Aimee M. deNoyelles, Ed.D.

2011 Curriculum & Instruction University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 
Technology of Education, Educational Psychology Education, Gender Studies
"Aimee deNoyelles"
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Kay K. Seo grad student 2011 University of Cincinnati
 (Learning between Worlds: Experiences of Women College Students in a Virtual World.)
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Reyes-Foster BM, DeNoyelles A. (2018) Using the Photovoice Method to Elicit Authentic Learning in Online Discussions The Journal of Teaching and Learning. 7: 125-138
Reyes-Foster BM, DeNoyelles A. (2016) Influence of Word Clouds on Critical Thinking in Online Discussions: A Content Analysis The Journal of Teaching and Learning. 5: 16-32
deNoyelles A, Raider-Roth M. (2016) Being an ‘agent provocateur’: utilising online spaces for teacher professional development in virtual simulation games Technology, Pedagogy and Education. 25: 337-353
Hornik S, deNoyelles A, Chen B. (2016) Exploring Flipboard to Support Coursework: Student Beliefs, Attitudes, Engagement, and Device Choice Techtrends. 60: 503-509
deNoyelles A, Seilhamer R. (2015) Facilitating professional development of mobile and eTextbook technologies Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education. 7: 55-67
deNoyelles A, Seilhamer R. (2013) eTextbook access, usage, and beliefs: implications for adoption in higher education Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education. 5: 189-201
deNoyelles A, Cobb C, Lowe D. (2012) Influence of Reduced Seat Time on Satisfaction and Perception of Course Development Goals: A Case Study in Faculty Development. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks. 16: 85-98
Zydney JM, Denoyelles A, Kyeong-Ju Seo K. (2012) Creating a community of inquiry in online environments: An exploratory study on the effect of a protocol on interactions within asynchronous discussions Computers and Education. 58: 77-87
deNoyelles A, Seo KK. (2012) Inspiring equal contribution and opportunity in a 3d multi-user virtual environment: Bringing together men gamers and women non-gamers in Second Life ®Computers in Education. 58: 21-29
DeNoyelles A, Seo KK. (2010) Designing and facilitating learning communities in immersive virtual environments International Journal of Innovation in Education. 1: 173
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