Janusz Szczepanski, Ph.D., Dr. Habil.

1985- Department of Biosystems and Soft Matter Institute of Fundamental Technological Research Polish Academy of Sciences 
"Janusz Szczepanski"
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Paprocki B, Pregowska A, Szczepanski J. (2020) Optimizing information processing in brain-inspired neural networks Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences-Technical Sciences. 225-233
Pregowska A, Proniewska K, van Dam P, et al. (2019) Using Lempel-Ziv complexity as effective classification tool of the sleep-related breathing disorders. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 182: 105052
Pregowska A, Casti A, Kaplan E, et al. (2019) Information processing in the LGN: a comparison of neural codes and cell types. Biological Cybernetics
Pregowska A, Kaplan E, Szczepanski J. (2019) How Far can Neural Correlations Reduce Uncertainty? Comparison of Information Transmission Rates for Markov and Bernoulli Processes. International Journal of Neural Systems. 1950003
Pregowska A, Szczepanski J, Wajnryb E. (2016) Temporal code versus rate code for binary Information Sources Neurocomputing. 216: 756-762
Pregowska A, Szczepanski J, Wajnryb E. (2015) Mutual information against correlations in binary communication channels. Bmc Neuroscience. 16: 32
Paprocki B, Szczepanski J. (2013) Transmission efficiency in ring, brain inspired neuronal networks. Information and energetic aspects. Brain Research. 1536: 135-43
Arnold MM, Szczepanski J, Montejo N, et al. (2013) Information content in cortical spike trains during brain state transitions. Journal of Sleep Research. 22: 13-21
Paprocki B, Szczepanski J, Kolbuk D. (2013) Information transmission efficiency in neuronal communication systems Bmc Neuroscience. 14
Paprocki B, Szczepanski J. (2013) How do the amplitude fluctuations affect the neuronal transmission efficiency Neurocomputing. 104: 50-56
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