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Kadyk JA, Trilling GH, Leighton RB, et al. (1957) Cloud chamber investigation of anomalous θ0 particles Physical Review. 105: 1862-1871 |
Van Lint VAJ, Trilling GH, Leighton RB, et al. (1954) Q value of Λ0 decay [18] Physical Review. 95: 295-296 |
Van Lint VAJ, Anderson CD, Cowan EW, et al. (1954) Cloud-chamber observations of some unusual neutral V particles having light secondaries Physical Review. 94: 1732-1735 |
Leighton RB, Wanlass SD, Anderson CD. (1953) The decay of V0 particles Physical Review. 89: 148-167 |
Seriff AJ, Leighton RB, Hsiao C, et al. (1950) Cloud-chamber observations of the new unstable cosmic-ray particles Physical Review. 78: 290-291 |
Adams RV, Anderson CD, Cowan EW. (1949) Observations of cosmic rays at high altitudes Reviews of Modern Physics. 21: 72-75 |
Leighton RB, Anderson CD, Seriff AJ. (1949) The energy spectrum of the decay particles and the mass and spin of the mesotron Physical Review. 75: 1432-1437 |
Adams RV, Anderson CD, Lloyd PE, et al. (1948) Cosmic rays at 30,000 feet Reviews of Modern Physics. 20: 334-349 |
Anderson CD, Adams RV, Lloyd PE, et al. (1947) On the mass and the disintegration products of the mesotron Physical Review. 72: 724-727 |
Neddermeyer SH, Anderson CD. (1939) Nature of cosmic-ray particles Reviews of Modern Physics. 11: 191-207 |