Katie "Mac" McLaughlin

Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, United States 
Stress, Estrogen, Learning and Memory
"Katie "Mac" McLaughlin"
Mean distance: 15.77 (cluster 19)
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Busso DS, McLaughlin KA, Sheridan MA. (2016) Dimensions of Adversity, Physiological Reactivity, and Externalizing Psychopathology in Adolescence: Deprivation and Threat. Psychosomatic Medicine
Prokai L, Nguyen V, Szarka S, et al. (2015) The prodrug DHED selectively delivers 17β-estradiol to the brain for treating estrogen-responsive disorders. Science Translational Medicine. 7: 297ra113
Prokai L, Nguyen V, Szarka S, et al. (2015) The prodrug DHED selectively delivers 17β-estradiol to the brain for treating estrogen-responsive disorders Science Translational Medicine. 7
McLaughlin KA, Alves S, Sheridan MA. (2014) Vagal regulation and internalizing psychopathology among adolescents exposed to childhood adversity. Developmental Psychobiology. 56: 1036-51
Ortiz JB, McLaughlin KJ, Hamilton GF, et al. (2013) Cholesterol and perhaps estradiol protect against corticosterone-induced hippocampal CA3 dendritic retraction in gonadectomized female and male rats. Neuroscience. 246: 409-21
Hutchinson KM, McLaughlin KJ, Wright RL, et al. (2012) Environmental enrichment protects against the effects of chronic stress on cognitive and morphological measures of hippocampal integrity. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 97: 250-60
Conrad CD, McLaughlin KJ, Huynh TN, et al. (2012) Chronic stress and a cyclic regimen of estradiol administration separately facilitate spatial memory: relationship with hippocampal CA1 spine density and dendritic complexity. Behavioral Neuroscience. 126: 142-56
Green JG, McLaughlin KA, Berglund PA, et al. (2010) Childhood adversities and adult psychiatric disorders in the national comorbidity survey replication I: associations with first onset of DSM-IV disorders. Archives of General Psychiatry. 67: 113-23
McLaughlin KA, Conron KJ, Koenen KC, et al. (2010) Childhood adversity, adult stressful life events, and risk of past-year psychiatric disorder: a test of the stress sensitization hypothesis in a population-based sample of adults. Psychological Medicine. 40: 1647-58
McLaughlin KJ, Wilson JO, Harman J, et al. (2010) Chronic 17beta-estradiol or cholesterol prevents stress-induced hippocampal CA3 dendritic retraction in ovariectomized female rats: possible correspondence between CA1 spine properties and spatial acquisition. Hippocampus. 20: 768-86
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