Suzanne J. Baker, Ph.D.

Developmental Neurobiology St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, San Francisco, CA, United States 
 University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, TN, United States 
PI3K-PTEN pathway, Pediatrics, Gliomas,
"Suzanne Baker"
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Jiao F, Li Z, He C, et al. (2020) RACK7 recognizes H3.3G34R mutation to suppress expression of MHC class II complex components and their delivery pathway in pediatric glioblastoma. Science Advances. 6: eaba2113
Smith KS, Xu K, Mercer KS, et al. (2020) Patient-derived orthotopic xenografts of pediatric brain tumors: a St. Jude resource. Acta Neuropathologica
Slyper M, Porter CBM, Ashenberg O, et al. (2020) A single-cell and single-nucleus RNA-Seq toolbox for fresh and frozen human tumors. Nature Medicine. 26: 792-802
Chiang J, Diaz AK, Makepeace L, et al. (2020) Clinical, imaging, and molecular analysis of pediatric pontine tumors lacking characteristic imaging features of DIPG. Acta Neuropathologica Communications. 8: 57
Dunphy PS, Xu K, Gentry DT, et al. (2020) Abstract 6144: St. Jude Pediatric Brain Tumor Portal: Cloud-based resource for patient-derived orthotopic xenograft (PDOX) models of pediatric high-grade glioma, ependymoma, and CNS embryonal tumors Tumor Biology
Kasper LH, Baker SJ. (2019) Emerging Functions of Histone H3 Mutations in Paediatric Diffuse High-Grade Gliomas. Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology
Wang H, Diaz AK, Shaw TI, et al. (2019) Deep multiomics profiling of brain tumors identifies signaling networks downstream of cancer driver genes. Nature Communications. 10: 3718
Patel YT, Davis A, Baker SJ, et al. (2019) CNS penetration of the CDK4/6 inhibitor ribociclib in non-tumor bearing mice and mice bearing pediatric brain tumors. Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology
Silveira AB, Kasper LH, Fan Y, et al. (2019) H3.3 K27M depletion increases differentiation and extends latency of diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma growth in vivo. Acta Neuropathologica
Larson JD, Baker SJ. (2019) Engineering Inducible Knock-In Mice to Model Oncogenic Brain Tumor Mutations from Endogenous Loci. Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.). 1869: 207-230
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