University of Arizona

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Eynav E. AccorttPrefrontal Cortex, Emotion, Depression, Memory Psychology2009 John J. B. Allen (grad student)
Stephen AdamoVisual Perception, Attention Mary A. Peterson (research assistant)
Stephen AdamoVisual Perception, Attention, Visual Search Psychology20082010 Mary A. Peterson (research assistant)
Vincent J. AdessoClinical Psychology, Higher Education Psychology1971 G. W. Hohmann (grad student)
Gene E. AlexanderNeuroscience Biology, Aging, Radiology
Emad AliSpecial Education Special Education & Rehabilitation2009 John Umbreit (grad student)
John J. B. AllenPrefrontal Cortex, Emotion, Depression, Memory
Beatriz I. AlvaradoEthology and Evolutionary Psychology Psychology2012 Aurelio Jose Figueredo (grad student)
Alexander Alvarez Planetary Sciences20142015 Leon F Palafox (research assistant)
Trent Anderson Quentin J. Pittman (post-doc)
Chad V. Andersonskeletal muscles; coordinated movements Electrical & Computer Engineering2007 Andrew Fuglevand (grad student)
David R. Andrewinvertebrate visual systems, neuroanatomy Neuroscience2012 Nicholas J. Strausfeld (grad student)
Harold ArkowitzClinical Psychology, Social Work
Hal ArkowitzClinical Psychology, Mental Health
Fernando R. ArmendarizBehavioral Psychology, Curriculum and Instruction Education, Elementary Education2005 John Umbreit (grad student)
Linda N. ArnoldSpecial Education, Elementary Education Special Education2010 June Maker (grad student)
Marina N. Asiedu Medical Pharmacology2012 Theodore J. Price (grad student)
Lance R. AskildsonSentence comprehension, communication disorders, psycholinguistics, eye tracking Second Language Acquisition & Teaching2008 Janet Nicol (grad student)
Anne E. Atwater Physiology Douglas G. Stuart (post-doc)
Jessica M. BaggerManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology, Individual and Family Studies2006 Barbara A. Gutek (grad student)
Abdulkadir BaharMathematics Education, Gifted Education, Cognitive Psychology Special Education2013 June Maker (grad student)
Brenae L. BaileyRegulation of Gene-Expression by Mechanical Force, RNA structure, Optical Tweezers Applied Mathematics2014 Koen Visscher (grad student)
Elaine T. Bailey2006 Richard Bootzin (grad student)
Jennifer A BaileyAdolescent risk Psychology19931999 Jennifer A Bailey (grad student)
Frances BalcombDevelopmental Psychology, Experimental Psychology Psychology2007 LouAnn Gerken (grad student)
Shaowen Bao
Bonnie L. BarberDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology
Jason E. BarkerSentence comprehension, communication disorders, psycholinguistics, eye tracking2001 Janet Nicol (grad student)
Julie M. Barkmeier-KraemerNeuroscience Biology, Speech Pathology
Carol Ann Barneshippocampus, memory, & aging Bruce L. McNaughton (collaborator)
Thomas D. BarnettEducational Psychology Education, Social Psychology, African American Studies, Black Studies School Psychology2009 Shitala P. Mishra (grad student)
Mitchell J. Bartlett Pharmacology20162019 Torsten Falk (grad student)
Chinmai Basavaraj Department of Computer Science Martin Reimann (grad student)
Francesco P. BattagliaHippocampus, computational neuroscience, memory, systems neuroscience, neurotechnology Bruce L. McNaughton (post-doc), Katalin M. Gothard (collaborator)
Daniel R. BauerUltrasound Imaging, Neural Engineering Optical Sciences2012 Russell S. Witte (grad student)
Sheri BaumanEducational Psychology Education, Mathematics Education, Secondary Education
Natalie Bautista Pharmacology and Toxicology2023 Xinglong Wang (research assistant)
Judith V. BeckerClinical Psychology
Felice L. BedfordCognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology
Comel J. BelinAfrican American Studies, Educational Psychology Education, Behavioral Psychology, Black Studies School Psychology2011 Shitala P. Mishra (grad student)
Barbara B. BendlinMemory2007 Lee Ryan (grad student)
Andrew R Bennetthydrology
Kaitlin L. BergfieldMemory Neuroscience2013 Lee Ryan (grad student)
Sherry C. BettsHuman Development, Developmental Psychology, Health Education
Leslie BevanSegmental neurophysiology; muscle fatigue19881992 Yiannis Laouris (grad student)
Thomas G. Beverpsycholinguistics, cognitive neuroscience, linguistics,
Aaron BeyerleinInsect olfaction, behavior20052011 John G. Hildebrand (grad student)
Anita D. BhappuMarketing Business Administration, Mass Communications, Social Psychology
Vimala N. Bharadwaj Frank Porreca (post-doc)
Di Bianpain, opioids, pharmacology2000 Frank Porreca (grad student)
Bayram BicakEducational Psychology Education, Tests and Measurements Education2003 Anthony J. Nitko (grad student)
Marc D. BinderMotoneurons Physiology19751978 Douglas G. Stuart (research scientist)
Samuel J. BirkOrganizational, Social Psychology, Management Business Administration Management2014 Stephen W. Gilliland (grad student)
Andrew W. BismarkPrefrontal Cortex, Emotion, Depression, Memory Psychology2014 John J. B. Allen (grad student)
Candace Jasmine BlackEvolutionary psychology2008 W Jake Jacobs (grad student), Aurelio Jose Figueredo (grad student), Jon A. Sefcek (collaborator), Lee Sechrest (grad student)
Laura E. BoeschenClinical Psychology, Criminology and Penology, Women's Studies2000 Judith V. Becker (grad student)
Veronique Bohbot Lynn Nadel (grad student)
Mark W. BondiClinical Psychology Alfred W. Kaszniak (grad student)
Richard Bootzin Julian Bernard Rotter (grad student)
Mark R. BowerEpilepsy19942003 Bruce L. McNaughton (grad student)
Amanda R. BozackEducational Psychology Education, Teacher Training Education Educational Psychology2008 Mary McCaslin (grad student)
Charles J. BrainerdDevelopmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology
Emily E Bray Anthropology20172023 Evan L. MacLean (post-doc)
Jennifer H. Breslin Psychology2012 Richard Bootzin (grad student)
Roberta Diaz Brinton19821984 Henry I. Yamamura (grad student)
Willoughby B. Britton Psychology2007 Richard Bootzin (grad student)
Sacha Devine Brown Psychology Psychology W Jake Jacobs (grad student), Aurelio Jose Figueredo (grad student), Lee Sechrest (grad student), Lynn Nadel (collaborator)
Barbara H. BrumbachEthology and Evolutionary Psychology2006 Aurelio Jose Figueredo (grad student)
Amanda E. BryanClinical Psychology, Mental Health Psychology2013 Hal Arkowitz (grad student)
Argyle K. BumanglagEpilepsy Neuroscience2010 Robert S. Sloviter (grad student)
Gail D. BurdMolecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Genetics
Sarah B. BurgerClinical, Psychopathology Psychology20002012 W Jake Jacobs (grad student)
Sara N. BurkeAging Neuroscience20022009 Retsina M. Meyer (collaborator), Carol Ann Barnes (grad student)
Heidi L. BurrossEducational Psychology Education, Secondary Education2001 Mary McCaslin (grad student)
Meryl ButtersNeuropsychology Alfred W. Kaszniak (grad student)
Tomas Cabeza De BacaEthology and Evolutionary Psychology Family and Consumer Sciences2014 Aurelio Jose Figueredo (grad student)
Laura CacciamaniVisual perception; neuroimaging; cognitive neuroscience Psychology20092014 Mary A. Peterson (grad student)
Haijiang Caineuroscience, physiology, biophysics, behavior
Susan M. CalhounEducational Psychology Education, Teacher Training Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education Educational Psychology2007 June Maker (grad student)
Holly R. CampbellHIV; Mental Health, Global Mental Health; Human mobility19952000 Nicholas J. Strausfeld (grad student)
Christopher R. Camposblood-brain barrier, drug delivery Medical Pharmacology2009 Thomas P. Davis (grad student)
Rafael Cantera Neurobiology Richard B. Levine (post-doc)
Erica CarlinClinical Psychology Psychology2010 Harold Arkowitz (grad student)
L. Philip Carter
Jared A. Carter Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences20182018 Barbara Katherine Cone (grad student)
Joao L Carvalho-de-SouzaIon channels, optocapacitance
Jessica CastonguaySpeech Communication, Health Education, Developmental Psychology, General Psychology Communication2014 Ed Donnerstein (grad student)
James F. CavanaghEEG, Reinforcement Learning, Cognitive Control Psychology20052010 John J. B. Allen (grad student)
Justin S. CetasNeuroscience Biology, Audiology2000 Nathaniel T. McMullen (grad student)
Andrea S. ChambersPrefrontal Cortex, Emotion, Depression, Memory Psychology2007 John J. B. Allen (grad student)
Shiao-hui Chanpsycholinguistics, cognitive neuroscience, linguistics,2007 Thomas G. Bever (grad student)
Luke J. ChangNeuroeconomics, Clinical Psychology, Social Neuroscience, Affective Neuroscience Psychology2012 Marcel Kinsbourne (grad student), Alan G. Sanfey (grad student)
Pedro ChavezEducational Psychology Education Educational Psychology2013 Heidi L. Burross (grad student)
Pamela K. ChavisSpecial Education2000 June Maker (grad student)
Yuri ChayamaMusic, Art History Music2013 Paula Fan (grad student)
Yanxia Chenpain
Ruidong ChenStatistics Statistics GIDP2023 Zhang Hao (grad student)
Chang-Ching ChenSentence comprehension, communication disorders, psycholinguistics, eye tracking Second Language Acquisition & Teaching2009 Janet Nicol (grad student)
Mei-kuang Chen Psychology2011 Richard Bootzin (grad student)
Qingmin Chenpain, opioids, pharmacology Medical Pharmacology2007 Frank Porreca (grad student)
Cortnie Lauren Cherry2006 Richard B. Levine (grad student)
Bennett W. CherryManagement Business Administration, Social Psychology2000 Stephen W. Gilliland (grad student)
Chen-Ju ChiangMusic2006 Paula Fan (grad student)
Kyungsun ChoiMusic Music2015 Paula Fan (grad student)
Marina Cholanianeffects of menopause on the human hypothalamus Neuroscience2013 Naomi E. Rance (grad student)
Hsiu-feng ChungPersonality Psychology, Educational Psychology Education Educational Psychology2008 Mary McCaslin (grad student)
Adriana D. CimettaEducational Psychology Education, Tests and Measurements Education Educational Psychology2012 Jerome D'Agostino (grad student)
Constance M. ClarkePsycholinguistics, speech errors, speech production, sentence comprehension, spoonerisms2003 Merrill F. Garrett (grad student)
Audrey ClearyCounseling Psychology, Individual and Family Studies Psychology2011 Michael Rohrbaugh (grad student)
R. D. ClowardEducational Psychology Education, Behavioral Psychology2002 Shitala P. Mishra (grad student)
James A. CoanEmotion, social interaction, prefrontal cortex Psychology2003 John J. B. Allen (grad student), Lee Sechrest (grad student)
Michael X. Cohen20082009 John J. B. Allen (post-doc)
Alison E ComrieLearning, Decision-making, Hippocampus, Prefrontal cortex20112017 Carol Ann Barnes (research assistant)
Barbara K. Cone-WessonAudiology, Cognitive Psychology
Terence ConnollyCognitive Psychology, Management Business Administration
Susanne W. CookNursing, Public Health2004 Ida M. (Ki) Moore (grad student)
Jayne E. Cooper2001 Richard Bootzin (grad student)
Andrea M. Coppolasocial neuroscience, social support, close relationships
Nadia S. Corral Frias Neuroscience2012 Jean-Marc Fellous (grad student)
Karissa E. CottierBlood-brain barrier, neurovascular unit, headache, inflammation, cerebral malaria, liver biology , pharmacokinetics, fatty liver disease
Seana Coulson Cyma Van Petten (post-doc)
Cesar A Coutino2023 Xinglong Wang (research assistant)
Stephen L. Cowenprefrontal cortex, associative learning, rat, reinforcement learning, neurophysiology19972007 Bruce L. McNaughton (grad student)
Christine L. CoxMemory Psychology2009 Lee Ryan (grad student)
Ethan A. CoxPsycholinguistics, speech errors, speech production, sentence comprehension, spoonerisms2005 Merrill F. Garrett (grad student)
Bud Craignociception, thermoreception
K. Guadalupe Cruz Psyschology20142016 Jean-Marc Fellous (research assistant)
Anne-Marie J. CzikoNeuroscience, Genetics Neuroscience2009 Konrad E. Zinsmaier (grad student)
Jerome D'AgostinoEducational Psychology Education, Clinical Psychology
Andrew M. Dacks2007 Alan J. Nighorn (post-doc), John G. Hildebrand (grad student)
Penny A. Dacksneuroendocrinology, hypothalamus, feeding, temperature, metabolism Neuroscience20042010 Naomi E. Rance (grad student)
Huanping DaiPsychoacoustics
Patrick DavidsonParkinson's disease, memory, executive functions2003 Elizabeth L. Glisky (grad student)
Thomas P. Davisblood-brain barrier, drug delivery
Colin R. DawsonCognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Music Psychology2011 LouAnn Gerken (grad student)
Spencer Charles Dawsonsleep, insomnia Psychology Psychology20152018 Richard Bootzin (grad student), John J. B. Allen (grad student)
Carlos DejudSpecial Education, Bilingual and Multicultural Education, Secondary Education, Hispanic American Studies School Psychology2007 Shitala P. Mishra (grad student)
Andrew Tesla DeMarcofMRI, aphasia, language, EEG Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences20112017 Pélagie Maritz Beeson (grad student), Stephen M. Wilson (grad student)
Melissa L. DeVriesEducational Psychology Education, Special Education, Developmental Psychology School Psychology2009 Ida M. (Ki) Moore (grad student)
Ziya V. DikmanPrefrontal Cortex, Emotion, Depression, Memory2003 John J. B. Allen (grad student)
Mao Ding Pharmacology and Toxicology2023 Xinglong Wang (post-doc)
Sarah M. DinhamEducational Psychology Education, Higher Education
Sydni Fomas Do Marketing Martin Reimann (grad student)
Robert S. DoneManagement Business Administration, Law, Social Psychology2000 Barbara A. Gutek (grad student)
Bhaktee DongaonkarStress, depression, memory, reconsolidation Psychology20072012 Lynn Nadel (grad student)
Ed DonnersteinSpeech Communication, Health Education, Developmental Psychology, General Psychology
Jennifer Dorfman John F. Kihlstrom (post-doc)
Cynthia L. Dowdall-ThomaeClinical Psychology, Industrial Psychology Rehabilitation2009 Mae Smith (grad student)
David Downs Speech and Hearing Sciences Paul Skinner (grad student)
Kristian Doyle Immunology20082015 Marion S. Buckwalter (post-doc)
Renee A. Duckworth
Chris Duffield19911995 Bruce L. McNaughton (post-doc), Carol Ann Barnes (grad student)
Davide Dulcis2004 Richard B. Levine (grad student)
Aimee Sue Dunlap20092012 Anna Dornhaus (post-doc)
Emmanuel Dupoux19891991 Kenneth I. Forster (post-doc)
Gregory O. Dussorpain, ion channels Edwin McCleskey (post-doc)
Jonathan P. Dyhr Neuroscience20032010 Charles M. Higgins (grad student)
Mary A. EastlickMarketing Business Administration, Cognitive Psychology
Brian D. EbieMusic Education, Elementary Education, Educational Psychology Education
Cynthia A. EcholsDevelopmental Psychology, Special Education, Industrial Psychology2002 Mae Smith (grad student)
Rebecca M. EdelmayerNeuropharmacology, Pain, Migraine Medical Pharmacology20092009 Gregory O. Dussor (post-doc), Frank Porreca (grad student)
Jamie O. EdginDown Syndrome20072012 Lynn Nadel (post-doc), Carolyn Mervis (grad student)
Emily C. Edmondsmemory, aging, dementia Psychology2011 Elizabeth L. Glisky (grad student)
Erika D. Eggersvisual neurophysiology
Richard D. Egletonblood-brain barrier, drug delivery19972002 Thomas P. Davis (post-doc)
Peter W. EnglishSocial Psychology, Law2003 Bruce D. Sales (grad student)
Elizabeth B. EnkinPsycholinguistics, Masked Priming, Lexical access, Visual Word Recognition, Bilingualism, Morphology Second Language Acquisition & Teaching2012 Kenneth I. Forster (grad student)
Roger M. EnokaMuscle Fatigue, Aging, Motor Units Douglas G. Stuart (post-doc)
Cynthia A. Ericksonvisual object recognition and memory Psychology19891993 Carol Ann Barnes (grad student), Katalin M. Gothard (collaborator), Bruce L. McNaughton (grad student)
Mindy EscobarEpilepsy Robert S. Sloviter (grad student)
David R. Eustonneurophysiology and function of frontal cortex20002008 Bruce L. McNaughton (post-doc), Retsina M. Meyer (collaborator)
Joel M. EvansManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology, Behavioral Psychology Management2009 Stephen W. Gilliland (grad student)
Lia D. FalcoEducational Psychology Education, Mathematics Education, Secondary Education Educational Psychology2008 Sheri Bauman (grad student)
Torsten Falk Physiology19962001 Andrea J. Yool (post-doc)
Paula FanMusic, Physiology Biology, Neuroscience Biology
Amanda M. FanniffClinical Psychology Psychology2009 Judith V. Becker (grad student)
Shira W. FassEducational Psychology Education, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Bilingual and Multicultural Education2002 Mary McCaslin (grad student)
Jonathan M. FawcettIntentional Forgetting, Cognition, Memory, Executive Control, Inhibition20092011 Lynn Nadel (research scientist)
Jean-Marc Fellous Bruce L. McNaughton (post-doc)
Heitor B F Fernandes
Aurelio Jose FigueredoEthology and Evolutionary Psychology
Jessica D. FindleySocial Psychology, Law, Speech Communication Psychology2010 Bruce D. Sales (grad student)
Matthew S. Finkbeinerlexical access, masked priming, bilingual speech production2002 Kenneth I. Forster (grad student), Janet Nicol (grad student)
Ida R. FlorezEarly Childhood Education, Teacher Training Education, Educational Psychology Education Educational Psychology2009 Mary McCaslin (grad student)
Jonathan FolsteinERP, categorization2007 Cyma Van Petten (grad student), Paige E. Scalf (post-doc)
Chad E. ForbesSocial Neuroscience20042009 John J. B. Allen (grad student)
Tammy J. ForrestDevelopmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology2002 Charles J. Brainerd (grad student)
Kenneth I. ForsterPsycholinguistics, Masked Priming, Lexical access, Visual Word Recognition, Bilingualism, Morphology John J. B. Allen (collaborator)
Thomas C. Foster Bruce L. McNaughton (post-doc), Carol Ann Barnes (post-doc)
Jerid C. FrancomSentence comprehension, communication disorders, psycholinguistics, eye tracking Linguistics2009 Janet Nicol (grad student), Antxon Olarrea (grad student)
Michael J. Frankcomputational models, basal ganglia, reinforcement learning, decision making
Peter L. Franzen2003 Richard Bootzin (grad student)
Ralph F. Fregosi
Elizabeth J. FreibergEducational Psychology Education, Elementary Education Educational Psychology2014 Mary McCaslin (grad student)
Halley H. FreitasEducational Psychology Education, Middle School Education, Hispanic American Studies Educational Psychology2012 Mary McCaslin (grad student)
Edward D. FrenchPharmacology, Neuroscience Biology
Keith W. Fridel Psychology2011 Richard Bootzin (grad student)
Andrew Fuglevandskeletal muscles; coordinated movements19891992 Roger M. Enoka (post-doc)
David D. Fuller Ralph F. Fregosi (grad student)
Stephanie L. Gage Neuroscience2013 Alan J. Nighorn (grad student)
James J. GalliganEnteric nervous system, opioids, purines1983 Henry I. Yamamura (grad student)
Athena R. GanchorreSciences Education, Teacher Training Education Molecular & Cellular Biology2011 Debra Tomanek (grad student)
Candace J. GannSpecial Education, Evaluation Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education, General Education Special Education2014 John Umbreit (grad student)
Liang GaoUltrasound Imaging, Neural Engineering Optical Sciences2014 Russell S. Witte (grad student)
Rafael Antonio Garciamethodology, statistics, evolutionary psychology, spatial navigation, pragmatic behaviorism, 20102010 W Jake Jacobs (research assistant), Aurelio Jose Figueredo (grad student), W Jake Jacobs (grad student), Lee Sechrest (grad student)
Shannon E. GardellPain2003 Josephine Lai (grad student)
Luis R. Gardellpain, opioids, pharmacology2002 Frank Porreca (grad student)
Andrea GarreffaMusic Music2010 Paula Fan (grad student)
Merrill F. GarrettPsycholinguistics, speech errors, speech production, sentence comprehension, spoonerisms Kenneth I. Forster (collaborator)
Martha Garrido-VargasEducational Psychology Education, General Psychology, Special Education, English as a Second Language Education School Psychology2012 Shitala P. Mishra (grad student)
Xing-Yue GeEvolutionary Ecology
Tracey M. GeerSocial Psychology2003 Judith V. Becker (grad student)
Jason L. GerrardEpilepsy, learning, memory, movement disorders, basal ganglia, hippocampus19952002 Bruce L. McNaughton (research assistant), Carol Ann Barnes (grad student)
Bradley S. Gibsonvisual attention, perception1992 Mary A. Peterson (grad student)
Stephen W. GillilandManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology, Speech Communication
Paul R. Gladdenanxiety, fear, stress, memory, pavlovian conditioning, spatial navigation, evolutionary psychology Psychology2011 W Jake Jacobs (grad student)
Elizabeth L. Gliskymemory
Rebecca L. GomezCognitive development1995 LouAnn Gerken (grad student), Roger W. Schvaneveldt (grad student)
Maria P. Gomez ArizagaGifted Education, Higher Education, Special Education Special Education2012 June Maker (grad student)
Anastasia A. GorbunovaVisual word recognition, masked priming, psycholinguistics, masking, awareness Psychology20072009 W Jake Jacobs (research assistant), Matthew S. Finkbeiner (research assistant), Janet Nicol (research assistant), John J. B. Allen (grad student), Kenneth I. Forster (grad student)
Herman GordonNeuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology
Mohammad Gorji SefidmazgiMachine Learning, Statistics, Control Systems School of Information20162017 Clayton Morris MD (post-doc)
Robert GormanBionics20032007 Yiannis Laouris (collaborator)
Katalin M. GothardAmygdala2002 Bruce L. McNaughton (grad student), David G. Amaral (post-doc)
Michael A. GrandnerClinical Psychology, Physiological Psychology. S;ee[
Daniel T GrayAging, cognitive neuroscience, sensory neuroscience, neuroanatomy Neuroscience20132018 Carol Ann Barnes (grad student)
Jack GrayVision, Olfaction, Insect flight, Neuroethology19992001 Mark Willis (post-doc)
Paul A. GreenbergMemory2005 Lee Ryan (grad student)
Lisa M. GrencavageClinical Psychology, Social Psychology2000 Michael Rohrbaugh (grad student)
Matthew Grillimemory, aging, TBI
Markus GrothManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology, Speech Communication2001 Stephen W. Gilliland (grad student)
Christine GuerreraPsycholinguistics, Masked Priming, Lexical access, Visual Word Recognition, Bilingualism, Morphology2004 Kenneth I. Forster (grad student)
Evelyn Guerrero Pharmacology and Toxicology2023 Xinglong Wang (research assistant)
Cordelia B. GuggenheimEthology and Evolutionary Psychology2005 Aurelio Jose Figueredo (grad student)
Barbara A. GutekManagement Business Administration, Law, Social Psychology
Lea A. HaldSentence comprehension, communication disorders, psycholinguistics, eye tracking2002 Janet Nicol (grad student)
Caitlyn Anne HallEnvironmental Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering Chieri Kubota (grad student), Murat Kacira (grad student)
Christopher Hamilton
Nadia HamrouniPsycholinguistics, Masked Priming, Lexical access, Visual Word Recognition, Bilingualism, Morphology Second Language Acquisition & Teaching2010 Kenneth I. Forster (grad student)
Roeland Hancockpsycholinguistics, cognitive neuroscience, linguistics, neurolinguistics Psychology2013 Thomas G. Bever (grad student)
Robert J. HandaNeurondocrinology, steroid hormone receptors, stress and reproduction
Katherine E. HanlonPain, opioids, pharmacology Medical Pharmacology2012 Todd W. Vanderah (grad student)
Thomas HannaganComputational modelling, Language, Learning, Infancy20052005 Kenneth I. Forster (research assistant)
Krista D. HansonClinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Aging Psychology2012 Gene E. Alexander (grad student)
Zhang Hao
Oliver HardtForgetting, Memory Maintenance Lynn Nadel (grad student)
Katia M. HarléEmotion, Affective Neuroscience, Decision-manking, fMRI Psychology2012 Alan G. Sanfey (grad student)
Eddie Harmon-JonesEmotion, motivation, cognitive dissonance, prefrontal cortex Psychology19931995 Jeff Greenberg (grad student), John J. B. Allen (grad student)
Sevan K Harootoniancomputational modeling, spatial cognition, path integration Psychology20172020 Arne D. Ekstrom (research assistant), Robert C. Wilson (collaborator)
Nathaniel HartPhysiology Biology, Molecular Biology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry Physiological Sciences2013 Ronald M. Lynch (grad student)
Stacey L. HartmanEducational Psychology Education, Higher Education2002 Mary McCaslin (grad student)
Andrea L. Hartzellhippocampus, electrophysiology, immediate-early genes, learning and memory, aging20092012 Carol Ann Barnes (research assistant)
Erin M. HarveyVisual Development
Michael G. HarveyMarketing
Brant P. Hasler Psychology2009 Richard Bootzin (grad student)
Vincent S. Haublood-brain barrier, drug delivery2005 Thomas P. Davis (grad student)
Beatrice Hauss-Wegrzyniak Gary L. Wenk (post-doc)
Brian T. Hawkinsblood-brain barrier, drug delivery20042006 Richard D. Egleton (post-doc), Thomas P. Davis (grad student)
Kari HawsNeuroimaging, aging
Kara HawthorneLinguistics Language, Developmental Psychology Linguistics2013 LouAnn Gerken (grad student)
Scott M. Hayeshippocampus, prefrontal cortex, memory, aging, alzheimer's disease2006 Lee Ryan (grad student)
Rachel L. Hayes-HarbPhonetics, Second Language Aquisition2003 Michael Hammond (grad student), Natasha Warner (grad student)
Johanna E. HectorPsycholinguistics, Masked Priming, Lexical access, Visual Word Recognition, Bilingualism, Morphology2005 Kenneth I. Forster (grad student)
Jayanta HegdePrefrontal Cortex, Emotion, Depression, Memory Psychology2010 John J. B. Allen (grad student)
Michael L. Heien
Ronald W. Henderson
David S. Hermanpain, plasticity, opioids20002006 Todd W. Vanderah (grad student)
David Hermosillo-Romomemory2000 Elizabeth L. Glisky (grad student)
Marco A. Herrera-Valdezskeletal muscles; coordinated movements Physiological Sciences2008 Andrew Fuglevand (grad student)
Anne HerringNeuropsychology
Sharon Hesterlee19941999 David B. Morton (grad student)
Scotia J. HicksSocial Psychology, Criminology and Penology2004 Bruce D. Sales (grad student)
Charles M. HigginsNeuromorphic engineering, biomimetics, brain-machine interfacing, visual navigation, neuroscience, sleep
John G. Hildebrandneurobiology, neurophysiology, olfaction, insect neuroethology
Daniel F. HillLearning, memory, reward, dopaminergic signaling Physiological Sciences Physiological Sciences20132019 W Jake Jacobs (research assistant), Stephen L. Cowen (grad student), Katalin M. Gothard (research assistant), Stephen L. Cowen (grad student)
Sabrina K. HittPrefrontal Cortex, Emotion, Depression, Memory2000 John J. B. Allen (grad student)
Kari L. Hoffmanface processing, learning and memory2003 Bruce L. McNaughton (grad student)
Lisa D. Hoffman-KonnClinical Psychology, Mental Health2005 Varda Shoham (grad student)
G. W. Hohmann
Jeanette D. HoitSpeech Communication, Psychobiology Psychology, Cognitive Psychology
Jim Homneuropsychology, forensic neuropsychology1981 Ralph M. Reitan (grad student)
Sharon Homblood-brain barrier, drug delivery2006 Thomas P. Davis (grad student)
Thomas G. HornbyThe electrophysiological properties of spinal motoneurons and interneurons; Motor control neurobiology; History of movement neuroscience2000 Douglas G. Stuart (grad student)
Siobhan M. Hoscheidtepisodic memory, stress, neuroimaging Psychology20052011 Lee Ryan (grad student), Lynn Nadel (grad student)
Chao-Pin HsiaoNursing, Oncology Nursing2008 Ida M. (Ki) Moore (grad student)
Ming Hsudecision making, risk, social behavior, game theory, neurogenetics of choice19921996 W Jake Jacobs (research assistant)
Yinqi HuangCognitive Neuroscience, Memory, Decision Making Psychology Robert C. Wilson (grad student)
Christoph Hüller Department of Marketing Martin Reimann (grad student)
Veda L. HunnEducational Psychology Education, Administration Education, Higher Education2001 Mary McCaslin (grad student)
Cathleen B. HuntEthology and Evolutionary Psychology2002 Aurelio Jose Figueredo (grad student)
Almut Hupbachmemory, resconsolidation Rebecca L. Gomez (research scientist)
Masaaki IkedaCircadian Rhythm, Neuropharmacology, Neuropsychiatry, Department of Pharmacology19871989 Henry I. Yamamura (post-doc)
Nathan Inselbehavior, neural systems, cortex, rodent Psychology2010 Bruce L. McNaughton (grad student), Carol Ann Barnes (grad student)
Davelene D. IsraelPharmacology Pharmacology & Toxicology2008 John W. Regan (grad student)
William H. IttelsonAudition
Noriko IwasakiPsycholinguistics, speech errors, speech production, sentence comprehension, spoonerisms2000 Merrill F. Garrett (grad student)
Eric D. JacksonStress, memory, fear conditioning, PTSD Psychology20052007 Lynn Nadel (grad student), Siobhan M. Hoscheidt (collaborator), W Jake Jacobs (grad student)
Scott R. Jacksonpsycholinguistics, cognitive neuroscience, linguistics,2007 Thomas G. Bever (grad student)
W Jake Jacobsanxiety, fear, stress, memory, pavlovian conditioning, spatial navigation, evolutionary psychology
William J. JacobsClinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Behavioral Psychology
Stuti J. Jaiswal Neuroscience2013 Ralph F. Fregosi (grad student)
Donna M. JanneySpecial Education, Elementary Education, Behavioral Psychology Special Education2009 John Umbreit (grad student)
Ruyue JiToxicology, Molecular Biology Pharmacology & Toxicology2010 John W. Regan (grad student)
Guoqiang Jia
Jianhua JianEarly Childhood Education, Educational Psychology Education2006 Rosemary A. Rosser (grad student)
Son M. JoSciences Education, Secondary Education Special Education & Rehabilitation2009 June Maker (grad student)
Lise A. JohnsonBrain-Computer Interface, ECoG Biomedical Engineering2010 Andrew Fuglevand (grad student)
Lisa J. Johnstonmemory2004 Elizabeth L. Glisky (grad student)
Adam P. JonesVisual object processing Alan J. Nighorn (research assistant)
Bethany J. Jones Neuroscience2013 Jean-Marc Fellous (grad student)
Jessica M. Judd2014 Cheryl D. Conrad (grad student)
Min Whan Junglearning and memory Bruce L. McNaughton (post-doc)
Christine L. KafferSpecial Education, Behavioral Psychology, Technology of Education, Developmental Psychology School Psychology2010 John Umbreit (grad student)
Marvin W. Kahn
Bennett S. KalafutMeiosis, microscopy, nucleic acid mechanics Physics20052011 Koen Visscher (grad student)
Megumi Kaneko2003 Alan J. Nighorn (grad student)
Leah Lynn Kapa Speech and Communication Disorders20072013 John Colombo (grad student)
Shanker Karunanithi
Aimen S. KasasbehNeuroscience Biology Neuroscience2011 Linda Restifo (grad student)
Alfred W. KasziakClinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Speech Pathology
Edgar E. KauselCognitive Psychology, Management Business Administration Management2010 Terence Connolly (grad student)
Alan E. Kazdin Richard Bootzin (grad student)
Douglas A. Keen2002 Andrew Fuglevand (grad student)
Katrina M. KeilClinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Speech Pathology2002 Alfred W. Kasziak (grad student)
Susy M. KimNeuroscience, Genetics Neuroscience2007 Konrad E. Zinsmaier (grad student)
James E. KingEthology and Evolutionary Psychology
Tamara KingPharmacology, Neuroscience Biology, Cell Biology
Tyson R. Kinnickskeletal muscles; coordinated movements2007 Andrew Fuglevand (grad student)
Laura G. KirschClinical Psychology Psychology2009 Judith V. Becker (grad student)
Beth Randi KirsnerEvolutionary Psychology20002005 W Jake Jacobs (grad student)
Nicole S. KiteiClinical Psychology, Criminology and Penology2006 Bruce D. Sales (grad student)
Matthew R. Kleinman Psychology20082009 Alan G. Sanfey (research assistant)
William David KlipecLearning, neuroscience Dennis Clark (grad student)
Jim KnierimHippocampus Bruce L. McNaughton (post-doc)
Juichi KobayashiSocial Psychology, Criminology and Penology2000 Bruce D. Sales (grad student)
Todd R. KochPersonality Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology2001 Mae Smith (grad student)
Seong A. KohSpecial Education, Developmental Psychology Special Education2010 John Umbreit (grad student)
Paul R. KohnEducational Psychology Education, Higher Education2000 Sarah M. Dinham (grad student)
Lauren L. Kongmemory Psychology2008 Elizabeth L. Glisky (grad student)
Donna L. KorolLearning and Memory, Aging, Hormones Carol Ann Barnes (post-doc)
Mounir Ahmad KoussaTBD20072011 Lynne A. Oland (research assistant), Leslie P. Tolbert (research assistant)
Michael Krausefeeding, nucleus accumbens, neural circuits19992000 Carol Ann Barnes (post-doc)
Daniel A. KraussClinical Psychology, Law2000 Bruce D. Sales (grad student)
Ching-Chen KuangElementary Education Special Education2007 June Maker (grad student)
Peter R. KufahlNeuropharmacology
Sharon G. Kujawahearing loss, aging1993 Ted Glattke (grad student)
Ipek G. KulahciAnimal behavior and cognition20052007 Daniel R. Papaj (grad student)
Shikhar KumarComputational models of Cognition (Reinforcement learning, decision making, etc), Complex Systems, Artificial Intelligence Psychology20092012 Michael J. Frank (grad student), Lynn Nadel (grad student)
Trudy Y. Kuo Psychology2007 Cyma Van Petten (grad student)
Trevor Hannesson Kvaran Psychology2012 Alan G. Sanfey (grad student)
Hyung-Wook Kwoninvertebrate visual systems, neuroanatomy2002 Nicholas J. Strausfeld (grad student)
Josephine LaiPain Henry I. Yamamura (post-doc)
Douglas H. Laidlaw19932000 Roger M. Enoka (grad student)
Nicholas P. LaMendolapsycholinguistics, cognitive neuroscience, linguistics,2001 Thomas G. Bever (grad student)
Yiannis Laourisneurophysiology; modeling; motor control; peace studies; structured dialogic design; brain-based learning19881994 Douglas G. Stuart (research scientist), Roger M. Enoka (collaborator)
tally m. largentnervous system, pain, opioids, tolerance
Tally M. Largent-MilnesPain, opioids, systems pharmacology, neuroscience Medical Pharmacology20052010 Todd W. Vanderah (research assistant), Frank Porreca (collaborator), Victor J. Hruby (collaborator), Todd W. Vanderah (grad student)
Sean D. LaRoquePersonality Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology2001 John E. Obrzut (grad student)
Holly E. LauranceNeuropsychology, Nursing19962003 W Jake Jacobs (grad student)
Alyson L. LavigneAdministration Education, Educational Psychology Education Educational Psychology2010 Mary McCaslin (grad student)
Justin Edward LaVigneGPCRs, Opioids, Pain, Cannabinoids
Rita W. LawSocial Psychology, Experimental Psychology Psychology2011 David A. Sbarra (grad student)
Charles A. LawryMarketing Business Administration, Mass Communications, Social Psychology Family & Consumer Sciences2013 Anita D. Bhappu (grad student)
Lauren A. LeeClinical Psychology, General Psychology Psychology2013 David A. Sbarra (grad student)
Michael Lemole
William C. Lemon19921995 Richard B. Levine (post-doc)
Richard B. Levine
Richard B Levine
Shih-Chieh LiaoEducational Psychology Education, Cognitive Psychology, Sciences Education2002 Rosemary A. Rosser (grad student)
Chun-Yu LinMemory, Priming, fMRI, Consciousness Psychology20022009 Lee Ryan (grad student)
Chan Lininvertebrate visual systems, neuroanatomy Insect Science2014 Nicholas J. Strausfeld (grad student)
Brittany A. LindseyBilingual and Multicultural Education, Linguistics Language Second Language Acquisition & Teaching2009 LouAnn Gerken (grad student)
Beatriz F. LindstromPain, opioids, pharmacology Medical Pharmacology2009 Todd W. Vanderah (grad student)
Tracy D. Lipke-PerryMusic, Physiology Biology, Neuroscience Biology Music2008 Paula Fan (grad student)
Kendra E LiuNeurodevelopment, Synaptic & Circuit Pruning Neuroscience Neuroscience Neuroscience20142016 Lynne A. Oland (research assistant), Leslie P. Tolbert (research assistant), Nicholas J. Strausfeld (research assistant)
Rong LiuSentence comprehension, communication disorders, psycholinguistics, eye tracking Second Language Acquisition & Teaching2010 Janet Nicol (grad student)
Jeffrey J. LochheadPain, opioids, pharmacology Neuroscience Pharmacology2011 Todd W. Vanderah (grad student), Thomas P. Davis (grad student)
Mary B. LochnerNursing, Medicine and Surgery Nursing2011 Ida M. (Ki) Moore (grad student)
Francesca A. LopezEducational Psychology Education, Bilingual and Multicultural Education, Language and Literature Education Educational Psychology2008 Mary McCaslin (grad student)
Andrew J. LottoSpeech science
Soren Y. LowellSpeech Pathology2005 Julie M. Barkmeier-Kraemer (grad student)
Barbara J. Lukarepresentation of knowledge, especially linguistic knowledge Cyma Van Petten (post-doc)
Shannon M. LundyClinical Psychology, Educational Psychology Education2007 Shitala P. Mishra (grad student)
Ronald M. LynchCell Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology, Animal Physiology Biology
Joseph E. Lyons
David Lyttle Applied Mathematics2013 Jean-Marc Fellous (grad student)
Jean M. WilsonNeuroscience Biology, Cell Biology
Simone G. MachadoMusic, Dance2006 Paula Fan (grad student)
Pedro MacizoLanguage processing and working memory Cyma Van Petten (post-doc)
Gregory T. Macleodsynaptic plasticity, calcium channels, mitochondria, neurodegeneration, pH homeostasis Division of Neurobiology20042006 Konrad E. Zinsmaier (post-doc)
Joel G. Magloirepsycholinguistics, cognitive neuroscience, linguistics,2002 Thomas G. Bever (grad student)
Gary S. MahonManagement Business Administration2000 Terence Connolly (grad student)
June MakerEducational Psychology Education, Teacher Training Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education
Patrick L. Marcusskeletal muscles; coordinated movements2006 Andrew Fuglevand (grad student)
Erin L. Mareshaffective neuroscience, social neuroscience
Lori MarksonCognitive development, language acquisition Paul Bloom (grad student)
Etan J. MarkusLearning and Memory Bruce L. McNaughton (post-doc), Carol Ann Barnes (post-doc)
Maria J. Marquinememory Psychology2008 Elizabeth L. Glisky (grad student)
Lisa K. Marriottestrogen, neuroinflammation19992004 Gary L. Wenk (grad student)
Diano F. Marronegene expression, aging, neurophysiology20042007 Carol Ann Barnes (post-doc), Bruce L. McNaughton (post-doc)
Nicole Marrone
Timothy M. MarshallPain, opioids, pharmacology Medical Pharmacology2008 Todd W. Vanderah (grad student)
Joshua P. MartinSensorimotor Integration, Praying Mantis, Cockroach, Olfaction, Manduca sexta, Neuroethology Neuroscience20042012 John G. Hildebrand (grad student)
Ashley E. MasonPhysiological Psychology Psychology2013 David A. Sbarra (grad student)
Gina Marie MasonNeurodevelopmental conditions Psychology Psychology20082011 Jamie O. Edgin (research assistant), Lynn Nadel (research assistant)
Jason H. Mateikasleep, respiratory control Ralph F. Fregosi (post-doc)
Andrew P. MaurerAging & Memory Loss,Aging, Entorhinal Cortex, Hippocampus, Memory, Neurophysiology, Perirhinal Cortex Neuroscience20082008 Bruce L. McNaughton (grad student), Carol Ann Barnes (post-doc)
Diana L. MayEthology and Evolutionary Psychology2004 Aurelio Jose Figueredo (grad student)
Mary McCaslinEducational Psychology Education, Teacher Training Education
Laura A. McCloskeyDevelopmental Psychology
Craig P. McFarlandmemory Psychology2011 Elizabeth L. Glisky (grad student)
Jenifer K. McGuireDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology2003 Bonnie L. Barber (grad student)
Bruce G. McHaleEducational Psychology Education, Special Education2000 John E. Obrzut (grad student)
Tara L. McIsaacMovement disorders, Motor control & learning2006 Andrew Fuglevand (grad student)
Erin Christy McKiernan Physiological Sciences2010 Richard B. Levine (grad student)
Nathaniel T. McMullenNeuroscience Biology, Audiology
Cesar A Medina
Mayank R. MehtaHippocampus Bruce L. McNaughton (post-doc), Carol Ann Barnes (post-doc)
Lin Meisynapse formation/plasticity19861989 Henry I. Yamamura (grad student)
Timothy MelanoNeuromorphic engineering, biomimetics, brain-machine interfacing, visual navigation, neuroscience, sleep Biomedical Engineering2011 Charles M. Higgins (grad student)
Ohannes K. MelemedjianPain Neuroscience Frank Porreca (grad student), Theodore J. Price (post-doc), Theodore J. Price (grad student)
Ohannes K. MelemedjianPain Molecular & Cellular Biology2007 Josephine Lai (grad student)
Jessie K. MellorEducational Psychology Education Educational Psychology2011 Mary McCaslin (grad student)
Julian J. MendezEducational Psychology Education, Higher Education, Hispanic American Studies Educational Psychology2014 Sheri Bauman (grad student)
James Michael MenkeProgram evaluation, health economics and outcomes research, measurement Psychology2010 Lee Sechrest (grad student)
Melania E. Mercado-PimentelNeuroscience Biology, Animal Physiology Biology2008 Raymond B. Runyan (post-doc)
Curtis B. Merritt
Daniel P. MertensManagement Business Administration2003 Stephen W. Gilliland (grad student)
Ralf MertensPrefrontal Cortex, Emotion, Depression, Memory2006 John J. B. Allen (grad student)
Melinda Mészáros19911995 David B. Morton (grad student)
Diana J. Meter
Retsina M. MeyerElectrophysiology and Pharmacology2001 Carol Ann Barnes (grad student), Bruce L. McNaughton (research assistant)
Kristen MikeSpecial Education, Educational Psychology Education Special Education & Rehabilitation2010 Shitala P. Mishra (grad student)
Julie E. Millerbirdsong; Parkinson’s disease; aging: communication Neuroscience19992005 Richard B. Levine (grad student)
Gayane MinasianEducational Psychology Education, Clinical Psychology2004 Shitala P. Mishra (grad student)
Shitala P. MishraSpecial Education, Bilingual and Multicultural Education, Secondary Education, Hispanic American Studies
Anubha MishraMarketing Business Administration, Cognitive Psychology Family & Consumer Sciences2011 Mary A. Eastlick (grad student)
Jack Morgan MizellDecision-Making, aging, insect cognition
Sheri MizumoriSpatial Navigation, Behavioral Neuroscience Bruce L. McNaughton (post-doc)
Serara MoahiTests and Measurements Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education, Educational Psychology Education2004 Anthony J. Nitko (grad student)
Andrew J. Mojicavision; perceptual organization, object recognition, attention Psychology2014 Mary A. Peterson (grad student)
Maria MoleskiClinical Psychology, Oncology, Educational Psychology Education2000 Shitala P. Mishra (grad student)
Leonardo G. Montilla MarienUltrasound Imaging, Neural Engineering Optical Sciences2013 Russell S. Witte (grad student)
John Morgan1970 Vincent J. Tempone (grad student)
Nichole L. Morris Speech and Hearing Science David Downs (grad student)
Jeremiah Morrow Physiology and Neuroscience20132019 Katalin M. Gothard (grad student)
Clayton P. Mosher Neuroscience2014 Katalin M. Gothard (grad student)
Aubin Moutaltrafficking, synapse, pain, neurofibromatosis type 1 Pharmacology2014 Rajesh Khanna (post-doc)
Hallam L. MoviusPrefrontal Cortex, Emotion, Depression, Memory2000 John J. B. Allen (grad student)
Laiyong MuLocomotion2007 Nicholas J. Strausfeld (post-doc)
Omar M. MuammarCognitive Psychology, Special Education2006 June Maker (grad student)
Takayo Mukai Psychology Jennifer A Bailey (grad student)
chung jun mun Michael T. Smith (post-doc)
Janelle W. Myhrememory Psychology2013 Elizabeth L. Glisky (grad student)
Paul S. NabityClinical Psychology Ecology and Evolutionary Biology20142016 Noah K. Whiteman (post-doc)
Lynn NadelHippocampus, memory Merrill F. Garrett (collaborator)
Kari N. NahgahgwonBehavioral Psychology, Early Childhood Education, Special Education School Psychology2008 John Umbreit (grad student)
Zaneta Navratilova Neuroscience2012 Bruce L. McNaughton (grad student)
Edita Navratilova2007 Henry I. Yamamura (grad student)
Maria NazarianPrefrontal Cortex, Emotion, Depression, Memory2004 John J. B. Allen (grad student)
Natalie NevárezNeuroscience, Biopsychology, Behavioral Neuroscience Psychology Psychology Jean-Marc Fellous (research assistant), W Jake Jacobs (research assistant)
Christopher D. Nicholaspsycholinguistics, cognitive neuroscience, linguistics,2001 Thomas G. Bever (grad student)
Janice Nicineuropsychology, child neuropsychology Ralph M. Reitan (post-doc)
Janet NicolSentence comprehension, communication disorders, psycholinguistics, eye tracking Kenneth I. Forster (collaborator)
Charles E. Niederhausanxiety, fear, stress, memory, pavlovian conditioning, spatial navigation, evolutionary psychology2000 W Jake Jacobs (grad student)
Alan J. Nighorn19931997 Ronald L. Davis (grad student), John G. Hildebrand (post-doc), David B. Morton (post-doc)
Kelsy Lee NillesBlood-brain barrier, microglia, stroke Pharmacology2020 Patrick Ronaldson (grad student)
Anthony J. NitkoEducational Psychology Education, Tests and Measurements Education
Douglas NitzHippocampaus, spatial navigation Bruce L. McNaughton (post-doc)
Pam L. NobleAmygdala, social processing19971999 James E. King (grad student)
John Nolte
Michael Nordstrom Neurophysiology; control of movement in humans; movement control; human movement; brain19912004 Andrew Fuglevand (collaborator), Yiannis Laouris (collaborator)
Brandon D. Northcutt Electrical Engineering2015 Charles M. Higgins (grad student)
Braxton A. NorwoodChronic pain, epilepsy, making the perfect taco, Montana Medical Pharmacology20042009 Robert S. Sloviter (grad student)
Erin L. O'Bryanpsycholinguistics, cognitive neuroscience, linguistics,2003 Thomas G. Bever (grad student)
Polly L. O'RourkeLanguage processing, ERP Linguistics2008 Janet Nicol (grad student)
John E. ObrzutEducational Psychology Education, Special Education
Jack Obzrut
Naomi OgasawaraPhonetics2007 Natasha Warner (grad student)
Alec C. Okunpain, opioids, pharmacology Medical Pharmacology2012 Frank Porreca (grad student)
Lynne A. OlandNeuron-glia interactions
Sally G. OlderbakEthology and Evolutionary Psychology Psychology2011 Aurelio Jose Figueredo (grad student)
Keith M OlsonBiochemistry, Opioids, Pharmacology, Peptide Chemistry, Chemistry Pharmacology20152017 Victor J. Hruby (grad student), John M. Streicher (grad student)
Alysia N. OndouaPain, opioids, pharmacology Medical Pharmacology2013 Todd W. Vanderah (grad student)
Sarah A. OrjadaPsycholinguistics, speech errors, speech production, sentence comprehension, spoonerisms2007 Merrill F. Garrett (grad student)
Galya Orrhippocampus, memory, & aging2002 Carol Ann Barnes (grad student)
James D. OylerEducational Psychology Education, Special Education School Psychology2009 John E. Obrzut (grad student)
Elizabeth L. PaddockManagement Business Administration2005 Stephen W. Gilliland (grad student)
Christopher L. PagliaruloEducational Psychology Education, Higher Education Molecular & Cellular Biology2011 Debra Tomanek (grad student)
Leon F PalafoxMachine Learning, Neuroscience, planetary science, data science Planetary Science20142017 Christopher Hamilton (post-doc)
Sarvari PanchumarthiNeuroscience, Genetics Molecular & Cellular Biology2010 Konrad E. Zinsmaier (grad student)
Vivek PantNeuromorphic engineering, biomimetics, brain-machine interfacing, visual navigation, neuroscience, sleep Electrical & Computer Engineering2007 Charles M. Higgins (grad student)
Boon-Joo ParkSentence comprehension, communication disorders, psycholinguistics, eye tracking Second Language Acquisition & Teaching2007 Janet Nicol (grad student)
Chanwook ParkMusical Performances, Music Music2009 Paula Fan (grad student)
Melinda A. ParryDevelopmental Psychology2006 Rosemary A. Rosser (grad student)
Paul Patton19921995 Bruce L. McNaughton (post-doc)
Angelique C. Paulkinvertebrate visual systems, neuroanatomy Insect Science2008 Nicholas J. Strausfeld (grad student)
Jessica Payne20042006 Lynn Nadel (grad student), Eric D. Jackson (collaborator), Siobhan M. Hoscheidt (collaborator)
Chunsheng Peianxiety, fear, stress, memory, pavlovian conditioning, spatial navigation, evolutionary psychology Aerospace Engineering2007 W Jake Jacobs (grad student)
Blake A. Pellman20092011 W Jake Jacobs (research assistant)
Marsha R. Penneraging Neuroscience20022008 Carol Ann Barnes (grad student)
Raniero L. Peru Carol Ann Barnes (research assistant), Gary L. Wenk (research assistant), Bruce L. McNaughton (research assistant)
Gerald A. PetersenMusic Education, Music, Elementary Education2005 Brian D. Ebie (grad student)
Mary A. Petersonvision; perceptual organization, object recognition, attention
James Phillips-Portilloinvertebrate visual systems, neuroanatomy Physiological Sciences2012 Nicholas J. Strausfeld (grad student)
Jason Q. PilarskiControl of Breathing, Chemoreceptors, Central
Jonathan PillowComputational Neuroscience, Machine Learning Rich S. Zemel (research assistant)
Jody M. PirtleSpecial Education, Public Health, Health Care Management Special Education2012 June Maker (grad student)
Steven E. Platnick Atmospheric Physics Sean Twomey (grad student)
Gina R. Poesleep, memory, depression, PTSD, spindles, theta, learning Carol Ann Barnes (post-doc)
Onur Kerem Polat Pharmacology and Toxicology2023 Xinglong Wang (post-doc)
Dawn M. PolcynSpecial Education, Reading Education School Psychology2012 John E. Obrzut (grad student)
Frank Porrecapain, opioids, pharmacology
Gregory L. Powell Physiological Sciences2014 Ralph F. Fregosi (grad student)
Theodore J. PricePain / Pharmacology Henry I. Yamamura (collaborator)
Philip Putnam Katalin M. Gothard (grad student)
Karen H. PutnamPrefrontal Cortex, Emotion, Depression, Memory Psychology2011 John J. B. Allen (grad student)
Xiaomei QiaoPsycholinguistics, Masked Priming, Lexical access, Visual Word Recognition, Bilingualism, Morphology Second Language Acquisition & Teaching2009 Kenneth I. Forster (grad student)
Naomi E. Ranceeffects of menopause on the human hypothalamus
Jochen M. RebManagement Business Administration2005 Terence Connolly (grad student)
A. David RedishBehavioral and Computational Neuroscience, Addiction, Spatial Reasoning, Decision Making Carol Ann Barnes (post-doc)
Linda M. ReevesSpecial Education Special Education2014 John Umbreit (grad student)
John W. ReganNeuroscience Biology, Pharmacology, Cell Biology
Martin ReimannMarketing, consumer psychology, consumer neuroscience
Robert Reinkingneurophysiology; modeling; motor control; peace studies; structured dialogic design; brain-based learning19882005 Yiannis Laouris (collaborator)
Robert A. ResslerEducational Psychology Education, Guidance and Counseling Education2006 Shitala P. Mishra (grad student)
Linda RestifoNeuroscience Biology
Ann L. Revillskeletal muscles; coordinated movements Physiological Sciences2011 Andrew Fuglevand (grad student)
Peter T. RichtsmeierLinguistics Language, Developmental Psychology, Speech Communication Linguistics2008 LouAnn Gerken (grad student)
Ulises M. RicoyLow Cost Approaches / Undergraduate Neuroscience
Arthur C. RiegelPharmacology, Neuroscience Biology2001 Edward D. French (grad student)
Ruth E. Robbins
Jill M. RobertsStroke Neuroscience20032009 Frank Porreca (grad student)
Michael RohrbaughClinical Psychology, Social Psychology
Brian RollerVisual System, Psychophysiology, Cognitive Neuroscience20092011 John J. B. Allen (grad student), Mary A. Peterson (grad student), Andrew J. Velkey (research assistant)
Adonna Rometoeffects of menopause on the human hypothalamus Physiological Sciences2008 Naomi E. Rance (grad student)
Patrick Ronaldson Pharmacology Thomas P. Davis (post-doc)
Ephron S. Rosenzweighippocampus, memory, & aging2002 Carol Ann Barnes (grad student)
Susanna Rosi Gary L. Wenk (post-doc), Carol Ann Barnes (post-doc)
Rosemary A. RosserEducational Psychology Education, Cognitive Psychology, Sciences Education
Filippo RossiHippocampus, memory Psychology2012 Lynn Nadel (grad student)
Marc K. Rubenzik2002 Henry I. Yamamura (grad student)
Susan R. Rubin Cyma Van Petten (grad student)
Gary John Russo Molecular & Cellular Biology2012 Konrad E. Zinsmaier (grad student)
Lee RyanMemory Eric Eich (grad student)
John P. RyanfMRI, Cardiovascular Disease, Autonomic Nervous System20012003 Cyma Van Petten (research assistant)
Dusana RybarovaPsycholinguistics, speech errors, speech production, sentence comprehension, spoonerisms Psychology2007 Merrill F. Garrett (grad student)
Kristina N. RynesClinical Psychology Psychology2010 Michael Rohrbaugh (grad student)
Ugur SakTests and Measurements Education, Educational Psychology Education, Mathematics Education2005 June Maker (grad student)
Stella Sakhon Psychology Jamie O. Edgin (grad student)
Johnny J. SaldateSynaptic Physiology, Vestibular Neurobiology
Bruce D. SalesSocial Psychology, Law, Speech Communication
Janice R. SammonsPsychometrics Psychology, Special Education, Educational Psychology Education School Psychology2009 Shitala P. Mishra (grad student)
Rachel D. SamsonAmygdala Carol Ann Barnes (post-doc)
Brian M. SanderMolecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Genetics2000 Gail D. Burd (grad student)
Karin SandovalPharmacology, Neuroscience Biology2004 Edward D. French (grad student)
Tatiana Sandoval-Guzmaneffects of menopause on the human hypothalamus2003 Naomi E. Rance (grad student)
Alexander J. SandweissPediatric Neurology, Neuroimmunology, Multiple Sclerosis, Opiate Reward, TBI, Migraine Pharmacology20112016 Todd W. Vanderah (grad student)
Alan G. SanfeyNeuroeconomics, Social Neuroscience, Judgment and Decision-Making
Craig L. SanterrePrefrontal Cortex, Emotion, Depression, Memory Psychology2007 John J. B. Allen (grad student)
Marcel E SayreNeuroscience, neuroethology, neuroanatomy, connectomics Neuroscience20162018 Nicholas J. Strausfeld (research assistant)
David A. SbarraSocial Psychology, Experimental Psychology
Paige E. ScalfVisual System, Attention
Marchelle A. ScarnierSocial Psychology Psychology2007 Toni Schmader (grad student)
Jennifer Elise Schaefer Physiological Sciences2010 Richard B. Levine (grad student)
Stephen Scheidt Planetary Sciences20142018 Christopher Hamilton (post-doc)
Anouk P. ScheresBehavioral Psychology
Jessamyn L. Schertzphonetics, psycholinguistics, language revitalization Linguistics2014 Natasha Warner (grad student)
Lesley A. Schimanski Carol Ann Barnes (post-doc)
Toni SchmaderSocial Psychology
Rick G. SchnellmannPharmaceutical Sciences1984 I Glenn Sipes (grad student)
David Schnyermemory, fMRI Alfred W. Kaszniak (grad student)
Joshua A. SchoenfeldClinical Psychology, Social Psychology Psychology2008 Michael Rohrbaugh (grad student)
Melissa J. Seelbachblood-brain barrier, drug delivery Pharmacology & Toxicology2007 Thomas P. Davis (grad student)
Jon A. SefcekEthology and Evolutionary Psychology Psychology19992007 Aurelio Jose Figueredo (grad student), W Jake Jacobs (grad student), Rafael Antonio Garcia (collaborator), James E. King (grad student)
Sarah Elizabeth SegerSpatial Navigation, Episodic Memory
Ryan G. Seltzer Psychology2013 Richard Bootzin (grad student)
Ava J. SenkforMemory, Social Cognition, Aging, ERPs, fMRI Cyma Van Petten (grad student)
Yeonee Seol Koen Visscher (grad student), Daniel L. Stein (grad student)
Lawrence P. Serrano19881989 Roger M. Enoka (post-doc)
Ben ShaharClinical Psychology Psychology2009 Michael Rohrbaugh (grad student)
James Russell ShehornAudiology Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences20122018 Nicole Marrone (grad student), Barbara Katherine Cone (grad student)
Varda ShohamClinical Psychology, Social Psychology
Adia Shy Theodore J. Price (grad student)
Elizabeth Ann Simpsonsocial cognition, face perception, evolutionary psychology20032005 James E. King (research assistant)
P. Jeanette Simpson19931998 David B. Morton (grad student)
William E. SkaggsPrimate neurophysiology Bruce L. McNaughton (grad student)
Paul Skinner
Emily S. Skowvisual perception, attention Psychology2007 Mary A. Peterson (grad student)
Jane A. SkoyenBehavioral Psychology, Individual and Family Studies, General Psychology Psychology2013 David A. Sbarra (grad student)
Lauren M Sloskypain, addiction, GPCRs Pharmacology20112015 Todd W. Vanderah (grad student)
Robert S. SloviterEpilepsy
Brian H. SmithOlfaction19881990 John G. Hildebrand (post-doc)
Melinda A. Smitheffects of menopause on the human hypothalamus Neuroscience2012 Naomi E. Rance (grad student)
Leisha J. Smith Psychology2010 Richard Bootzin (grad student)
Ezra SmithEEG mood tbi
Mae SmithDevelopmental Psychology, Special Education, Industrial Psychology
Bradley H. Smith Lee Sechrest (grad student)
James Andrew SolystMemory,Face perception,oxytocin2014 Katalin M. Gothard (post-doc)
Minryung R. SongDopamine, Reward, Reinforcement learning, Extinction
Valerie A. SotardiEducational Psychology Education, Clinical Psychology, Elementary Education Educational Psychology2013 Mary McCaslin (grad student)
Goffredina Spano"Down Syndrome, Memory" Jamie O. Edgin (grad student)
Elizabeth A. Speckerpsycholinguistics, cognitive neuroscience, linguistics, Second Language Acquisition & Teaching2008 Thomas G. Bever (grad student)
John SpielmannNeurophysiology; Motor neurons19881992 Yiannis Laouris (grad student)
Kevin M. Spitlermedical student Neuroscience2007 Katalin M. Gothard (grad student)
Subhashini Srinivasan Physiological Sciences2010 Richard B. Levine (grad student)
Dinesh SrinivasanMolecular Biology, Cell Biology2002 John W. Regan (grad student)
Paul A. St. JohnAnatomy Biology, Neuroscience Biology
Glenn T StebbinsNeuroscience, cognition, psychometrics Psychology19821986 Alfred W. Kaszniak (grad student)
Lilian Milnitsky SteinCognitive Psychology of Memory Charles J. Brainerd (grad student)
Monika Stengl John G. Hildebrand (grad student)
Matthew T. StibfMRI, language, aphasia2011 Stephen M. Wilson (research assistant)
Jill D. StinsonClinical Psychology2006 Bruce D. Sales (grad student)
John M. Streicher
Douglas G. StuartThe electrophysiological properties of spinal motoneurons and interneurons; Motor control neurobiology; History of movement neuroscience
Jeffrey StuewigDevelopmental Psychology, Criminology and Penology2000 Laura A. McCloskey (grad student)
Devki Sukhtankarpain, opioids, pharmacology Cancer Biology2011 Frank Porreca (grad student)
Gary Ralph Sutherland Physiological Sciences2008 Bruce L. McNaughton (grad student)
Vicki L. SutherlandCell Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology, Animal Physiology Biology2002 Ronald M. Lynch (grad student)
Toshiyuki SuzukiPsycholinguistics, speech errors, speech production, sentence comprehension, spoonerisms2002 Merrill F. Garrett (grad student)
Jonathan V. Sweedleranalytical neurochemistry19831989 M. Bonner Denton (grad student)
Kaori Takehara-NishiuchiMemory Consolidation, Prefrontal cortex, in vivo electrophysiology20092009 Bruce L. McNaughton (post-doc), Carol Ann Barnes (post-doc)
Qingbo TangPain2000 Josephine Lai (grad student)
Chuanyi TangMarketing Business Administration, Speech Communication Family & Consumer Sciences2010 Mary A. Eastlick (grad student)
Marieh TanhaGeneral Psychology, Cognitive Psychology Psychology2011 Judith V. Becker (grad student)
Karen H. TepperHuman Development, Developmental Psychology, Health Education2002 Sherry C. Betts (grad student)
Alex TerazasHealth behavior; Neural networks19952003 Bruce L. McNaughton (grad student), Carol Ann Barnes (grad student)
Brian S. TerrellEducational Psychology Education, Gerontology, Individual and Family Studies2000 John E. Obrzut (grad student)
Aaron DK TeschDecision Making, Preference Reversals and Unfairness Psychology20052009 W Jake Jacobs (grad student), Alan G. Sanfey (grad student)
Joji Marie Yap TevesParkinsons disease; patient-derived fibroblasts; Lalitha Madhavan (research assistant)
Kevin G. F ThomasCognitive and Clinical Neuropsychology and Neuroscience, Cognitive Aging, Meta-analysis, Stress, Anxiety, Trauma2003 W Jake Jacobs (grad student)
Joseph D. ThomasPsycholinguistics, Masked Priming, Lexical access, Visual Word Recognition, Bilingualism, Morphology Psychology2012 Kenneth I. Forster (grad student)
Alexander ThomeLearning and Memory, Hippocampus, Oscillations, Immediate Early Genes, Spatial Naviation Neuroscience2012 Bruce L. McNaughton (grad student), Carol Ann Barnes (grad student)
Brandon ThompsonPain, opioids, pharmacology Physiological Sciences2014 Todd W. Vanderah (grad student)
Dipti TilluPain Neuroscience Theodore J. Price (grad student)
Debra TomanekSciences Education, Cognitive Psychology
Martin L. Tombari Educational Psychology Ronald W. Henderson (grad student), John Richard Bergan (grad student)
Linda S. TompkinsAnimal Physiology Biology2000 Ronald M. Lynch (grad student)
David N. TowersDepression,Anxiety,EEG,fMRI20032007 John J. B. Allen (grad student)
Clinton Trafton
Sarah E. TrostClinical Psychology2004 Michael Rohrbaugh (grad student)
Logan T. Trujillovisual perception, consciousness, decision2007 Mary A. Peterson (grad student)
Vladimer Tsiklashvilianxiety, fear, stress, memory, pavlovian conditioning, spatial navigation, evolutionary psychology Mechanical Engineering2014 W Jake Jacobs (grad student)
Eric S. TuckerForebrain Development, Cerebral Cortex, Interneuron Migration 19972002 Leslie P. Tolbert (grad student)
Benjamin V. TuckerSpeech Science, Phonetics Linguistics2007 Natasha Warner (grad student)
Vicky TurnerSpecial Education, Developmental Psychology, General Psychology School Psychology2010 Shitala P. Mishra (grad student)
John UmbreitBehavioral Psychology, Early Childhood Education, Special Education
Martha A. UnderwoodSpecial Education, Administration Education2007 John Umbreit (grad student)
Heather L. Urryaffective neuroscience19962001 John J. B. Allen (grad student)
Carl M. ValdezSpecial Education, Educational Psychology Education, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Black Studies2003 Shitala P. Mishra (grad student)
Michael ValdiserriEthology and Evolutionary Psychology2007 Aurelio Jose Figueredo (grad student)
Mascha van 't Woutsocial cognition
Sharyn Vanden NovenSpinal cord physiology, motor consequences of aging Physiology19791984 Douglas G. Stuart (grad student)
Todd W. VanderahPain, opioids, pharmacology Frank Porreca (grad student), Henry I. Yamamura (grad student)
Marina Vardanyanpain, opioids, pharmacology Medical Pharmacology2007 Frank Porreca (grad student)
Anna Vardanyanpain, opioids, pharmacology Medical Pharmacology2007 Frank Porreca (grad student)
Sharon Gay Vaughn
Sharon G Vaughn Thompson
Almira Vazdarjanovaneurobiology of learning and memory Carol Ann Barnes (post-doc)
Ruby I. VegaEducational Psychology Education, Middle School Education, Social Psychology, Instructional Design Education Educational Psychology2014 Mary McCaslin (grad student)
Victoria Vega Pharmacology and Toxicology20222023 Xinglong Wang (research assistant)
Louis P. Vera PortocarreroVisceral Pain2003 Frank Porreca (post-doc)
George A. VielhauerPharmacology2004 John W. Regan (grad student)
Koen VisscherRegulation of Gene-Expression by Mechanical Force, RNA structure, Optical Tweezers
A. Davi VitelaAuditory Cognition
Antonia D. VitelaSpeech science Speech, Language, & Hearing Sciences2012 Andrew J. Lotto (grad student)
Victoria H. WachaDevelopmental Psychology, Educational Psychology Education School Psychology2010 John E. Obrzut (grad student)
Siyu Wang
Xinglong WangAlzheimer Disease
Ruizhong Wangpain, opioids, pharmacology2006 Frank Porreca (grad student)
Natasha Warnerphonetics, psycholinguistics, language revitalization
Patricia T. WarringtonMarketing Business Administration2002 Mary A. Eastlick (grad student)
Xiaomei Wei Gregory O. Dussor (grad student)
Philip Weinstein
Megan E. WelshTests and Measurements Education, Educational Psychology Education Educational Psychology2009 Jerome D'Agostino (grad student)
Chris J. WennerClinical, Evolution Psychology2010 W Jake Jacobs (grad student)
Lauren E. WheelerPhysiological Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology School Psychology2010 John E. Obrzut (grad student)
Jean-Paul L. WiegandPreplay, prediction, hippocampal ripples Stephen L. Cowen (grad student)
Teresa Wilcox Lynn Nadel (grad student)
Caroline R. WileyTests and Measurements Education, Secondary Education Educational Psychology2011 Mary McCaslin (grad student)
Cameron A. WilhiteHippocampus, Learning and Memory, Medical Imaging Physiological Sciences Medical Imaging20162019 Stephen L. Cowen (grad student), Russell S. Witte (research assistant)
Lauren B. Willard19951999 Gary L. Wenk (grad student)
Clay H. Williamspsycholinguistics, cognitive neuroscience, linguistics, Second Language Acquisition & Teaching2010 Thomas G. Bever (grad student)
Matthew A. WilsonHippocampus Bruce L. McNaughton (post-doc)
Stephen M. Wilson
Caroline H. Wilson2006 Alan J. Nighorn (grad student)
Mark C. WiseleyEducational Psychology Education, Psychometrics Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies2001 Shitala P. Mishra (grad student)
Ken A. Wittblood-brain barrier, drug delivery2001 Thomas P. Davis (grad student)
Russell S. WitteUltrasound Imaging, Neural Engineering
Jeffrey D. WitzelSentence comprehension, communication disorders, psycholinguistics, eye tracking Linguistics2010 Janet Nicol (grad student)
Naoko O. WitzelPsycholinguistics, Masked Priming, Lexical access, Visual Word Recognition, Bilingualism, Morphology Second Language Acquisition & Teaching2010 Kenneth I. Forster (grad student)
Pedro S. WolfEthology and Evolutionary Psychology Psychology20032011 Jon A. Sefcek (collaborator), W Jake Jacobs (grad student), Rafael Antonio Garcia (collaborator), Aurelio Jose Figueredo (grad student)
Gabriella H. Wolff20102015 Nicholas J. Strausfeld (grad student)
Brenna K. WoodSpecial Education, Early Childhood Education Special Education & Rehabilitation2009 John Umbreit (grad student)
Jason Walter Worrell Physiological Sciences2008 Richard B. Levine (grad student)
Hongmei WuPsycholinguistics, Masked Priming, Lexical access, Visual Word Recognition, Bilingualism, Morphology Second Language Acquisition & Teaching2012 Kenneth I. Forster (grad student)
Jennifer Y. Xiepain, opioids, pharmacology2005 Frank Porreca (grad student)
Hanbo XieDecsion making, reinforcement learning, LLM Department of Psychology2022 Robert C. Wilson (grad student)
Huadong Xiongcomputational neuroscience Department of Psychology2022 Robert C. Wilson (grad student)
Yanbin Xiyang Pharmacology and Toxicology2023 Xinglong Wang (research scientist)
Jiawei Xu Pharmacology and Toxicology2023 Xinglong Wang (grad student)
Henry I. Yamamura Solomon H. Snyder (post-doc)
Jin YanPain neuroscience Medical Pharmacology2011 Theodore J. Price (grad student), Gregory O. Dussor (grad student)
Tony YeCognitive Neuroscience, Electrophysiology, Decision-Making, Animal Models, Parkinson's disease
Colin A. ZapponeEpilepsy2004 Robert S. Sloviter (grad student)
Kaitlyn L. ZavaletaSentence comprehension, communication disorders, psycholinguistics, eye tracking Psychology2014 Janet Nicol (grad student)
Wenjun ZhangPain2006 Josephine Lai (grad student)
Hong ZhangPain and addiction Medical Pharmacology20152020 Todd W. Vanderah (grad student)
Konrad E. ZinsmaierNeuroscience, Genetics