Gerald M. Hampton
Affiliations: | New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM, United States |
Marketing Business Administration, Behavioral PsychologyGoogle:
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Hampton GM, Peterson RT. (2012) JOB SATISFAcTIOn OF cERTIFIED nURSE MIDWIVES: An ExAMInATIOn Administrative Issues Journal. 2: 112-126 |
Hampton GM, Hampton DL. (2004) Relationship of professionalism, rewards, market orientation and job satisfaction among medical professionals. The case of Certified Nurse-Midwives Journal of Business Research. 57: 1042-1053 |
Hampton DL, Hampton GM. (2000) Professionalism and the nurse-midwife practitioner: an exploratory study. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners. 12: 218-25 |
Hampton GM, McQuitty S, Hampton DL. (2000) Market orientation and professionalism: the case of nurse-midwives. Health Marketing Quarterly. 17: 77-93 |