Patti Williams

University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States 
Marketing Business Administration, Social Psychology
"Patti Williams"
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Williams P, Coleman NV, Morales AC, et al. (2018) Connections to Brands That Help Others versus Help the Self: The Impact of Incidental Awe and Pride on Consumer Relationships with Social-Benefit and Luxury Brands Journal of the Association For Consumer Research. 3: 202-215
Coleman NV, Williams P, Morales AC, et al. (2017) Retracted: Attention, Attitudes, and Action: When and Why Incidental Fear Increases Consumer Choice Journal of Consumer Research. 44: 283-312
Coleman NV, Williams P. (2015) Looking for my self: Identity-driven attention allocation Journal of Consumer Psychology. 25: 504-511
Williams P. (2014) Emotions and Consumer Behavior Journal of Consumer Research. 40
Coleman NV, Williams P. (2013) Feeling Like My Self: Emotion Profiles and Social Identity Journal of Consumer Research. 40: 203-222
Fitzsimons GJ, Nunes JC, Williams P. (2007) License to Sin: The Liberating Role of Reporting Expectations. The Journal of Consumer Research. 34: 22-31
Ramanathan S, Williams P. (2007) Immediate and Delayed Emotional Consequences of Indulgence: The Moderating Influence of Personality Type on Mixed Emotions Journal of Consumer Research. 34: 212-223
Fitzsimons GJ, Block LG, Williams P. (2007) Asking questions about vices really does increase vice behavior Social Influence. 2: 237-243
Schweidel DA, Bradlow ET, Williams P. (2006) A feature-based approach to assessing advertisement similarity Journal of Marketing Research. 43: 237-243
Sprott DE, Spangenberg ER, Block LG, et al. (2006) The question–behavior effect: What we know and where we go from here Social Influence. 1: 128-137
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