Nailya Ordabayeva, Ph.D.

2010 INSEAD (France and Singapore) 
Marketing Business Administration, Social Psychology
"Nailya Ordabayeva"
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Pierre Chandon grad student 2010 INSEAD (France and Singapore)
 (Equality, Status, and Consumption.)
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Dubois D, Jung S, Ordabayeva N. (2020) The psychology of luxury consumption. Current Opinion in Psychology. 39: 82-87
Ordabayeva N, Srinivasan R. (2019) The effects of salience of the sound of food on consumption. Appetite
Goor D, Ordabayeva N, Keinan A, et al. (2019) The Impostor Syndrome from Luxury Consumption Journal of Consumer Research. 46: 1031-1051
Ordabayeva N. (2019) Similar but unequal: Political polarization in the effects of perceived social similarity on support for redistribution Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 84: 103811
Chandon P, Ordabayeva N. (2017) The accuracy of less: Natural bounds explain why quantity decreases are estimated more accurately than quantity increases. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General. 146: 250-268
Chandon P, Ordabayeva N, Touati N. (2017) Les biais de perception des tailles des portions Pratiques En Nutrition. 13: 41-46
Ordabayeva N, Fernandes D. (2017) Similarity focus and support for redistribution Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 72: 67-74
Ordabayeva N, Chandon P. (2016) In the eye of the beholder: Visual biases in package and portion size perceptions. Appetite. 103: 450-7
Askegaard S, Ordabayeva N, Chandon P, et al. (2014) Moralities in food and health research Journal of Marketing Management. 30: 1800-1832
Cornil Y, Ordabayeva N, Kaiser U, et al. (2014) The acuity of vice: Attitude ambivalence improves visual sensitivity to increasing portion sizes Journal of Consumer Psychology. 24: 177-187
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