Eligiusz Wajnryb

"Eligiusz Wajnryb"
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Pregowska A, Casti A, Kaplan E, et al. (2019) Information processing in the LGN: a comparison of neural codes and cell types. Biological Cybernetics
Ekiel-Jezewska ML, Wajnryb E. (2017) Motion of a particle with stick-slip boundary conditions towards a flat interface: hard wall or free surface Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing. 54: 203-209
Cichocki B, Ekiel-Jeżewska ML, Wajnryb E. (2017) Translational and rotational Brownian displacements of colloidal particles of complex shapes Archives of Mechanics. 69: 257-267
Lisicki M, Cichocki B, Wajnryb E. (2016) Near-wall diffusion tensor of an axisymmetric colloidal particle. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 145: 034904
Cichocki B, Ekiel-Jeżewska ML, Wajnryb E. (2016) Note: Brownian motion of colloidal particles of arbitrary shape. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 144: 076101
Mizerski K, Wajnryb E. (2016) Short-time self-diffusion, collective diffusion and effective viscosity of dilute hard sphere magnetic suspensions Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 791: 237-259
Feuillebois F, Ekiel-Jeżewska ML, Wajnryb E, et al. (2016) High-frequency effective viscosity of a dilute suspension of particles in Poiseuille flow between parallel walls Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 800: 111-139
Pregowska A, Szczepanski J, Wajnryb E. (2016) Temporal code versus rate code for binary Information Sources Neurocomputing. 216: 756-762
Sonn-Segev A, Bławzdziewicz J, Wajnryb E, et al. (2015) Structure and dynamics of a layer of sedimented particles. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 143: 074704
Liu Y, Bławzdziewicz J, Cichocki B, et al. (2015) Near-wall dynamics of concentrated hard-sphere suspensions: comparison of evanescent wave DLS experiments, virial approximation and simulations. Soft Matter
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