Erik J. Schlicht

Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States 
Behavioral decision theory
"Erik Schlicht"
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Dan Kersten grad student 2007 UMN
 (Statistical decision theory for human perception -action cycles.)
Paul Schrater grad student 2007 UMN
 (Statistical decision theory for human perception -action cycles.)
Ken Nakayama post-doc Harvard
Shinsuke Shimojo post-doc Caltech
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Schlicht EJ, Shimojo S, Camerer CF, et al. (2010) Human wagering behavior depends on opponents' faces. Plos One. 5: e11663
Schlicht E, Shimojo S, Nakayama K. (2010) Learning probability and reward through experience: Impact of value structure on reach planning Journal of Vision. 8: 543-543
Schlicht EJ, Schrater PR. (2010) Humans store the relationship between their eye position and the visual reliability of familiar targets Journal of Vision. 6: 929-929
Schlicht EJ, Schrater PR. (2010) Optimal data fusion in the presence of sensorimotor transformation noise Journal of Vision. 5: 627-627
Schlicht E, Shimojo S, Camerer C, et al. (2010) Properties of a good poker face Journal of Vision. 10: 604-604
Schlicht EJ, Schrater PR. (2007) Effects of visual uncertainty on grasping movements. Experimental Brain Research. 182: 47-57
Schlicht EJ, Schrater PR. (2007) Impact of coordinate transformation uncertainty on human sensorimotor control. Journal of Neurophysiology. 97: 4203-14
Stankiewicz BJ, Legge GE, Mansfield JS, et al. (2006) Lost in virtual space: studies in human and ideal spatial navigation. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance. 32: 688-704
Sloane CE, Schrater PR, Schlicht EJ. (2004) Reach planning and accuracy depend on task difficulty. Journal of Vision. 4: 405-405
Schlicht EJ, Schrater PR, Sloane CE. (2004) Statistical decision theory for everyday tasks: A natural cost function for human reach and grasp Journal of Vision. 4: 146-146
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