Max Kleiman-Weiner

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States 
"Max Kleiman-Weiner"
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Michael S. Levine research assistant 2004-2006 Brain Research Institute, UCLA
Xiang Yu research assistant 2007-2007 ION, CAS
John R. Huguenard research assistant 2005-2009 Stanford
Joshua Tenenbaum grad student 2012- MIT
Tim Behrens grad student 2010-2012 Oxford
Matthew F. Rushworth grad student 2010-2012 Oxford
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Kryven M, Yu S, Kleiman-Weiner M, et al. (2024) Approximate planning in spatial search. Plos Computational Biology. 20: e1012582
Levine S, Kleiman-Weiner M, Chater N, et al. (2024) When rules are over-ruled: Virtual bargaining as a contractualist method of moral judgment. Cognition. 250: 105790
Houlihan SD, Kleiman-Weiner M, Hewitt LB, et al. (2023) Emotion prediction as computation over a generative theory of mind. Philosophical Transactions. Series a, Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Sciences. 381: 20220047
Wu SA, Wang RE, Evans JA, et al. (2021) Too Many Cooks: Bayesian Inference for Coordinating Multi-Agent Collaboration. Topics in Cognitive Science
Levine S, Kleiman-Weiner M, Schulz L, et al. (2020) The logic of universalization guides moral judgment. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Lu AC, Lee CK, Kleiman-Weiner M, et al. (2020) Nonlinearities between inhibition and T-type calcium channel activity bidirectionally regulate thalamic oscillations. Elife. 9
McManus RM, Kleiman-Weiner M, Young L. (2020) What We Owe to Family: The Impact of Special Obligations on Moral Judgment. Psychological Science. 956797619900321
Awad E, Levine S, Kleiman-Weiner M, et al. (2019) Drivers are blamed more than their automated cars when both make mistakes. Nature Human Behaviour
Cao J, Kleiman-Weiner M, Banaji MR. (2018) People Make the Same Bayesian Judgment They Criticize in Others. Psychological Science. 956797618805750
Gerstenberg T, Ullman TD, Nagel J, et al. (2018) Lucky or clever? From expectations to responsibility judgments. Cognition. 177: 122-141
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