Sarah I. Springer

Monmouth University 
"Sarah Springer"
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Duffy JT, Springer S, Delaney M, et al. (2020) Eco-Education: Integrating Nature into Counselor Education Journal of Creativity in Mental Health. 15: 55-68
Merlin-Knoblich C, Moss L, Cholewa B, et al. (2019) A Consensual Qualitative Research Exploration of School Counselor Multicultural Education Behaviors Professional School Counseling. 23
Springer SI, Moss LJ, Cinotti D, et al. (2018) Examining Pre-Service School Counselors’ Site Supervisory Experiences Specific to Group Work The Journal For Specialists in Group Work. 43: 250-273
Springer SI, Land CW, Moss LJ, et al. (2018) Collecting School Counseling Group Work Data: Initiating Consensual Qualitative Research through Practitioner–Researcher Partnerships The Journal For Specialists in Group Work. 43: 128-143
Mason ECM, Springer SI, Pugliese A. (2017) Staff Development as a School Climate Intervention to Support Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Students: An Integrated Research Partnership Model for School Counselors and Counselor Educators Journal of Lgbt Issues in Counseling. 11: 301-318
Springer SI. (2016) Examining Predictors of Group Leader Self-Efficacy for Preservice School Counselors The Journal For Specialists in Group Work. 41: 286-311
Springer SI, Schimmel CJ. (2016) Creative Strategies to Foster Pre-Service School Counselor Group Leader Self-Efficacy Journal For Specialists in Group Work. 41: 2-18
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