Michael Avery, PhD

SNL/R Salk Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla, CA, United States 
Visual system, attention, neuromodulation
"Michael Avery"
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Jeffrey L. Krichmar grad student 2013 UC Irvine
 (Large-scale neural network models of neuromodulation and attention.)
John H. Reynolds post-doc Salk Institute
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Avery M, Nassi J, Reynolds J. (2018) Inferring neural circuit properties from optogenetic stimulation. Plos One. 13: e0205386
Avery MC, Krichmar JL. (2017) Neuromodulatory Systems and Their Interactions: A Review of Models, Theories, and Experiments. Frontiers in Neural Circuits. 11: 108
Dimidschstein J, Chen Q, Tremblay R, et al. (2017) Corrigendum: A viral strategy for targeting and manipulating interneurons across vertebrate species. Nature Neuroscience. 20: 1033
Dimidschstein J, Chen Q, Tremblay R, et al. (2017) Addendum: A viral strategy for targeting and manipulating interneurons across vertebrate species. Nature Neuroscience. 20: 1033
Dimidschstein J, Chen Q, Tremblay R, et al. (2016) A viral strategy for targeting and manipulating interneurons across vertebrate species. Nature Neuroscience
Nassi JJ, Avery MC, Cetin AH, et al. (2015) Optogenetic Activation of Normalization in Alert Macaque Visual Cortex. Neuron. 86: 1504-17
Avery MC, Krichmar JL. (2015) Improper activation of D1 and D2 receptors leads to excess noise in prefrontal cortex. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. 9: 31
Avery MC, Dutt N, Krichmar JL. (2014) Mechanisms underlying the basal forebrain enhancement of top-down and bottom-up attention. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 39: 852-65
Avery MC, Dutt N, Krichmar JL. (2013) A large-scale neural network model of the influence of neuromodulatory levels on working memory and behavior. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. 7: 133
Phillips ME, Avery MC, Krichmar JL, et al. (2013) Top-down executive control drives reticular-thalamic inhibition and relays cortical information in a large-scale neurocognitive model Flairs 2013 - Proceedings of the 26th International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference. 106-111
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