Hajime Hirasawa

Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States 
"Hajime Hirasawa"
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Hirasawa H, Contini M, Raviola E. (2015) Extrasynaptic release of GABA and dopamine by retinal dopaminergic neurons. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences. 370
Hirasawa H, Betensky RA, Raviola E. (2012) Corelease of dopamine and GABA by a retinal dopaminergic neuron. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 32: 13281-91
Hirasawa H, Yamada M, Kaneko A. (2012) Acidification of the synaptic cleft of cone photoreceptor terminal controls the amount of transmitter release, thereby forming the receptive field surround in the vertebrate retina. The Journal of Physiological Sciences : Jps. 62: 359-75
Kamiji NL, Yamamoto K, Hirasawa H, et al. (2012) Proton feedback mediates the cascade of color-opponent signals onto H3 horizontal cells in goldfish retina. Neuroscience Research. 72: 306-15
Kamiji NL, Yamada M, Yamamoto K, et al. (2011) Proton negative feedback synapses through H2 to H3 horizontal cells via blue cones are much more suppressed than through H1 horizontal cells by HEPES and chromatic background light Neuroscience Research. 71: e351
Hirasawa H, Puopolo M, Raviola E. (2009) Extrasynaptic release of GABA by retinal dopaminergic neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology. 102: 146-58
Dorenbos R, Contini M, Hirasawa H, et al. (2007) Expression of circadian clock genes in retinal dopaminergic cells. Visual Neuroscience. 24: 573-80
Tatsukawa T, Hirasawa H, Kaneko A, et al. (2005) GABA-mediated component in the feedback response of turtle retinal cones. Visual Neuroscience. 22: 317-24
Hirasawa H, Kaneko A. (2003) pH changes in the invaginating synaptic cleft mediate feedback from horizontal cells to cone photoreceptors by modulating Ca2+ channels. The Journal of General Physiology. 122: 657-71
Hirasawa H, Kaneko A. (2003) External Proton Mediates the Feedback from Horizontal Cells to Cones in the Newt Retina The Keio Journal of Medicine. 51: 108-109
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