopsies for Cellular, Physiological, and Genetic Studies in Bats. Current Protocols. 4: e1123
Camacho J, Bernal-Rivera A, Peña V, et al. (2024) Sugar assimilation underlying dietary evolution of Neotropical bats. Nature Ecology & Evolution
Deng F, Morales-Sosa P, Bernal-Rivera A, et al. (2024) Establishing Primary and Stable Cell Lines from Frozen Wing Biopsies for Cellular, Physiological, and Genetic Studies in Bats. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Rogers CD, Amemiya C, Arur S, et al. (2024) Pluripotency of a founding field: rebranding developmental biology. Development (Cambridge, England). 151
Feigin CY, Moreno JA, Ramos R, et al. (2023) Convergent deployment of ancestral functions during the evolution of mammalian flight membranes. Science Advances. 9: eade7511
Dobreva MP, Camacho J, Abzhanov A. (2021) Time to synchronize our clocks: Connecting developmental mechanisms and evolutionary consequences of heterochrony. Journal of Experimental Zoology. Part B, Molecular and Developmental Evolution
Camacho J, Moon R, Smith SK, et al. (2020) Differential cellular proliferation underlies heterochronic generation of cranial diversity in phyllostomid bats. Evodevo. 11: 11
Camacho J, Heyde A, Bhullar BS, et al. (2019) Peramorphosis, an evolutionary developmental mechanism in neotropical bat skull diversity. Developmental Dynamics : An Official Publication of the American Association of Anatomists
Walker MJ, Dorrestein A, Camacho JJ, et al. (2018) A tripartite survey of hyperparasitic fungi associated with ectoparasitic flies on bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) in a neotropical cloud forest in Panama. Parasite (Paris, France). 25: 19
Fabbri M, Mongiardino Koch N, Pritchard AC, et al. (2017) The skull roof tracks the brain during the evolution and development of reptiles including birds. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 1: 1543-1550
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