Crystle A. Martin, Ph.D.

2012 Curriculum & Instruction University of Wisconsin, Madison, Madison, WI 
Technology of Education, Educational Psychology Education, Social Psychology
"Crystle Martin"
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Constance Steinkuehler grad student 2012 UW Madison
 (Information Literacy in Interest-Driven Learning Communities: Navigating the Sea of Information of an Online Affinity Space.)
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Martin C, Martinez R. (2016) Games in classroom and practice in library and information science education On the Horizon. 24: 82-87
Martin C. (2016) Impact of new forms of learning in interest-driven communities to future pathways for youth On the Horizon. 24: 227-234
Steinkuehler C, Alagoz E, King E, et al. (2012) A Cross Case Analysis of Two Out-of-School Programs Based on Virtual Worlds: International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations. 4: 25-54
Martin C. (2012) Video Games, Identity, and the Constellation of Information. Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society. 32: 384-392
Martin C. (2011) An information literacy perspective on learning and new media On the Horizon. 19: 268-275
Paling S, Martin C. (2011) Transformative use of information technology in American literary writing: A pilot survey of literary community members Journal of the Association For Information Science and Technology. 62: 947-962
Martin C, Steinkuehler C. (2010) Collective Information Literacy in Massively Multiplayer Online Games E-Learning and Digital Media. 7: 355-365
King E, Alagoz E, Martin C, et al. (2010) Soft Modding in Two Out-of-School Virtual Worlds-Based Programs International Journal of Learning and Media. 2
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