Jessica Castonguay, Ph.D.

2014 Communication University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 
Speech Communication, Health Education, Developmental Psychology, General Psychology
"Jessica Castonguay"
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Ed Donnerstein grad student 2014 University of Arizona
 (Paradoxical promotions: Age differences in children's responses to food advertising triggering multiple health schemas.)
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Castonguay J. (2019) Sugar and Sports Age Differences in Children’s Responses to a High Sugar Cereal Advertisement Portraying Physical Activities Communication Research. 46: 93650215587357
Castonguay J, Bakir A, Blodgett JG. (2019) Adolescents’ Responses to Cereal Ads: An Assessment of Weight and Gender Journal of Food Products Marketing. 25: 785-804
Castonguay J, Bakir A. (2019) You eat “like a girl”: gender differences in content and effects of food advertising depicting sports Journal of Food Products Marketing. 25: 233-256
Lapierre MA, Fleming-Milici F, Rozendaal E, et al. (2017) The Effect of Advertising on Children and Adolescents. Pediatrics. 140: S152-S156
Kunkel DL, Castonguay JS, Filer CR. (2015) Evaluating Industry Self-Regulation of Food Marketing to Children. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 49: 181-7
Hingle MD, Castonguay JS, Ambuel DA, et al. (2015) Alignment of Children's Food Advertising With Proposed Federal Guidelines. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 48: 707-13
Castonguay J. (2015) Portraying physical activity in food advertising targeting children Health Education. 115: 534-553
Kunkel D, Castonguay J, Wright PJ, et al. (2014) Solution or Smokescreen? Evaluating Industry Self-Regulation of Televised Food Marketing to Children Communication Law and Policy. 19: 263-292
Castonguay J, Kunkel D, Wright P, et al. (2013) Healthy characters? An investigation of marketing practices in children's food advertising. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 45: 571-7
Castonguay J, McKinley C, Kunkel D. (2013) Health-related messages in food advertisements targeting children Health Education. 113: 420-432
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