Peter Drain

Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA 
"Peter Drain"
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Luppi P, Drain P. (2018) Uncoupling a unique couple by chopping off one of its tails in the K channels of the heart and pancreas. The Journal of Physiology
Drain P. (2013) ATP and sulfonylurea linkage in the K(ATP) channel solves a diabetes puzzler. Diabetes. 62: 3666-8
Geng X, Li L, Bottino R, et al. (2007) Antidiabetic sulfonylurea stimulates insulin secretion independently of plasma membrane KATP channels. American Journal of Physiology. Endocrinology and Metabolism. 293: E293-301
Li L, Geng X, Yonkunas M, et al. (2005) Ligand-dependent linkage of the ATP site to inhibition gate closure in the KATP channel. The Journal of General Physiology. 126: 285-99
Drain P, Geng X, Li L. (2004) Concerted gating mechanism underlying KATP channel inhibition by ATP. Biophysical Journal. 86: 2101-12
Geng X, Li L, Watkins S, et al. (2003) The insulin secretory granule is the major site of KATP channels of the endocrine pancreas Diabetes. 52: 767-776
Li L, Geng X, Drain P. (2002) Open state destabilization by ATP occupancy is mechanism speeding burst exit underlying KATP channel inhibition by ATP. The Journal of General Physiology. 119: 105-16
Li L, Wang J, Drain P. (2000) The I182 region of k(ir)6.2 is closely associated with ligand binding in K(ATP) channel inhibition by ATP. Biophysical Journal. 79: 841-52
Drain P, Li L, Wang J. (1998) KATP channel inhibition by ATP requires distinct functional domains of the cytoplasmic C terminus of the pore-forming subunit. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 95: 13953-8
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