Dennis L. Murray
Affiliations: | Environmental and Life Sciences | Trent University, Canada |
Ecology Biology, Behavioral Sciences PsychologyGoogle:
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Sign in to add traineeTerese E. McIntosh | grad student | 2012 | Trent University |
Guillaume Bastille-Rousseau | grad student | 2015 | Trent University |
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Majchrzak YN, Peers MJL, Studd EK, et al. (2022) Balancing food acquisition and predation risk drives demographic changes in snowshoe hare population cycles. Ecology Letters |
Hossie TJ, Chan K, Murray DL. (2021) Increasing availability of palatable prey induces predator-dependence and increases predation on unpalatable prey. Scientific Reports. 11: 6763 |
Bargelt L, Fortin MJ, Murray DL. (2020) Assessing connectivity and the contribution of private lands to protected area networks in the United States. Plos One. 15: e0228946 |
Peers MJL, Majchrzak YN, Menzies AK, et al. (2020) Climate change increases predation risk for a keystone species of the boreal forest Nature Climate Change. 10: 1149-1153 |
Thornton D, Branch L, Murray D. (2019) Distribution and connectivity of protected areas in the Americas facilitates transboundary conservation. Ecological Applications : a Publication of the Ecological Society of America |
Rae J, Murray D. (2019) Pathogen vs. predator: ranavirus exposure dampens tadpole responses to perceived predation risk. Oecologia |
Boudreau MR, Seguin JL, Boonstra R, et al. (2019) Experimental increase in predation risk causes a cascading stress response in free-ranging snowshoe hares. Oecologia |
Vilaça ST, Bienentreu JF, Brunetti CR, et al. (2019) genomes reveal prevalent recombination between lineages and their origin in Canada. Journal of Virology |
Meröndun J, Murray DL, Shafer ABA. (2019) Genome-scale sampling suggests cryptic epigenetic structuring and insular divergence in Canada lynx. Molecular Ecology |
Studd EK, Boudreau MR, Majchrzak YN, et al. (2019) Use of Acceleration and Acoustics to Classify Behavior, Generate Time Budgets, and Evaluate Responses to Moonlight in Free-Ranging Snowshoe Hares Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 7 |