Lindsey M. Nichols, Ph.D.

2012 Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, United States 
Counseling Psychology
"Lindsey Nichols"
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Elizabeth A. Mellin grad student 2012 Penn State
 (Integrating complementary therapies with counseling: A qualitative study of practicing counselors' approaches to wellness.)
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Goforth AN, Nichols LM, Sun J, et al. (2022) Cultural Adaptation of an Educator Social-Emotional Learning Program to Support Indigenous Students. School Psychology Review. 53: 365-381
Nichols BG, Nichols LM, Poetker DM, et al. (2014) Operationalizing professionalism: a meaningful and practical integration for resident education. The Laryngoscope. 124: 110-5
Nichols LM, Carney JV. (2013) Jane E. Myers: The Evolution of an Advocate Journal of Counseling and Development. 91: 240-248
Nichols LM. (2012) Government intervention in health care markets is practical, necessary, and morally sound. The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics : a Journal of the American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics. 40: 547-57
Nichols LM, Hunt B. (2011) The Significance of Spirituality for Individuals with Chronic Illness: Implications for Mental Health Counseling Journal of Mental Health Counseling. 33: 51-66
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