Yannick Courbois
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Courbois Y, Blades M, Hudson KD, et al. (2024) Spatial exploration and navigation in Down syndrome and Williams syndrome. Cortex; a Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior. 178: 32-50 |
Farran EK, Hudson KD, Bennett A, et al. (2022) Anxiety and Spatial Navigation in Williams Syndrome and Down Syndrome. Developmental Neuropsychology. 1-22 |
Farran EK, Critten V, Courbois Y, et al. (2021) Spatial Cognition in Children With Physical Disability; What Is the Impact of Restricted Independent Exploration? Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 15: 669034 |
Courbois Y, Mengue-Topio H, Blades M, et al. (2019) Description of Routes in People With Intellectual Disability. American Journal On Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. 124: 116-130 |
Lingwood J, Blades M, Farran EK, et al. (2017) Using virtual environments to investigate wayfinding in 8- to 12-year-olds and adults. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 166: 178-189 |
Facon B, Courbois Y, Magis D. (2016) A cross-sectional analysis of developmental trajectories of vocabulary comprehension among children and adolescents with Down syndrome or intellectual disability of undifferentiated aetiology Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability. 41: 140-149 |
Farran EK, Purser HR, Courbois Y, et al. (2015) Route knowledge and configural knowledge in typical and atypical development: a comparison of sparse and rich environments. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders. 7: 37 |
Lingwood J, Blades M, Farran EK, et al. (2015) Encouraging 5-year olds to attend to landmarks: a way to improve children's wayfinding strategies in a virtual environment. Frontiers in Psychology. 6: 174 |
Purser HR, Farran EK, Courbois Y, et al. (2015) The development of route learning in Down syndrome, Williams syndrome and typical development: investigations with virtual environments. Developmental Science. 18: 599-613 |
Lingwood J, Blades M, Farran EK, et al. (2015) The development of wayfinding abilities in children: Learning routes with and without landmarks Journal of Environmental Psychology. 41: 74-80 |